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Vepsskii Les

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Twas a soggy engine, they dropped temporarily to only 380hp but struggled on :P

Latest update is that they made it 2/3 through, but toasted the PAS pump - unfortunately preparations didn't stretch to taking a spare :( so they're out and on their way home now. Apart from that, Jez, Kim and Mouse have done really well, nothing broke or fell off any of them :lol: and it seems Ladoga is now a holiday they're looking forward to :o

I suspect, after everyone's recovered a bit, Mouse will have another little spruce up ready for whatever's next - the main goal now is to use it and smooth out as many wrinkles as possible.

All that remains is for Jez to coax his credit card back across Europe, which could prove as tricky as the race itself. :ph34r:

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That's tough luck with the PAS pump, but 'tis the way the Hobnob crumbles ;) . Well done to you all again, and looking forward to any photo's .

Fridge, do you have a return date /time for Harwich? if possible it would be good to pop down and say Hi



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I'm sure by the time Jez is back he will have worked out how to either run dual PAS pumps or perhaps slave it off the winch pump! hmmm or maybe fit a big GM truck pump...

Wasn't sure at first whether to say ar5e, bad luck or not. But thinking about it I reckon HOFS can be seriously chuffed at getting 2/3 through at first attempt. So when you next talk to him John, pass on my congrats and I'll see him when I go to get the trailer back.

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Thanks for the kind words - sat on a ferry in the middle of the Baltic at the mo so pics will be done when we get back to the UK

that was a fun day at the office :lol: bigger wetter swamps, bigger hits, more carnage, its sort of a vehiclular 3rd world war :ph34r:

learned a lot, found another weakspot in LS architecture (it was a new one on us but will be designed round by the time we hit the lab :lol: ) it cost us dear in terms of time during prologue, effectively knocking us into touch. Fortunately one of the fall back systems kept tyres turning and allowed us to get a feel for what it takes to survive Vepsskii. 12 hours later and the Steering pump decided to leave the building :( hussling 18" wide boggers with a 10" steering wheel does take a certain amount of commitment without power assistance but sad to report what we've known for the past 4 years is in fact correct and the doom merchants are wrong about the "no pump = no steering" line :lol:

big cajones award has to go to Sergei, he drove 2500kms from the Ukraine only to spend 3 days trying to get his Tr3 out of the first sleg, the forest just dismantled it - even then you couldnt wipe the smile off his face.

No phone signal (we couldnt even find a radio station :huh:) and when it goes quiet in the woods you realise just how deep in the s**t you really can get :unsure: no assistance, no recovery, tough event, tough guys

We'll go back again next year, anyone else coming? :)

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word on the street reaches us that we placed 6th!! rather splendid i think given the issues we had! life in camp was spent mostly counting cars and quads in and out of the place, i dont think i saw any team not coming for assistance at some point. As Jez said uber points to Sergei for still smiling even after gettiung his car out. my lesson from this is dont go laning with two old men who are both disabled in some way!! and disco's dont like soft gooey routes with ruts. Big Bertha fought bravely but the slop liked her too much!!

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Top marks for trying, Jez. You think the pump died due to temp build up in the system, or just general use and abuse? PAS coolers are very common in rally cars, maybe the flow and pressure youre running require this as well?


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Sounds like there could soon be one less recovery truck driver in Holland, Jez sounded a little wound up on the phone with the guy not quite living up to being the 4th emergency service, or indeed any sort of service :ph34r: So far he's explained to Jez how stupid he is to be driving a car that has a flat tyre and a shredded spare, and suggested leaving Mouse on the trailer by the side of the road for a few hours while they drive 160km to find some tyres.

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Well they are sorted out now and booked on tonights ferry , in at Harwich 0730 tomorrow....expensive finish though, as it's the night boat you have to have a cabin......and the tyres were , shall we say not cheap :ph34r:

May the rest of it be niiice and uneventful and smooth ;)



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