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I voted "Yes"


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There is just one thing though... It would be nice if there were to be some credit given if and when material from this site is used, credit both for the site, LR4x4, and for the topic authors or starter or relevant contributor. I think that about covers it., I hope it is OK to comment here.


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Well I said No.

if LRM/any other mag wants to lift stuff from here as long as they ask the originator of the topic and or the person who wrote the specific article they can make an offer.

I can not see any reason whatsoever that this independant site should activley supply articles for publication in a magazine that has taken over the title sponsorship of the site that we(collective) used to frequent.


If LRE want to lift anything from here I personally would tell them to SOD OFF!

independance has its major plus points IMHO

Edited to add "they can make an offer"

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Well spoken Tony, good points made. From a personal perspective I think it would be nice to see my name in print/know it was my contribution. Perhaps it would be better to have LRM ask the originator of the material to be used.

I agree about LRE - unless they want to make a good donation to charity.


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Honest I voted "NO" as well...

if LRM/any other mag wants to lift stuff from here as long as they ask the originator of the topic and or the person who wrote the specific article they can...

I would add: "and pay him for that"

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that is correct hence my remarks

" I can not see any reason whatsoever that this independant site should activley supply articles for publication in a magazine that has taken over the title sponsorship of the site that we(collective) used to frequent"

this site is not here to produce copy FOC for any mag. it is here for the members as they are the ones who cough up the ££ to pay for it and they are the ones who supply the knowledge that make it what it is.

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FWIW I also voted "No"

I still remember the LRE / LRA RG / Pain / uncertainty / lies / broken promises / posturing / unpleasantness and general Squabbling that followed, .....................and here we all are now ..............and damned fine forum it is too, growing well and good tech info....

Whilst the Idea is "Ok" in theory........... I have a huge mistrust that we will NOT :

1. Gain the full credit, and benefit of the artcles.

2. Someone / something else will be the real benificary of this, ...think about it, ........why else would it be done ?

3. If we would like the members articles in the Mags then we can approcah them ourselves and make sure we get full credit and benefit

4. I have a huge mistriust of LRA and this sort of thing, 50/50 shows already we are divided on an "Issue" ........and its something not of our making but affects us from outside Lr4x4 FFS.............Madness !

5. Once done difficult to undo...and what else is planned around the corner.?

In house or nothing,

We should trust ONLY our Mods 100%, and LR4x4 100%, and view outside "help" or promotion promised from another tarnished site with great mistrust.....thats why we are here and not LRA ?

Contentious ? maybe, but its how I and I know many feel, and frankly I am even annoyed that the membership is having to agree or disagree to outside pressures and involvement from a non LR4x4 Forum issue, thought we had got rid of that.....

If we want this then I am sure OUR mods are more than capable of getting us a deal and 101% of all the benefits and credit we deserve,

I WOULD 100% support that option........... B) ...in fact its a good idea so what about it Les ?...another Poll ?

Nige :angry:

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good point MOG

but this provides a place for people to say why they voted the way they have.

maybe people are undecided and are intrested in the thoughts of the other members?

I for one am glad a new thread was started

especially as the members started it rather than a moderator.

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Well said Nigel

you posted whilst I was typing so I'll add another:

the members have been asked so there is no bone of contention re the req from BIGFOOT

this way the members decide.

if the mods/admin decided for you(all) that could have caused a problem/waves of discontent.

hence the poll.

I'd rather stick pins in my eyes than give bugger all to any freeloaders trying to benefit from this site resources without crediting them properly even financially.

after all the sell the magazines and earn from it.

this site provides bundles of superb info/tech for the members by the members and no bugger else.

some may be happy with their name in lights so to speak, others may like a free subscription or something along these lines for producing copy that sells magazines.

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Well …………………… I voted NO …… but it’s a sort of conditional NO <_<

For me the issue lies in this statement,

A request for permission to use two or three interesting threads from LR4x4 per month has been received from Bigfoot (Trevor Cuthbert - Admin LRA) for possible publication in Land Rover Monthly, who will shortly be sponsoring his website.

So ……LRA are sponsored and the sponsors then come to an independent forum (LR4x4) for their magazine content …….that doesn’t seem right :blink: , both from the commercial sense and the political history of how this site was formed ……. we should not dismiss the later.

I would vote yes if LRM took responsibility to request publication from both the site Admin AND the contributor. LRM must also pay the going article rate to the LR4x4 bank account……. that way we would retain our independence AND ensure the financial longevity of the forum.


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It seems I voted the same way as most others on this thread (no). I totally agree with comments made by Tony, HFH and BBC. If they want articles from the forum then come and ask the forum Admin and the appropriate member who posted the article, don't try and sneak in by the back door using a third party.


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I have not voted yet as i am still trying to get my head around the pros and cons of it all.

But here are a few thoughts (for what they are worth)

Many times i have heard that people feel that the mags are not for "the likes of us" and what is needed are articles written by everyday people using and repairing and building their trucks.

Instead of bolt ons from "stealers.com" etc.

Now if by allowing this to go a head will we get what we want in the mags?

If Landrover ownership is about sharing knowledge with friends and fellow owners, should you get paid because it is printed in a mag rather than posted on a forum?

Are we running the risk of splitting the forum again by the way we vote?

As i said i have not voted yet , and these are just questions that i am asking myself.

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To be honest - I only noticed it by accident, I rarely look at the top bit! So it doesn't surprise me that the vote count is low.

I voted No.

I agree with White90 and HFH. Also I don't see the harm in discussing our views - it might raise points which people who go on to vote hadn't considered, but do then feel are important. I don't see the harm?

Of course, there's nothing to stop an 'intelligent journalist' :lol: getting their input from this forum and using it anyway...

In my eyes, it's virtually plagiarism - I know they're asking, but I can't help thinking 'do your own damn research!' - we have to!

Frankly, the current landy mags are full of carp. I stopped reading the monthly regurgitation / ad index and went further afield to find the sort of thing I was interested in, now they come asking if they can use that sort of info in their magazine? No. You can't.


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I voted No.

Keep the publishing parasites as far from our forum as we can. No matter how noble their intent, they are still businesses, dedicated to making money and will not think twice about f***ing over this forum or any thread on it if they think they can make an extra few quid.

If Trev wants to allow them access to the LRAddict forums then that's fine but those who still go there will know that there's not much happening on the LrA forums.

And if Green comes sniffing round here, he can go F*** himself and his pathetic magazine. And Richard, no matter how many letters you send me or how many gifts you offer me, I will not renew my subscription.

There you go.

Mo :)

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good point MOG

but this provides a place for people to say why they voted the way they have.

I passed comment in the original poll, lets just say I voted NO due to pretty much the same issues above, just that my comments were deleted so sod typing them again <_<

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I voted yes - but then I doubt very much whether I'd be approached!

I take the point about not wanting a mag to use our threads for nothing, and I agree that permissions should be sought before publishing.

I assume the feature that LRA are intending would be an abreviated version or summary of the thread, so I can't see how all the contributors to a thread would be approached for permission.

So I guess everyone who used the forum would have to agree before they joined that anything they wrote may be used in a mag.

Hmmn - looks like I just changed my mind! <_<

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here are a few thoughts (for what they are worth)

1)Many times i have heard that people feel that the mags are not for "the likes of us" and what is needed are articles written by everyday people (...)will we get what we want in the mags?

2)If Landrover ownership is about sharing knowledge with friends and fellow owners(...)in a mag rather than posted on a forum?

3)Are we running the risk of splitting the forum again by the way we vote?

3 very good points here Mandy.

You have now confused me a tad...

re: 3)I just hope not as I had enough of these things...

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I passed comment in the original poll, lets just say I voted NO due to pretty much the same issues above, just that my comments were deleted so sod typing them again <_<

In the spirit of true democracy - i'm not going to tell you what I voted!

I agree that it would possibly provide some more interesting copy for the likes of LRM (not that I'm saying you're <cough>boring<cough> chaps).

Why is BigFoot after content from here - surely there are plenty of interesting threads on LRA to put in print?

Chris - I'd have thought you'd be tired of having your name in lights by now? Robo wars, cuddling Phlipper Forrester & all that?

I like the fact that this forum is independent of any of the mags and is unlikely to be censored by sensitive traders. I do not think any of the mags should be allowed to contribute to the funding under any circumstances.

Spot the missing :) ?


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Guest diesel_jim

I too voted "no", going on from all the hassle we had when LRE was involved etc.

lets keep us to "ourselves"... if the magazine wants to approach individual authors of techy reports etc, and pay for it, then fair enough, but other than that, let their big advertisers subsidise their glossy pages.

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My 2p , for what its worth.

A lot of the articles on here are way above and beyond what is usualy covered in a lot of the magazines. The depth of the write ups, the technical accuracy and on going development/reporting are way beyond what the magazines can muster.

If articles from here were going to end up in any magazine, the original author should certainly be credited, and rewarded for the hard work and effort they have put in. I don't see that this site has to be the middle man, if any magazine would like to cover an article, surely approaching the author is the best way.

Journalists get paid to write articles, some of which are frankly rubbish, both in terms of technical accuracy, and biased opinion etc etc. I don't see why magazines should benefit from well written, technical, articles for free.


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