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IPS Driver Error

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For me the connection starts to slow down just before 6pm GMT and seems to get progressively worse until about 6:15, when it becomes almost impossible to enter the site/ change pages/swap forums.

Approx £120 per month for this rubbish is unbelieveable.


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IPS driver error/Internet Explorer cannot display the web page/ dead slow clonnection, is still happening and was particularly bad last night. We are still talking/complaining to Invision about it. They have said that it's because of the amount of people online (3-400 sometimes), but the last two times we had this problem there were less than 200 online :blink:

Last couple of messages from Invision-


The unauthorized file checker will show those files. They are the board error logs, and they show up because they are created by the web server. I know that it seems odd that the board will trigger an unauthorized file for something it created, but it isn't generally something to worry about.

I went through the slow query log this morning, but didn't see any errors for the last 12 hours or so. I went ahead and cleared the log, so that we can have less to browse through if there are more issues. If you would like to talk on the phone, I will be in the office on Monday from 9AM EST to 5PM EST. Your site is at about the point where I would recommend an additional 1GB of RAM, to bring the total of the server up to 2GB. This would be $30 per month, but it should help with the overall performance of the server. Just like your computer at home, adding more RAM just gives the server more power in general, and when your site is hitting 300 users, that additional RAM will really help.

Thank you,

Dialogue with invision continues:

Geoff, you able to look at the forum sql error logs? Many entries like:

Error: Lost connection to MySQL server during query


Error: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock'

It seems they are saying that the increasing popularity of this website means that we will have to stump up more money :(

Much too technical for the likes of me :blink:

We are/will keep pushing Invision until this problem is sorted out.

Les. :)

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Ralph said that our server is either in US/Canada, is this because its cheaper or just an easy option at the time.

I can imagine that the bandwidth used each month would be very high, unless the forum does stump up more money

it is possible that the congestion issues we are seeing will get worse.

Is it not an idea to move to a server in the UK at the end of the contract

just a few thoughts....

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The server is in the U.S. We have had many more members online and had no problems in the past, so I can't understand how just a couple of hundred are now causing it.

I couldn't get on here last night between 6:30 and 7:30 - it came back up briefly, then crashed again, so I didn't bother trying again for the rest of the evening. I would imagine that people are just as fed-up with this as I am, and are looking elsewhere for their L/R fix.


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Its a real pain for us all.

Where the techy side of things kick in I don't have the fainstest clue,

but we are lucky to have 2x admins that do,

Although the forum is having these issues take some comfort in the fact that this is

at the top of the A&M teams focus at the moment to resolve :)

Bear with us, seems that LR4x4 may need another upgrade as its now such a busy

and popular site with so many users :)


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Free. You'd need is a CGI-capable host, which are pretty cheap, and a method of converting the data over (there may be some tools for this) and ditch Invision carp forever. Just my 2c worth ;)

edit: out of interest, do the admins have access to the raw mysql database files ? Could be worth a little experiment with them if so... I see some other bulletin boards have importers for them.

editedit: seems like phpBB can import invision database - this would make an interesting exercise, I'd be willing to have a go if moderators want to contact me ?

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I'd say there's something more substantial than a loading issue going on. My experience is that the site works in one of two states: perfectly, as it is at time of writing, all quick and zippy - and "not at all" (IPS driver errors, timeouts etc).

There's not really a middle ground (site works but is pretty slow) that I'm observing, and this leads me to think there's some other factor that Invision aren't telling you about. Whether this might be because you're sharing resources in a virtualized environment and some other customer is giving it a good hammering, whether a shared mysql instance that someone else is performing some major operation on, whether site maintenance (eg backup) or whatever, can't say.

This is something that could be verified (to a degree) with some shell access and a bit of linux performance monitoring.

What I do think is that a fully-controlled system would likely be preferable. Black-box solutions are pretty good - when they work. And a nightmare when they don't.

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