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HFH "Moment" - Introducing "The Welders Dance"

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Its been a while now ......

I've been doing some fabricating, lots of plare cutiing, tacking and welding up

and a mate wanted some bits welded, so I said "pop in with them" as I am in "Welding Mode"

He duly popped around clutching some big lumps he wanted welding up.

We placed them on the welding table, set them up, and tacked them up,

after a re check he said "Go for it".

With the welder on full chat (210amps) sitting comfortably

on me welding stool I started.

He had done a good job of cleaning the bits up and the welds were looking good, the heat

build up around the unit and surrounding area got higher and higher.....

and the welding contuinued nicely

Through the helmet I could see a tricky angled part coming up, and I adjusted rotated and

moved in and out of the pattern, welding buzzing away well........

Then I saw through the helmet a sort of "Fizz and Glow", and a pea size shaped

lump of molten weld drop down onto the weling table.....I stopped - lifted

the helmet - and the 2 of us peered at the pea shaped molten angry buzzing molten

metal rolling around the table "Cooo", said mate "Thats a hot one"......

It then rolled around the table some more fizzing and spitting,.... then jumped.....

fell of the edge of the table and landed amongst the boot laces of my safety boots :blink:

Within a 15 second period I had said :

"Glad I'm wearing F safety boots eh :) ?

"Coooo my thats getting ferkin warm"

"Kin Hell - thats smoke coming off my boots"

"Ferkinhell - that is burning into my skin"

The above words were then followed by syncronised helmet off, torch and gloves all

hitting the floor at the same time ...as I jumped up off the stool :o

Matey knows what was coming, I meantime had decided "Boot Ferkinofftime"

would be a top idea, but the laces seem knotted, as I stood back up with a slightly

panicked expression he said the immortal words in a 'country & western' stylee voice

"Gather round folks for the Welders Dance,

grab you pardtners and follow the lead

he we go with a diddle dee de a diddle I do...

and of we all go now" .....

Almost on cue he started clapping and collasping laughing ....me ? ...Oh I now

had my foot banging and stamping on the floor (as though that would cool it or

make the molten pea lump fall off) me going around the garage jumping around, with

Anglo Saxon sprouting plus "Oooo F oooo f ooo F Ooo" and "kin hell kin Hell Kin heel Ooooo"

jumping up and down like a demented Morris dancer, "Oooo F'ing" and "Kin helling"

whilst trying to remocve a boot, amongst the hand clapping, Country & western

"Diddle d deeing" me "Oooo Arrrghing" foot stamping I ended up spralled on the garage floor

having fallen over torch helmet and welded winch bumper ...somehow some 45 seconds

later my boot was finally off boot with hole, sock with hole thrown across workshop,

and my skin had the pea stuck too it, so a quick pull :blink: and it was off,

and it didn't even bleed much, sort of caugherized / burnt sealed. erm but "Hurt" ...a tad :lol:

Somehow though I think the bath tonight I may find that it "Stings" a just bit

Normally I weld with my boot laces undone for the very reason,

this is one of the rare times I still had then done up,

and didn't bother to undo, so others may wish to rememebr the above fot thgeir own "Comfort"

when welding, me ?....

Back to the welding now - plaster and antisepic gel on new sock - and boot laces undone :)


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I just couldn't resist (apologies to more or less everyone) sorry:

As I tacked up on a Summer night

When glare of the arc were shining bright

Far away from the arclight's glare

Into the sweet and scented air

Of quaint old Haslemere

Borne from afar on the gentle breeze

Joining the murmur of the summer seas

Distant tones of an old world dance

Played by the village band perchance

On the calm air came floating here

I thought I could hear the curious tone

Of epiphet, f**k, Sh*t and big bemoan

B*stud, rubbish, and where's me mum

Cursing, a*se and big bad b*m

Far away, as in a trance

I heard the sound of the Welder's Dance

And soon I heard such a bustling and prancing

And then I saw the whole garage was dancing

In and out of the houses they came

Old folk, young folk, all the same

In quaint old Haslemere

Every boy took a girl 'round the waist

And hurried her off in tremendous haste

Whether they knew one another I care not

Whether they cared at all, I know not

But they hissed as they danced along.

And there was the band with that curious tone

Of epiphet, f**k, Sh*t and big bemoan

B*stud, rubbish, and where's me mum

Cursing, a*se and big bad b*m

Each one making the most of his chance

All together in the Welder's Dance

I felt so lonely standing there

And I could only stand and stare

For I had no boy with me

Lonely I should have to be

In that quaint old Haslemere.

When suddenly hast'ning down the lane

A figure I knew I saw quite plain

With outstretched hands he came along

And carried me into that merry throng

And fiddle and all went dancing down.

We danced to the band with the curious tone

Of epiphet, f**k, Sh*t and big bemoan

B*stud, rubbish, and where's me mum

Cursing, a*se and big bad b*m

Each one making the most of his chance

Altogether in the Welder's Dance.

Dancing here, prancing there

Jigging, jogging ev'rywhere

Up and down, and round the town

Hurrah! For the HFH Welder's Dance!

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Ahh ! The welding dance :lol::o:o

Nice one Nige , Reminded me to my 16th Birthday , I was given one of those cheapy 130amp Clarke welders , So happily the same evening I was welding away under my Mk 2 escort when a firey little demon decided to jump ship , It went through my Poly overalls , through my trackie bottoms , through my boxers and settled into a fleshey attachment of my groin area , The dance started , I was out from under the car at a rate of knots , The culiprit then exited my boxers and proceeded down my leg into my reeboks ,

The dance was unusual and I have seen it a few times since .Saw a simular dance out in Aiya Nappa a few years ago , :lol:

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well i can add one to that and its the sleeping wasp awakes dance :ph34r:

and it involves a pair of levi 501s on the line a friday evening in summer and a certain unhappy but particulally vengefull wasp

the b'''er got me seven times before i was able to 'get mekecksoff' so to speak :blink: to the eternal amusement of my missus who witnessed the whole thing :lol:

and please no jokes about stings and swellings i heard them all at the time :ph34r:

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Nice one Nige! Find some Nelsons burn cream as it WILL help. I nearly had a welding incident today when a little molten ball on the end of the welding wire exploded in my face just after I lifted my visor. No doubt when I have a shower later I will feel 'a few' pin sized burns....

As an asside I always use boots that aren't laced up. The down side is that all the swarf / grindings from die grinding (which are razor sharp) migrate into my boots and then into the soles of my feet.....

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i done a dance yesterday not from welding but from cleaning out a ditch with a mini excavator no cab,pulled out a wasp nest about the size of a melon,i didnt know this until the burning sensation on my arm,back,leg,head,and it was the mad run dance to the disco i think i was lucky when you see the amount of wasps flying about sorry to hijack your thread but it might bring a smile to your face,chris.

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i done a dance yesterday not from welding but from cleaning out a ditch with a mini excavator no cab,pulled out a wasp nest about the size of a melon,i didnt know this until the burning sensation on my arm,back,leg,head,and it was the mad run dance to the disco i think i was lucky when you see the amount of wasps flying about sorry to hijack your thread but it might bring a smile to your face,chris.

"I am not alone :D "


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Thanks Nige,

I do love your tales.

My little girl was worried tonight as I came downstairs after my shower with a trail of splatter marks on my chest.

I was under the Series 1 sorting out the chassis and it was too hot for thick clothes.

She ran upstairs to get her antiseptic cream for me :D


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Nice one Nige. And you're telling me the situation wouldn't have been identical if he'd been in your shoes, so to speak? :D


No, defo not

this is a mate where we are such good mates the wind ups are getting dangerous

i.e I tied a cats collar bell with cotton hanging off from the base of his seat

the noise of it drove him mental, a rattley / pinging noise when driving which stopped

when he did - he had both axles apart trying to find the weird noise

He has in returm added extra bolts to units I had alll laid out to put back together

(FFS where on earth has this bolt been missed out from :blink: ) and other deeds worthy

of hanging :lol:

So no - I deserved it from him :rofl:

When I get a chance (he is not on this forum ;) a "Ping pong ball" is going inside his

tyre / rim combo - ( .......... think about it :D )


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The groin of my overalls caught fire once while welding under the RRC - it wasn't the flames that hurt so much as when I vigorously batted it out..

Those little jumping/rolling balls of spatter are also why I now always wear ear-plugs while welding, having had one in my ear, my own version of the Welder's Dance was more like a Welder's epileptic fit :(

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will the ping pong ball just make a knocking sound? :ph34r:

I don't know this one either, but I am guessing it will carry on spinning inside the tyre after stopping, making a whizzing sound.. ? perhaps? Anyone care to enlighten us?

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I don't know this one either, but I am guessing it will carry on spinning inside the tyre after stopping, making a whizzing sound.. ? perhaps? Anyone care to enlighten us?

It makes a whiiring sound when you stop - bit like a ball on a roulette wheel, being so light the noise

is ferkin hard to trace and again being light stops shortly after he does :lol: when driving it makes a slightly different noise, a la whirring noise :rofl:


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