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Wound No 4 - Things not to do with a sliting disk

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I did a 'Nige' yesterday

I was checking over my widetrack in preparation for a move. When I went to hitch up the jockey wheel stuck so I moved the 110 back aways grabbed some WD40 and a hammer. Kneeling down by the hitch I proceeded to lubricate the jockey wheel shaft and then loosen the cinch bolt whith gentle taps of the hammer. I had all my weight on my left wrist and was working with my right. As the jockey wheel freed itself and gravity came into play, I was made aware that my left hand was directly under the ring hitch - this awareness was caused by the sudden impact of the hitch on my left index finger between knuckel and first joint. Heavy things Sankeys. I manged to lift the trailer off my finger without losing conciousness, stumbled back against the next door neighbours wall making what my neighbour described later as a strange whimpering noise, like a small lost puppy in the snow. She was surprised by the lack of swearing as she had seen it all happen.

My finger is like a gone off sausage - all the colours of a stormy sunset. I can bend it and remain standing

You're very, very lucky - when I was in hospital following a quad crash just before my seventeenth birthday (don't want to think how long ago that was :( ) the guy in the next bed had done pretty much the same thing with portable generator set. He was moving it when the jockey wheel collapsed and his hand ended up under the hitch. All the bones in his hand where crushed.

Later when I went to pick up my youngest from nursery, she grabbed my hand as she always does; then stopped to look at me and said "Daddy, why are you crying"


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Nige, as a pre emptive strike, book yourself on a decent first aid course. This way if when you next "nik" yourself you wil be able to stop the action and grab the camcorder and get to A&E. The larger the gash you leave open the the bigger the scar. if you can apply pressure and close the cleaned wound you will have much smaller and faster healing scars. :)

I know what you are saying about A&E though, I'd rather stay away from MRSA and timewasters who go in with an igrowing toenail or alcohol poisoning.

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Hello Jeff; as I said on the phone, you, a grinder and a 1mm cutting disc is a bad mix. Battery box fixed yet?

Kind of, ran out of sensible steel plate (computer cases!) inclination and ability. Did a temp box which seems to work, but seriously f*cked up the electrics when I decided to put a small patch on the rear crossmember - there's wires in that region you kow. Actually that should read WERE wires in that region of the chassis.

So put the spotlights back on instead and got p*ssed.

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  • 2 months later...


So, Nice nursey took over, and cleaned and checked wound, commented on 3 x closed bits, looked stunned when I

said "Superglue from B&Q" ....

I went to A&E to have a finger stuck back together yesterday and while she was pouring superglue on it said (without any prompting from me) don't use non medical super glue as it contains formaldehyde ... obviously I look like a diy surgery person as well :P

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My DIY Surgery Kit has this in it now :


Stings a tad, but very good :D


And how do you know it stings a tad....what injury have you used it on and not told us about?

btw, i read the info on it and didn't understand 70% of the words used!!

Just that it's quick to stick things together!

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the makers contact details on this link http://www.admedsol.com/Our_Brands/LiquiBand/Contact_Us_/Default.aspx?id=4002

doubt they will supply direct to individuals.

Me have medical friend (who despairs :rofl: ) and got me some after much pleading (Pleading not bleeding :P )

They may sell direct, just I looked yup what he got me :)

And yes, minor whack, split my finger open when I missed the nail and belted the tip of the finger, with hammer

on full "Whack" :blink: it glued the split superbly, iodine patch + plaster + back banging nails again now :)

and this : http://www.lloydspharmacy.com/en/germolene-new-skin-20ml-13251 is good too, stings a bit as well :ph34r:


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I stuck a hatchet in my finger yesterday and I really do hate wasting A&E staff time for small stuff which I could have dealt with in the kitchen sink if I had the right bits kicking around.


The nurse just held it in place with Steri-Strips and just poured some glue on to stick it together, I could have done that and saved her time to deal with someone else.


So I'm actually considering sorting out a few bits of first aid stuff rather than just the kitchen roll and masking tape I usually use ;)

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Some nasty cuts there, I have to agree with the comment about not wasting A&E time but about 13 years ago I cut the back of my thunb with a panel saw whilst rushing to fit a waste pipe on site to allow the ceiling boards to go up. As usual I wrapped it with tissue and taped it together as a temporary fix, When checking it later I decided it may need a stitch so popped along to the local A&E to get it seen to. I thought the Doc who examined it was pulling my leg when he said I would be in for two days to sort it out but no, I had to have a full anaesthetic and my tendon repaired. So I no longer take injuries for granted but do try and take a little more care.

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Time to add to this thread with regards to visiting A&E. It should be quite simple really, if in any doubt GO. I once had the misfortune to fall off the roof of a Landrover, on my way to the ground, I thought I would take the time to visit the door top, wing toolbox then arrived on good old terra firma at roughly terminal velocity.

Being me, I kinda lay there for a minute or two, contemplating life etc, then stood up and thought bugger me ribs hurt, so does me shoulder. To cut a long story short, I took paracetomol for the rib pain and ignored the aching shoulder. Couple of months later I lost the use of my left arm....

Turnede out I'd broke my shoulder and needed corrective surgery (did you know you can elect to have anaethesia which allows you to stay awake and watch?)

Bottom line is that the injury you don't know you had is the one thats goona fcuk you up, so instead of doing as I do, try doing as I say.

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Well I got a bit carried away yesterday and managed to undo all the good nurses work :( so I went back to A & E like a naughty school boy fully expecting to be told off for wasting their time and expecting to have to wait hours as a punishment.

I got seen in about 10 minutes and stitched up this time, the nurse apologised for not stitching it the first time .... when I pointed out it would have been fine if I hadn't been an idiot she simply said 'probably, but I should have guessed you would be' :) She also said it was a good job I came back and it wasn't wasting her time ... although she was probably just bored of my apologies by then :P

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(did you know you can elect to have anaethesia which allows you to stay awake and watch?)

That sounds perfect for Nige! Pick up tips for his DIY-ing!

I don't like wasting doctors/A&E time but I was glad I went when I hurt my finger...

I managed to get a 20mm splinter wedged right under a fingernail. Me being me, I tried to get it out but it was properly wedged in and I snapped the small sticky out bit. Reluctantly I went to A&E, it was removed and I was informed about the high risk of infection from dirty wood like it. Don't remember exactly what was said, but sounded pretty serious.

That being said, next time i would still try to avoid A&E!

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