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The Grave yard


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Excellent TV again - and lets not forget even NASA can't make their shuttle work properly all the time and that's with with all the money they spend so we really can't expect too much from the TG lot and them screwing up on their maiden flight.

As to moving the Defender to the uncool part of the cool wall, that I think was just JC being tongue in cheek, he did say he was going to by a RR to 'celebrate',

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Again an excellent show - and that's what they're doing well at the moment, enough cars for us and enough entertainment for the rest of the family. The non-car loving friends of mine are all talking about Top Gear, so that's got to be an accomplishment.

As it's the only programme on the BBC to make money I think they're entitled to spending a bit... and besides. ... who hasn't wanted to send a reliant into space? :D

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And while we are on the subject of Top Gear.

Whats with moving the defender to uncool, :blink:

But I'm surprised no one has mentioned his chainsaw antic, with soooo much safety gear on!

I have to admit - I wouldn't class my truck as a 'pulling machine'. Well, not for the opposite sex. pulling other trucks maybe. :D

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Apparently so. The figures were flying around when there were rumours about axing it. Sales to other countries and the magazine seemed to bring the income in.

Well it is on a couple of differant channels here in Aus

All have to pay for it

Also when you go to the see the shpw live they go though aload of good buys for differant channels.

I heard a figures of 250 million people world wide watch Top Gear :huh::huh:

But thank you all for a great TV program i am getting free but you lot are paying for :D:D:D:D No TV lincese in Aus :D

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what % of drivers does the current 1.6mill represent?

how much will it raise, in yet another gov tax. what % of the population will be paying for the rest to have roads to use their O so great bus service

how many of us will be out of work and on state benifit as a result?

This gov run by Brown and his shadow realy do **** me off

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Hows your German?

I have cover from Auto Club Europa (ACE) that I took out when living in Gemmany. Cover is like AA but for anywhere in Europe for any length of time. Covers all cars I own (driven by anyone) or any car me or my partner are in. I went to see them before moving back to UK and they said no probs, lots of their members live outside Germany. They send me my monthly magazine to the UK address! Website


Price is 57.5 Euros per year..... (under £40 for annual european-wide cover!)

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a mate almost put one of them in a XR4i a few years ago, then he saw the price of head parts & run away from it. still a damn good engine though. seen one in a ford pop with a blower & boy did it go & sound sexy.

from a hazy memory of (probably fast ford) mag you can just swop the flywheel to use the normal 5-speed v6 Type9 ford box. the 4clyinder boxes have a shorter input shaft so the V6 ones cost about three times as much.

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Apparently there are 32,000,000 motorists in the UK, so 1,600,000 is 5%.

I think the government extracts about £44,000,000,000 from motorists per year in tax and duty on fuel, but only 6,000,000,000 gets invested back into transport. The rest they spend on something else.

I think they must have something else in the pipeline that they want to spend money on. Maybe they are going to throw a welcome party for all the Polish visitors.

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Okay thanks. Found out my Insurance company Lancaster has a deal with another company that provides Euro Cover from £35 Eurorescue.co.uk

The website says they do not cover vehicles over 15 years old, but Lancaster assured me that they have an agreement with the breakdown company to cover older vehicles so long as they have a valid insurance policy. I now believe Adrian Flux has a similar scheme too.

All in cost just £35.



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