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USA or Africa for a road trip?


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Or start partying in Capetown, drive up the east coast till you're fed up with feasting on lobster, pineapple and cold beers, drag yourself out of a warm torquise sea and when you've finally got bored of looking at elephants lions and dolphins, ship back from Mombassa.

or drive from mall to mall on a six lane motorway through the states. Both have thier merits.

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I say hang a left at calais and keep driving till you get to the states then do the states as well because it's there!

TBH, that is my dream, might sound odd, but I think eastern europe followed by Asia is the most appealing to me, then as a bonus you get to go to the states pretty cheaply as well. Might take more than 6 months though, to do it properly :)

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I did Route 66 from Chicago as far as Flagstaff a few years ago, then cut north to the canyon, round the canyon & over hoover dam to Vegas, then San Diego, LA and finally to SF. Was about 3200 miles and took us 16 days as that's all the holiday I had left :/

Absolutely loved it, a wide contrast in scenery, topography and people and you could spend a lot longer as there was loads to do and see, I would've loved to make it up to Utah and would love to spend some time trekking north in Canada. Never been to Africa so I can't really compare but I have been to bits of South America and that would be great to combine with North America. I'm told getting from one to the other is very dodgy though so that would need a bit of planning.

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or drive from mall to mall on a six lane motorway through the states. Both have thier merits.

Probably posted with a bit tongue in cheek, but the US has some of the best off roading in the world. With six months you could have a spectacular trip there.

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