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Useful things you can do with your Land Rover

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Suz said yesterday

"I HATE that tree in the garden,

just for once would you give up your time and just for once help me in the garden and remove that tree,

I have a new one I want to put in there :unsure: "

"Er, OK Luv, but I was hoping to get in the workshop this weekend :("

"Look, just this once OK..... help me get that tree out - then you can go in the workshop :)"



Sue arrived back from the shed, spades, axe, shovel......


Meanwhile I positioned the 90


Tree 'Sorted'


"I'm off in the workshop now then Luv :) "

Suz is speechless :)

I don't know, .........she always goes on about how hard a work this gardening lark is :rofl:


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Don't believe you Nige. There's no way that a hydraulic winch has the oomph to fell a mighty tree like that.

The tell tale is in the second photo, plain to see - the missus got at it with the secateurs whilst you were posing for the camera didn't she.... :lol::lol:

Of course the other explanation is you simply tied a magnet to the tree and drove off in the 90............. :hysterical:

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That's not a tree, it is barely a sapling! :P

I used my 110 V8 to remove a couple of gateposts a few years ago. The posts were about 8' long with nearly half in the ground. A lot of digging to create a ramp, then build a 'pallet' against it and tie together, then gently pull it over and haul it out.

Excuse the poor quality photo.

The last tree I pulled down was a laburnam, 15" diameter and 25' high. I did it with my car as it was rotten at the bottom and was free to move a lot. I trimmed off a few of the branches and then used the car to get it rocking and used its own momentum to bring it down.


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I tractor pulled four Leylandi out of the front garden with the Disco..........

..........and had to replace the front UJ a couple of weeks later.

The question is was it worth it?

To see the neighbours faces like the Pikeys were in town? Damn Straight! :D:D:D



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Don't laugh, but I have done the same thing on the same sized trunk but this obviously had more established roots as was quite and old bush but I needed to get the root ball and roots out. Just thought I would give it a tug out as the winch wasn't working at the time. I did it in reverse so I could see what was going on. Gave it a couple of goes, but wasn't doing too much, dug it out more repeated, still nothing, dug some more, gave it a few little snatches and then an almighty bang, got out to see what had happened, just thinking it was the shackles and jate rings hitting the chassis as the tension was taken up. Tried again but this time one of the back wheels was on the brick driveway started to spin (very nice rubbery sound). Gave it another go and the trunk snapped. Gave up put stuff away and returned to the road to drive home, hmm no drive without difflock engaged. Yup I had snapped a front shaft by being a bit reckless I should have known really to wait, as it took my mate 5 mins to do with a stump grinder, rather quicker than it took to rebuild my front axle which also had a twisted shaft the otherside. Well they had done 130k and had some abuse so did probably need new ones just the old engine had never had the torque to snap choclate like the new one does.

No pictures I am afraid, was rather busy at the time and feeling a little defeated. Lesson learnt spent a little time getting the winch working instead of being a rough arse!


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ahh the fun of gardening with landrovers!!

Got some pics to upload but it aint working.....can browse through my files, select the one i want, hit open and then upload, wait patiently and then it tells me i didnt select a file to upload - anyone got ideas??

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i dont have any piccys but

we had aload of laylandie to bring down and it was leaning over towards my mums office so i said to dad wait ill get the bobtail out so we put the ranger in the feild with about 50 ft of roap on the front then dad cut half way round the tree and floored it and it came flying of like a gooden

landrover gardening is the best way B)

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My mate and I pulled out 3 very stubborn stumps from an awkward bit of his garden yesterday. We used the 90 mostly as a fixed point, and pulled them out using the hi-lift as a winch and some strops fixed to the tow ball and much digging and root cutting. At one point the hi-lift was pulling the chocked, braked, in-gear 90 along the lane. Once each stump was close to free I then just drove away with it.

It would be good to know how much pull we were exerting with the hi-lift. The pin shears at 7000lbs, and we did not manage that, so I reckon you need to be pretty strong to do so using it as a winch.

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ahh the fun of gardening with landrovers!!

Got some pics to upload but it aint working.....can browse through my files, select the one i want, hit open and then upload, wait patiently and then it tells me i didnt select a file to upload - anyone got ideas??

I've had that problem before, which Browser are you using? (Make and version).

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... which Browser are you using? (Make and version).

its internet explorer 7

reduce your picture size using image resizer. Too many pixels and it wont work, try 600 x 800

IE7 should not cause a problem.

Disco Tony has a point, what size was your file, and what sort of file was it (jpg, gif, etc)?

Remember a single file has a maximum size of 1.95MB.

To be fair, I'd expect you to get a specific warning if the file was too big, or of a type that isn't allowed, but the obvious possibilities have to be crosssed off.


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