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Random Land Rover injuries


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I had a friend a while ago who was using a cheap spanner to take off an alternator, and whilst pulling downwards with great force snapped the jaws open and punched himself in the nose - giving himself 2 of the most incredible black eyes I have ever seen.

I was reminded of that incident this morning when I woke up completely unable to move my left arm. Don't know exactly what I have done to it, but I spent last night swinging spanners underneath 'Turbocharger's landy.

Come on then - how many times have you swung a rubber mallet, missed the target, and hit yourself squarely in the testicles? Or indeed any other Landy induced injuries?

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I had a friend a while ago who was using a cheap spanner to take off an alternator, and whilst pulling downwards with great force snapped the jaws open and punched himself in the nose - giving himself 2 of the most incredible black eyes I have ever seen.

I was reminded of that incident this morning when I woke up completely unable to move my left arm. Don't know exactly what I have done to it, but I spent last night swinging spanners underneath 'Turbocharger's landy.

Come on then - how many times have you swung a rubber mallet, missed the target, and hit yourself squarely in the testicles? Or indeed any other Landy induced injuries?

My brother managed to knock off the bonnet stay whilst working in the engine bay of a S3. As if the bonnet wasn't heavy enough, it had a spare wheel mounted on it. The release pin on the bonnet hit him in the back of the head. Luckily he escaped with a large gash (blood everywhere) which was glued/ stapled and stitched together.

I always tie back the bonnet now when doing jobs in the engine bay.

Me, I decided to change the rear springs on a disco last thing at night. I didn't look properly at the jack before I starting jacking. I removed the wheel and shortly afterwards the disco came sidewards, pinning me against racking in workshop. Luckily I had a friend around who released me with another jack. Outcome: very bruised ribs and back.

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I was reminded of that incident this morning when I woke up completely unable to move my left arm. Don't know exactly what I have done to it, but I spent last night swinging spanners underneath 'Turbocharger's landy.

S'funny, I turned up wearing my best suit and let you do all the spanner work while lying in the dirt, but I feel absolutely fine this morning. :( Sorry!

I've been pushing on an adjustable spanner, starting to feel it 'give' and thinking "when it slips off I'm going to punch that sharp sticky-out thing and it'll reaOWWWW". I also like to shout 'ow' whenever something slips or falls, just in case it's going to hurt.

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My brother managed to knock off the bonnet stay whilst working in the engine bay of a S3. As if the bonnet wasn't heavy enough, it had a spare wheel mounted on it. The release pin on the bonnet hit him in the back of the head. Luckily he escaped with a large gash (blood everywhere) which was glued/ stapled and stitched together.

I always tie back the bonnet now when doing jobs in the engine bay.

Snap! I had a spare wheeled bonnet meet and greet my back years ago and can vouch that it smarts a bit.

I've lost count of all the injuries I've sustained in the cause. One that springs to mind is dropping a socket and spanner on my mouth causing a tooth to exit through my bottom lip when I was changing the oil pump on a Series III lightweight years ago. Another was whilst changing the gearbox on another Series III, I rolled out from underneath the vehicle and forgot about the door being open. As I got up (in a rush as usual) I sharp edge of the bottom corner of the door caught my back and dug in and as I got up cut my open (no overalls as it was a blazing hot day) and then did the same to my back. I was on my own at the time and trying to stem the flow of blood was interesting.

Ah, memories.

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While I was changing the main bearings on the IIA one december, I sneezed, and cracked the bridge of my nose square on the axle tube! If I hadn't have been wearing glasses, I would probably have broken my nose. Having done my nose, the natural reaction was to move my head away from the source of the pain, and so promptly smaked my head back down onto the concrete floor! It is the only time I have ever truely understood what all those little birdies flying oround the head in cartoons actually feels like!!! :blink:

Not Landy releated, but whilst pulling the steering wheel off a nissan cherry, I thought to my self, 'this going really going to hurt when the splines let goooooow!' as I put a lovely crescent accross my forehead! :huh:



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Guest diesel_jim

Wheni was younger, i'd installed a stereo in my series 2, stereo was -ve earth, landie was +ve earth... :( so i had the stereo "balanced" on the middle seat cushion, but it shorted out once when i was driving down the private lane by my parents place (i was 16 at the time!), i must have panicked and rushed to get out of my rover, tripped up and knocked myself out. i woke up at home after the neighbour found me! spent the night in hospital with concussion! and a helluva headache!!!!

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.............We prob haven't the bandwidth


I will give it a go.

Removed a wheel chock from under a Range Rover while working under it out side my muns house (big Hill) and ran my own arm over but had to wait 20mins for a passer by to stop laughing and push the Range Rover off me. :unsure:

Knocked out twice while working with head under the diff in my light weight.

woke up from first knockout flinched and out cold again :blink:

Black eye from a spaner while fixing a hand brake on the same light weight. :(

and so on

I have a mate that refuses to get in my 90 as every time he gose near it it herts him on various levels but he is a ford nut so the 90 now best.

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Years ago, with the 2a I had in Canada, I drilled a hole through my thumb, while "trying" to install gauges.

Still to this day, I can't feel anything on the right side of my thumb, but the good thing, is that it's no longer flat in that spot. :lol:


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Given myself concussion twice

first time changing the oil with warm engine undid sump nut and hot oil ran out moved face out of the way only to smash back of head into chassis

that smarted a bit...............

second time had changed seats from the discovery seats to defender type and the back adjust was stiff so whilst standing beside seat i levered up the adjuster and gave it a sharp tap well seat shot forward and smashed into face and smashed back of head into stearing wheel actually took me off me feet as well

I just finished working nights so a said BU66ER it and went to bed (bad move folks if you got or think you got concussion seek medical assistance.............)

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Several years ago i had a nasty shock from a v8 classic range rover whilst launching a speed boat off the slip way in Aberdovey

Launched boat i'm left standing upto my waist in seawater insulated by wetsuit holding the painter, mates inside trying to start boat with a dead battery. I have great idea drive range rover onto slipway keep range rover running swap dead boat battery with good one from range rover whilst engine is still running this will then put charge into dead one.

All went well till i grabbed the +V feed from the alternator to the battery on the range rover standing knee deep in salt water. The belt was enough to knock me off my feet off the slipway and into the harbour not to mention a nice little burn on my hand! :(

It did work though and after i composed myself post shock we enjoyed a good days water skiing

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the nastiest I can think off hand happened when picking up the speed drive gear - those gears are razor sharp - ended up cutting my finger. :o

A more recent one was trying to fit lower radiator hose, ended up scraping a 1/2 pence piece size of skin off my left hand, scar still hasn't healed. :angry:

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I had my head under the front wheel arch undoing a brake hose on the IIA once. It was extremely tight, and when it came loose, one of the open endered spanners slipped off, hit me in the mouth and chipped a couple of teeth.

A mate was always very accident prone - he did everything from removing some skin with an angle grinder to hitting himself hard in the groin with a slide hammer. :o:lol:

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Many of the previously mentioned ‘incidents’ sound familiar!

One of my more memorable injuries occurred during a Trans Saharan expedition in a heavily laden series 11B forward control. The rear axle check straps broke, which in turn led to the rear shocks snapping due to heat fade and repeated over extension.

Without the shocks or straps, the added articulation put enormous twisting forces from the heavy duty springs into the rear spring mounts and the chassis cracked in a couple of places.

I managed to ‘hire’ an old diesel driven arc welder which was being used for industrial building steelwork at an oasis town in southern Algeria. The trouble was the old welder was bodged to one power output – ‘High’!

As I lay on my back in the sand, welding under the rear of the Landy, a big blob of molten metal fell down the sleeve of my overalls, and my reflex reaction was to try to stand up as fast as possible to get the offending item out of my sleeve. Needless to say there isn’t enough room to jump upright whilst laying underneath and I smashed my head whereupon my reflex reaction caused me to smack it back down on the ground! Very shortly after that, my clients dragged me out by the legs in response to my yelling! By this time the molten ball of metal had burned a big ‘S’ shaped track down my forearm and had burned a hole out through the overall and a hole in my arm big enough to put the tip of your finger in!

So with a cut and bruised forehead, a bruised back of the head and a VERY painful arm, I got back under the Landy to finish the welding!

It took months for the burn to heal!



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Stringer gave himself a heart attack when he left it in gear (read no handbrake) by the side of a mountain lake then started the engine from OUTSIDE the truck........... rec he beat Rodger Bannister s record as he ran after it before it nosed dived into the lake!

Did we laugh much? did we take photos? ......oh YES!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

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I watch Guy (camel trophy owners club) working at a local garage they let him used the ramps to do some work to his Disco.

he was busy talking to the owner of the garage while lifting the car on the ramps when the rear door he forgot to shut went through a twin 6' tube light set which made the most amasing sound of bending metal and smashing glass in the big work shops.

Ali and I were rolling around laughing at him the owner was not impresed.

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