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The V8 Porn Rebuild Thread

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you may have spent 2 days doing what looks like nearly sod all to most poeple, but thats what makes a vehicle that bit nicer than the next. any land rover can look smart from the outside, and most can look smart(ish) from inside the engine bay and interior,

untill conversions come into play. where poeple take 5 minutes to make a bracket, which sort of fits here and there. and it works, and works well too. and a lot of poeple do this with a view that theyll "get around to making a nicer one"

weve all done it. but i think it is definately worth trying to make a nice job of it first time round as most dont get replaced.

but jesus... that is one nice bracket there. how do i know you didnt just buy it :ph34r:

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You got special whizzy wireless HT leads then too Nige? They look quite nifty... :ph34r:

Pah :P Idiot they are bluetooth leads Innit :lol:


Discomikey, Thanks for the comments, having thoiught about it when I 1st MS'd the prev V8 it took me a weekend then to make

a coil mountuing and it wa a ferkin sight simpler than these 2 horrors, so....I defo do not learn re feb times :rofl:


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  • 2 weeks later...

Mmmmmm :(

Begining to feel like that - but new kitchen is near finished so will be attcking the 90 with a vengence soon

in the meantime its just "as and when". Today was a "As and when day :) - Steve was over as we have a wad of diffs that need bulding up, I had done what I could 0- Pegged diffs made and maching etc, so rest was down to a grown up (steve) to finish and build them up.

So, I poked the 90

Brackets are needed 0- Everywhere :(

1st the PAS Tank, was drivers side now Passenger side and new modified hose etc, just need jubillee clips tio finish :


Next the New Ali header tank, not too tricky :


Thyen the Oil Remote, which was trickier, the simple off the tube bracket "Twanged" a tad, so needed

a web in it to strengthen, turned into a Bracket-of-art and silly time to sort, but nice, needs welding finishing :


And then the "Catch Tank"

Not a hope this would fit anywhere so :


Yeeeehhaaaaa - with a centre chunk taken out just needs TIGing back together - and that won't be me on Ali

I know a man that might and I have the biscuits to bribe and am not afraid to wave them (If yer reading) at you :D


More later, maybe even tommorrow

Still got to find room and refit washer bottle and Oil Stat and then LOADS of Plumbing - Bottom hose is going to be a nuightmare :(


PS How you doing Will :P ?

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  • 1 month later...


Double dose of man flue, christmas, family problems, Busy diff building and Megasquirting, and a few other things

including a complete new kitchen, fllor, walls, the full 15.7 B****y yards .........


I am DESPERATE to get on with it, ..........so yes work is about to kick in soon

Nige :(

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You're making excuses now Barker!

Bluddy vapour builders.........you're catching Will Warne up at this rate!

Can you actually catch up on a vapour build....? I mean, what exactly would one be catching up with....? :huh:

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  • 2 weeks later...


I have been on it all day for a change, switched the phone off and cracked on

Had 2 x fan heaters on all day too, its now almost bearably warm, just as I have switched them off and come in, christ

on a bike its been cold in the workshop from hell today :(

Today was all day "Bracketification" time, weetabix cartons gave up their lives to sissors, and then made in metal

The "Modified" Catch tank - a big lump cut out of the centre and then re tigged up, was munted with bracket to tube wing

and the old washer bottle tank mount on the inner wing, there is now no roon left for the washer bottle anywhere in the engine

bay, but I have a plan maybe to get around that (later)

post-22-0-71911600-1328377148_thumb.jpg post-22-0-45653300-1328377158_thumb.jpg

Bottom hose I was dreading, if this makes sense the bottom hose has to join the water pump to the bottom rad AND have 2 x

16mm hoses going out of it, one to one side of the hear pipe, and the other to the bottom of the header tank, and all these 4 x conections in

a small and tight space, getting there nearly, just need to order some more silicone hose.


The reason for using the silicone hose is so it is "Standard" ish stuff, on the old hybrid I made the mistake several times of using odd stuff from scrap yards that

fitted - I rememebr asking in a renault dealer for a "Bottom Hose bypass hose for a LHS south African spec Renault 19 please .... :blink: ." Not a good plan

So, bottom hose is all silicone bends, 90, 45 etc etc and straights, the T Pieces are from a DEASEASEL :lol: LR few more bits and I'm Hopefull

Then, the afternoon was me studying just how to connect the 2 x heater pipework from the heater to 1 x bottom hose and 1 x Pipe near waterpump

side of block. I had a 3.9 heater pipework thingy, but that didn't fit at all as the JED front end has the alternator in the way where the pipes wanted to o

plus the pipes in the wrong lengths and directions. So, pipes cut and tacked into place, this will test out my new tig skills :rofl: but if I can weld them up, joining

up should see this tricky bits sorted

post-22-0-00132000-1328377216_thumb.jpg post-22-0-68061700-1328377225_thumb.jpg

Thats all of todays efforts, fabrication takes an age

Beer now, :D


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Hurah - another day on it - a few more bits off the list but it was one step forwards one step back.

1st the Heater pipes, using my Ebay purchase I commissioned the Shotblaster up and blasted a old 3.9 Hotwire heater pipe assemble, plus some other bits

I had similar kicking aboyut, looking at the pic below I had to make 2 x cuts off, and then add 2 x bits to each of the shortened legs, which now mean I have

a Pair of pipes which will conbnect x 2 at the heater end, and 2 x pipes to conect to 1 x engine pipe, and 1 x into bottom hose, My new found TIG skills were

used as these tubes are thin as you can imagine and then thinner :(. But at least they line up nicely :)


With new found enthusiasum I moved to the other side - I needed a Washer Bottle.

I had found on in the Spares shed which was a headlamp high pressure unit that goes under the wing, so removed the wing (again) :( and tried to fit it.

I then cut off the recent made PAS res bracket which now fouled new plan - and added the PAS back on the to do list :lol:

Drilled and with a couple of spacers the new washer bottle is mounted, hiole at the bottom will take the original washer pump, but can't find it !

Then spent a ludicrous 4 hours mucking about fabvbing up 2 brackets (1st got a flying leson) the 2nd being welded to the Challenge wings as acceptable


And thats the update for this entire day in the workshop - never evetr underestimate fabrication time :(

More hopfully next week as I think I have a 2 day pass :D


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