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Wound No 4 - Things not to do with a sliting disk

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Well wound fans, I have had another go :)

Yesterday saw Steve (Ex KAM Diffs / Off Road Toad } round at my workshops doing a diff for himself, whilst

I had to make some Dumpy dizzys, which involved the lathe - and a 4.5" Grinder mit 1mm slitting disc.

All was going well, when the grinder jammed on something "Kicked" flipped and the running slitting disc

sort of "Ran" up the outside of the Index Finger,...... even though I had realeased the trigger.

Steve heard my squeal a "Eeeeeek Oooer Arrgh" sound, and I dropped the grinder.

He peered over at the large gash on my finger, and watched me inspect it, which was done by

squeezing it closed to get dirt out picking the bits in the wound with a bit of stainless welding wire, and

holding the gash open to inspect for any more bits :ph34r:

"Its not bleeding much" was a classic comment from me - about 1 min later it was gushing like a gushing thing,

with blood dripping sort of everywhere, wrapped in some cleaning paper and masking tape I carried on until the

clue this hadn't worked was my welding glove going bright red and wet.

Remove everything and showed Steve, he sort of Euuurghed, swallowed and paled saying "Your a nightmare, I don't

want to look, its making me feel queasy"...so I wandered inside the house to have a go with my new and improved

'DIY Kit surgery kit' :D

1st up, scalpel which I trimmed back to flaps of skin so I could see inside, then tweezers and rummage about

in the wound squeaking a bit until it was all clean and clear of debris, it was thumping a bit by now, and the blood

splatted around on and in the bath and hand basin would have made Fred West proud.

Gripping the handbasin I poured Neat Iodine on, sqeaked a bit gripped the basin and waited for the pounding to settle down,

but it kept bleeding the wound just would not stay closed, ....and so I decided a bit of DIY surgery was required.

Using a hair dryer and tissues I managed to get some areas to be dry long enough for the old Superglue trick, and

after a couple of mins I had the wound glued in 3 places, pretty chuffed I then spotted some new stuff Sue had bought

and decided to finish with that - its called "Liquid Skin". :)

I held the bottle and it said about drips being used, well, being a biggish gap (and needing to get back into the workshop)

I decide a quick "Pour" was the order of the day to finish, so held paw over basin and did a quick "pour" into the wound :ph34r:

"Sting" doesn't quite sum this stuff up, it hurt less when I stabbed myself with a red hot TIG rod and pulled it out, it is like

adding the contents of a cigareete lighter fluid in the wound, adding salt then using a blow torch to ignite it all, Steve

heard the sqeal fom the workshop. But it stopped bleeding :)

Bit of iodine on a plaster and the day continued.

I had to go to the doctors today anyway for my spinal check (6 Monthly) so thought I would show him - for a professional opinion

- (as in medical not "Marks out of 10 for DIY Surgery Mr Dr ? " Stylee - and spine checked poked finger at him.

By now the liquid skin had mainly come away having stuck to the plaster (another sqeak when removed) but the superglue

had held in all 3 glue points :), he asked "what I had done", liquid Skin he said was "Being optimistic" and could only

image how that felt pouruing it on, But the superglue got the best response...

"Medical Superglue Nige ?" he asked , "Er no, Bostik superglue from B&Q " :) I replied.

Tetnus Jab for you I think :)

So, Nice nursey took over, and cleaned and checked wound, commented on 3 x closed bits, looked stunned when I

said "Superglue from B&Q" and asked which arm I wnated the jab in as it would be make the arm feel hard and

uncomfortable to use (oh deep joy) choice then was to be diagonally "****ed" .....so I voted to have it in

the arm the wound was on - jab away nice nursey :moglite:

DR returned, and said "As I know what you are like, and as I know you will not listen here's some mediacal superglue" :) Result

DIY Surgical store now improving by the month. I also was introduced to 'iodine patches', no, not like 'Nicorrette patches' - that

you use to give up smoking - ie 'iodine patches' don't make me give up wounding myself, ...but they are used for wounds such

as these and are a surgical grade lint with impregnated iodine to keep infection out and help healing.


Yes You can buy them - so piccie enclosed for fellow 'DIY Surgery Enthusiasts', and the wound ?,


oh ok here it is, 'glued up' after todays clean and medical check - see I am getting better :P

Wound 'No 4'.... and its erm "April" :ph34r:



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4 months in to 2011 & so far a wound a month, doh2.gif

by the November there won't be any part of you that's intact with no damage. reckon you should be from the workshop for the rest of the year, just to give the existing wounds time to heal. but no being allowed to play with your big toys would make you :wacko: :wacko:

glad the Doc & Nurse sorted you out safely :i-m_so_happy:

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On a serious note, how did the grinder get anywhere near your hand?

You were of course using it with two hands on the tool weren't you Uncle Nige? Not holding the work piece in one hand and grinding with the other...?

Tut tut tut. :rtfm:

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Don't do what I did the other day either... tight spot, grinder firmly in one hand, loosely in the other, some how the blade caught and I just nicked one thumb, was just a clean bit of skin with a slight groove, no blood, but the shock made me flick the grinder off very quickly and shift from one hand to the other, meaning I carved a slot in my thumb down to the squishy red stuff as the disc ran down :rolleyes:

Lucky I didn't do it badly to both hands, would have looked a right numpty with both thumbs in bandage :moglite:

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Kin Hell :ph34r:

:rofl: Your sympathy for him overfloweth :rofl:

I actually was doing what Sir Bish of Boshville said, One handed one holding item

and one on slitting grinder, think I won't do that again :(

Kin lethal things seriously grinders I got off lightly, shame I wasn't

about to practise me DIY Sergery skills Guv on Dan.. or then again..... :rofl:

Maybe he was hurt bad enough - thats a Nasty wound

Righty Din dins for moi now - rare steak from the barbie, you can never overdo a good

look at blood and flesh :)


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I did :( 24 hrs later and got 7/10 for superglueness and Effort :rofl:

Idiot ?....yep, I guess I am - I'm the far reverse of pratts who run to A&E / Drs for nothing other than a minor nick...

prob somewhere in the middle would be normal and sensible, but I guess I don't score too high on either

and I hate wasting Drs / A&E time unless really needed....I spent a long time in hospital in ICU in my younger days

saw loads of hypocondriacts, and sad buggers tieing up valuable resources,... prob made me go the other way :)


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I did a 'Nige' yesterday

I was checking over my widetrack in preparation for a move. When I went to hitch up the jockey wheel stuck so I moved the 110 back aways grabbed some WD40 and a hammer. Kneeling down by the hitch I proceeded to lubricate the jockey wheel shaft and then loosen the cinch bolt whith gentle taps of the hammer. I had all my weight on my left wrist and was working with my right. As the jockey wheel freed itself and gravity came into play, I was made aware that my left hand was directly under the ring hitch - this awareness was caused by the sudden impact of the hitch on my left index finger between knuckel and first joint. Heavy things Sankeys. I manged to lift the trailer off my finger without losing conciousness, stumbled back against the next door neighbours wall making what my neighbour described later as a strange whimpering noise, like a small lost puppy in the snow. She was surprised by the lack of swearing as she had seen it all happen.

My finger is like a gone off sausage - all the colours of a stormy sunset. I can bend it and remain standing

Later when I went to pick up my youngest from nursery, she grabbed my hand as she always does; then stopped to look at me and said "Daddy, why are you crying"

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