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Frank Pickles and Adrian Flux


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Good Grief

AF = Call Centre shaved monkeys with a PC, acne and attitude - and not much 4x4 knowledge

"Oh I don't have a drop down box for a 4.5.... :angry: "

FP = A Grown up who actually has a certificate confirming knowledge re A88E and Elbow differences and helpfull

"A 5.2 ?, a Eales ? thats the one with 3 x intakes isn't it :huh: "...... "No problem" :rolleyes:

If they are they the 2 are still worlds apart

FP are very very very good on Modified 4x4s

I moved to them, and AF were hopless when I tried them !


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Just found this on another forum:-


Firstly I am sorry to have to say this but due to very high claim numbers on the 4x4 scheme our underwriters have decided to close the scheme down for new business.

This is nothing to do with any particular person or club it is just a widespread problem across the board.

Again sorry to let anyone down who was planning on giving us a try this year and as most of you know this affects my own vehicle as well.


Frank Pickles Insurance

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Thats a shame as i was hoping to switch from flux to them. every time i speak to flux it seems to end with them wanting to charge me a £25 admin fee. recently sold my 90 and wanted to change the policy to my Disco, was told current insurer wouldnt take the Disco so had to change insurers. they wanted to charge me a £25 admin for canceling the 90's policy and a further £25 admin for the new disco policy. i wouldnt mind but ive spent thousands with flux over the years on landys and Bikes and never claimed a penny. no customer loyalty with them what so ever...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I took out a new policy on my new truck with Frank Pickles over the weekend.

Same great friendly service, same good price.

I asked about the aforementioned Flux issue, and it was clarified to me. FP are only interested in modified 4x4s who are club members, and sub 5000 miles per annum - that's their niche and the general understanding is this type of person is likely to be one who cares about their vehicle and drives it responsibly etc.

Basically, they'd had a lot of people who think that tinted windows and a few stickers with some puns about 'liking it in the mud' and 'if you can read this, turn me over' count as modified.

If you're vehicle is genuinely appropriate, give them a call. If you just surf the website, you'll get through to an AF quote.


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I used to be with FP (and it was great!) but two things did for me this year - first I wanted to do more than 5000 miles, and second it would be my only car. It seems they like it to be heavily modified, a 2nd car, and more than 10 years old... So now I am with AF :(

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So they are still taking business - that's good :) though I wasn't aware of the sub 5000 mile criteria... is that set in stone?

I upped my milage allowance with them this year to 6k - as I was getting close travelling to competitions etc. They will happily up the mileage, but it will be covered by a different underwriter, so the premium might change slightly.

The scheme they have negotiated is specifically for sub 5k miles, over 10 years old, and the more modified the better....

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Just renewed my 110s insurance with AF, I would have shopped around but I hadn't realised it was due until the day before it ran out due to AFs reminder going missing in the post apparently :rolleyes:

Mine has gone up to £201pa for FC on a modified 110 (lifted, caged, quaife diff, winch, added electrickery etc), sub 5000miles. Just me driving and full no claims.

Whats everyone else paying this year?

Will :)

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Mine runs out on the 15th. Currently with AF, prob no different this year due to no-one ever liking my mods combined with my age!

Think it was a good £600 last year, so hoping for a noticeable reduction this year.

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Whats everyone else paying this year?

Since I sold the tatty 300tdi and bought the posh shiny thing (td5) the premium has gone to £547.53 :angry::unsure: . I was paying around £350 previously.

Unlimited mileage and just me driving. I guess it's mainly because it's not garaged and lives on the street in London.

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I have been very pleased with AF, mine is about £500 for TPFT for a tdi disco, mud tyres, snorkel, 24yr old 3 years no claims, can't remember what mileage I have down on it, but covers me third party on others peoples vehicles, which is good as most policies won't do that at my ages and especially not when on TPFT. Rang for a quote for my series 2 and with no no claims bonus they wanted £170 which I didn't think was too bad.

Been very happy with the service so far, but do agree that admin charges can be a pain in the arse.


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C Reg 90 V8 1985 - Its already insured for the 5.2 (technically "Over Insured", so I don't have to ring in when done :) ), and ALL the

others mods and tweaks all noted, for £262 with a £400 excess which I am more than happy with as I want EVERY Mod accepted :)

But then again, 'Old Gits' benifit vs 'Yoofs' :P as we drive so much more sensibly (even in a 5.2 thingy :ph34r: don't we ?,)

.....and I think I may have had an extra discount for being a right Grumpy Old Git as well :)


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I'm paying about 110 quid for my 90, fully comp, cage, lockers winches etc etc. But it is garaged every night.

Nige, Could that not be falsely insured?? Just a thought that they could use it as a wriggle free thing for it not being what you said it was???? Not being picky but we all know how the insurance companys work.

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Just renewed my 110s insurance with AF, I would have shopped around but I hadn't realised it was due until the day before it ran out due to AFs reminder going missing in the post apparently :rolleyes:

Mine has gone up to £201pa for FC on a modified 110 (lifted, caged, quaife diff, winch, added electrickery etc), sub 5000miles. Just me driving and full no claims.

Whats everyone else paying this year?

Will :)

My AF quotes went down this year. Paying just under £400 each for two fully comp policies on a reasonably standard 90 (winch, bumper, a-bar, trac-edges, disco wheels, x-brake etc.) and the re-built 88".

I'm 22, with 5 years no claims.

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Well my 1986 V890 is with NFU. It has a number of mods, all declared,(3.9, auto and LPG, winch) none of this put the premium up in their view. I pay around £300 fully comp and I'm 40.

Now my mother who is 70 this year pays NFU pretty much the same money for her 2006 110 SW.

She had a big claim in 2006 (yes the vehicle's age is relevant unfortunately), and I've never claimed for a bean and have a totally clean license.

I really don't understand how two vehicles of such different value can cost near enough the same to insure, especially given the insurers' track records :unsure:

Insurance premiums just seem to defy logic :(

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I'm paying about 110 quid for my 90, fully comp, cage, lockers winches etc etc. But it is garaged every night.

Nige, Could that not be falsely insured?? Just a thought that they could use it as a wriggle free thing for it not being what you said it was???? Not being picky but we all know how the insurance companys work.


Well, its in now, just not running :ph34r:


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