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Winch blanket/sail


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Yes please Les ………..put me down for one ………. Even though I am very anti winch blanket and consider them to be a complete waste of space and at times they can even promote unsafe practises <_< …………. however, if I wish to play, then the rules are RULES. ;)

When I were a lad ……….. if a blanket (known as a safety sack) was necessary, then a thick wet hessian sack was used.



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When I were a lad ……….. if a blanket (known as a safety sack) was necessary, then a thick wet hessian sack was used.



Hark, do I hear strains of Hovis music ;)

Visions of Ian pushing his bakers delivery bike up a steep muddy hill, the front box full of wet hessian sack, cheers of encouragement coming from flat capped, bogged down Land Rover drivers at the top ;)


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The first time I got a winch blanket was when I did the first Gigglepin challenge.

Being somewhat of a mean bas**** and with some horse loving friends I was given 3 old horse blankets. They are big, they are waterproof and thay are warm. The secondary use for a horse winch blanket is the repair of Land Rovers in the field. Being waterproof and warm and big you can do a lot of underneath LR rolling staying warm and dry but (depending on the horse) not necessarily ponge free!

Never go off-road now without a blanket or two.

They do make an excellent winch blanket and double-up to protect the cable if you havn't invested in SimonR's X-Zag and if you can find a friendly horse owner with old blankets going free..........................


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Hadn't invented man made fibres back then eh Ian? :ph34r:;););)

My coat? Why thank you I was just leaving :D

Mo, Boggy, & Nige ...... :P

The sacks we used had big white arrows printed on them :D ……………I don’t expect they do that sort of stuff today :ph34r: ……. Bloody feet up and watching telly :angry: ……. All paid for by my taxes no doubt :rolleyes: ………….anyway, the weave was quite loose ………….. the idea being that the frayed ends of a broken steel cable would catch in the weave and take the ‘sting’ out of it. We soaked them in water to add a bit of weight. ............ history lesson is now over :D


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I know they are getting ready for Malvern this weekend Les so maybe busy.

I'll PM Tim over on Mud Club and see if they are still doing them and get him to contact you but it maybe next week before either of us hear anything! :(

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well if i could find the right material then i would get my seamstress at work to make them up. Does anyone know where to get really HD nylon based materials from in bulk, for cheap as well as some flat lead weights or similar?

if anyone has a D4x4 sail then i could copy it- would probably take a week for one of the girls to do as she would have to fit it around her proper work!

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although thinking about it wouldn't magnets be far more effective- instead of that crappy velco and lead weights you could just sling the sail over the rope and it would join together quickly and easily with the magnets.

Also there must be some way of stopping the sail slipping down the rope- maybe some very rough cloth stitched in where the fold of the sail meets the rope itself?

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