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Richard Hammond


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I have stayed out of this thread for good reason ……………. I been there, seen the video and had the tea shirt when my daughters husband was injured during a hit ‘n’ run incident.

My feelings right now are for the Hammond family and what they are going through.

Richard will be comatose and on life support as the doctors try to control the brain swelling and fluid retention …………. the family will be at his bedside watching the ventilator and life support systems not knowing whether permanent damage has been done ……….think real hard about it

The first 24 hours is critical……. that seems to have passed without incident…….. the next 48 hours is also terrifyingly difficult ……………… I got a call at 2:00am telling me they needed to operate to release the swelling pressure ……….. success could not be guaranteed …….. at 4:00am I was at the hospital when the surgeon gave me the thumbs up………they removed the front lobe of his brain as it was dead tissue…… I wouldn’t wish those 2 hours on anybody ……….

Fortunately the lad survived (he is also called Richard) …….. the only side effects being a slightly different personality and total loss of smell ……… but the road to recovery was a hard fought up hill battle.

Lets have a bit of respect………. :angry:


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If anyone wishes to Defend their choice of vehicle

their right to say what they want, their right to eat carrots or drive tractors

Do it Via PM not here

or the crud will be removed.

as the majority here are not interested in daft tit for tat jibes at each other.

All totally non related posts are now in the off topic graveyard thread

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i hadnt heard the rumour someone else was ment to drive. id be surprised at that tbh, considering the story i heard was on hamster has a MSA comp licence so was the only one who'd be allowed to drive that toy.

i didnt like the bloke much on the show, but that doesnt mean i hope he makes it. nice to see a real petrol head on tv even if he had no taste in shirts.

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I went past the hospital where he has been taken in bristol earlier, plenty of press outside and a couple of security guards keeping everyone away. I might pop down later and give the V8 a boot full right outside, that should cheer the hamster up, I know it does me :D

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