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Fun Thread - "Off Road And STUCK" Pics Thread


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Ok not technically fully stuck as they were winching out but would have been without the winch.

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Then turning round and spotting the marshal that had miss judged the mud just a bit!.

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We still went on to win that event! Was one hell of a deep bog though.....

Here is a video I found tonight of proper stuck and some extreme winching. I really want that little digger with the magic bucket!

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IIRC it was a Komatsu Dozer that pulled it out with traction not the winch. Tank was remarkably well preserved seeing it lay in that swamp for 60 years or so.

there are quite a few videos of WW2 tanks being recovered, mostly they use dozers and multiple leg snatch blocks using the traction of the dozer combined with gearing from the pulleys and cables to pull them out.
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IIRC it was a Komatsu Dozer that pulled it out with traction not the winch. Tank was remarkably well preserved seeing it lay in that swamp for 60 years or so.

Its on par with finding downed aircraft melted out of ice or found in the desert after 40 yrs of been covered in sand, awesome stuff.

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Not really a stuck, as I put the rear difflock in and reversed out. In between sections at the Buildwas national finals, found that the hole was a bit deeper than originally thought.. lesson learned- all ways wear a harness.


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Hence I stopped as soon as I realised it was steeper than first thought, put harness on and reversed out. It was a lesson learned to all ways wear the harness and not to drive into water without checking first, at least not at a stupid angle like above.

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