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E-Type Range Rover!?!


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E-Type made me smile but the range rover .................................. Did someone out there really build that with such beautiful attention to detail and blending the whole lot in as one complete car or did he stop quickly and managed to stove the trailer into the rangey and now can't get it out again.

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I've seen a 6 wheeler like that before. It's not the Longranger one, theirs is just a 4-wheeler, and even longer by the looks of link

The two shots showing a 3/4 front view make it look like a Sankey has run up the a45e of the Rangey :lol:

As for the E-type creation, I have seen a number of car bodies dumped onto a LR or RR chassis, some good, some not so good. Now I'm no Jag enthusiast, but surely, that's a waste of an E-type.

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I've seen a 6 wheeler like that before. It's not the Longranger one, theirs is just a 4-wheeler, and even longer by the looks of link

The two shots showing a 3/4 front view make it look like a Sankey has run up the a45e of the Rangey :lol:

As for the E-type creation, I have seen a number of car bodies dumped onto a LR or RR chassis, some good, some not so good. Now I'm no Jag enthusiast, but surely, that's a waste of an E-type.

Not really, its a fibreglass shell!!


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E-Type job looks like the old phrase around

"you can dress a pig in stockings and put lipstick on it - but its still a Pig"

RR thing is an abortion with afterbirth on Tyres,

Alvin Smiths was one creastion that looked and drove even better than it looked

and it looked beatufull, as did his Alicat Creation racer :)


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I remember seeing the Smith TR7/Range Rover in Radnor when marshalling a rally stage start with 60 & Worcs MC. I'm sure the car was was orange then, it attracted lots of attention, looked very impressive off the line and sounded good.

I reckon I've got a CCC mag with it featured somewhere. If I can find the mag it will date when I saw it, late seventies/early eighties I guess.

E type - you could have a laugh with it at a classic car show, I can hear the TUT, TUT's now....

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Here's a poser then. Can't think (off the top of me head) just what vehicle body you could put on a 100 inch or so chassis. I reckon a Scimitar would look quite good, a VW bus would be a hoot, or just to play devils advocate, why not a Bentley Continental Type R? Now that would be worthy of a fatwah!!!!

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