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HOFS T-shirtS 2008.


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We are thinking about rugby shirts (personally I like the idea), as well as colour vs single colour, as well as 'F stitched ones'... :rolleyes:

Whatever decision is reached, we will try to accomodate people's thoughts where possible. But in the end: buy it, or don't. Savvy?

Keep the thoughts rolling. :)

I think His Jezship is in the Lab right now, but hopefully we will hear from him when he gets home later tonight, maybe.



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Guest mortus
sort of O/T: how can i put money into my paypal?

you just register your credit/debit card details with them, and then when you pay somebody it automatically charges them to your creditcard, so you dont as such put money on your paypal...

The rugby shirts idea is awesome, seems as i play a lot of rugby, and i like rugby shirts :D

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How about a Che Guavaraesque Black on red image of Jez tounging a russian bloke with 'HOFS - freedom from oppression' underneath?

Hell if it makes money for the daft I don't care if it's canvas G-strings lined with velcro. What I do care about is too many cooks making a lousy appetizer. Leave the same guys who sorted last years stuff to sort this years and those that don't like it, hard luck.

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Rugby shirts are a good idea :)

the choice of clothing (if any is given) will be made primarily on quality- i would expect this years offering(s) to be as good, if not better, than last years. As such we will go with whatever gives the best results- good quality rugby shirts are, unfortunately, very hard to print on.

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the choice of clothing (if any is given) will be made primarily on quality- i would expect this years offering(s) to be as good, if not better, than last years. As such we will go with whatever gives the best results- good quality rugby shirts are, unfortunately, very hard to print on.

Sounds like good sense to me, not that it matters what i think, whatever is produced, i'll buy it :)

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Rugby shirts would be good - adds an extra touch of quality although the price goes up. It also means I can annoy miketomcat some more...

Colour wise I'd agree with Bish but for a differant reason; hopefully this summer will be better than last and black gets rather warm. How about yellow given the truck will be that colour???? It would certainly stand out!

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It also means I can annoy miketomcat some more...

Which is *always* a good sport :ph34r::)

Dan and I will have two of whatever is produced - need chest measurements before I can give you sizes though :)

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me weld stuff :ph34r:

:huh: please dont make me snog any more....... I still wake up screaming, its the only reason we're building again, just to keep from having to sleep :ph34r:

Come come Jez, you just need some of our special therapy :)


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......hope I don't get too flamed for this but i thought last years t-shirt front was a bit dominated by the X-Eng logo,

I actually agree - it came out a bit too big and X-Eng wasn't really the point of the exercise. However the publicity was welcome.

How about, by way of a design:

The colour HOFS logo at the start of this thread with "I AM the Welding Stig" and one of the "torch-charming" photos. Maybe a tiny X logo + Andy T and/or anyone else too!


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if it's any help my other half sorces all the shire club merchandise she can get just about any clothing. embrodered can be multi colour screen printed is only single colour with the company we use(we have got another company that can do multi colour screen printing) the quality is A1 there quick and no min order. if you want us to sort something just pm me


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I am infor atleast a t'shirt and I really agree with keeping the quality up not the price down.

My last year shirt still looks imaculate (unlike me).

If you need any contact details for my tame screenprinter, who also does embroidery, please give me a shout.


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Whilst I welcome the idea of rugby shirts for the main consumer of such a product (of which I'll be one...) I don't know about their practicality "in the field".

In my experience, rugby shirts can get very heavy when wet and take an absolute age to dry out - maybe not the best idea for a group of people who enjoy living in Russian swamps for prolonged periods...

Embroidered ones would be good, but I will be buying one whatever they are!

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I only mentioned a short sleeve rugby shirt as I think they'll be harder wearing than a t shirt. Perhaps the "team" could have a choice. If the order is going to be as big as last time why not offer both options. Same logo design same colour but different garment. Just an idea

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My ponderings:

- Don't let the SLRC committee argue about colours, we'll be here all week :ph34r:

- Dark colours hide oil & grease far better, more suited to the job at hand I'd have thought

- T-shirts get my vote, keep it simple

- Does no-one other than Al like my flaming spanner logo? :mellow:

I'll have a few of whatever's produced if it arrives before we get on the ferry :o

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I actually agree - it came out a bit too big and X-Eng wasn't really the point of the exercise. However the publicity was welcome.

Simon , you truely are a Gentleman Businessman ;) . Never traded with you , but would have no qualms should I need to.

The Flaming Spanner is great, the multiple colours would cost more to print I'd have thought, unless whoever organises it can find someone to do it for free...

..as for colour something dark so the dirt/grease/ep90 doesn't show would be good.



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