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recovery services


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im after some sort of recovery service to cover my 90

ideally i want a company to come along scoop my landy on to a flat bed and drop it on my drive for me to sort out myself

does any such company exist ?

if not who do you all use , and how would you rate them for price service etc


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I use the RAC, used them several times over the last few years and not had any problems, they like to send a van first to see if its fixable - depends on how you discribe the problem over the phone as to if they bother sending a van, I've asked for recovery only before and they have send the flatbed out straight away!

they will recover to anywhere in the UK, so if you want to fix it yourself its not a problem...

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AA for me. Used them a couple of times recently. The last time when my gearbox went pop. Phoned them up and explained the problem, nice young lady said a van would be with me in 1/2 hr. After I explained the problem again and that if he could fix it by thye roadside I'd pay his wages this month she just sent a recovery truck.

The first time I used them I was in Somerset and needed to get back to Kent. As I was in Minehead with my car and the wife with hers, the driver turned up realised we were together and said that I didn't need to ride with my truck. My wife drove home and within 1/2 hr the recovery turned up with my truck.

Overall well impressed with them would recommend to anyone

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I've always just used whatever came free (or very cheap) with my insurance - currently Lancaster insurance and previously Admiral. They tend not to be too bothered about trying to fix anything by the road and prefer just to drag it back to where you want and wash their hands of you. It's an ideal situation for me because I figure that if I can't fix it by the road on my own, neither can an RAC or AA bloke.

Lancaster cost about £15 this year as I remember.

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I've been with the RAC for around 20 years.

Can't complain on the whole - the last time I called on their services was when the clutch master cylinder went bang in the middle of a one-way system in the rush hour. They didn't mess around, a flat bed was with me in no time.

I was also given a jump start in the middle of a forest when I flattened my battery by leaving the 12v cooler plugged in all night! (that meant a long trek lugging a slave battery!) :rolleyes::lol:

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I was with the AA for years then left due to Company Motor. Joined the RAC and they were carp and bl**dy expensive. As I am a CSMA member I have now joined Britannia Rescue who are owned by the CSMA. I haven't used them yet but if they stand up to all they say then they will be almost half the price of the AA with no age restrictions

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I'm/we're a RAC member, when the wife had the Disco and it started bilging out black smoke from the wheel, explained brakes binding problem to the headset the help desk, took 3hrs to send out a numpty who said "we don't do brakes"!!

Flatbed arrived in a hour (they contract this out), took her home (even though our policy says closest approved garage, which was much closer).

All in all took RAC cover, as 'twas the cheapest for insuring the person, not vehicle. Not impressed with the mechanic though! (bit of rubber from road stuck caught in brake pad and melted!)

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RAC for me. I blew a diff a Slindon last year. I rang them, told them I wanted recovery only, no service van and they sent a flatbed straight out.

The driver was a bit shocked when I said I was going to Matlock. He asked where it was. My reply was 'North, 250 miles', that was the last job for his shift. :lol::lol::lol: The only problem was I just wanted to go to sleep on the way back but he wouldn't shut up. :angry:

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I use the AA through a charge on my bank account

Only had to use it once for my old golf not a problem for me but only gripe was that they had to subcontract the recovery out as I did'nt have a recovery eye (thats another story) but as I had the car taken to a garage that was 8 miles from where I live they would'nt take me home ............. I had to make my own way home although I think the aa man would of


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the AA wont come and recovery u if they class it as an accident, unless u want to pay them more money for the privilege, i wont be renewing with the AA when it runs out, sayin that i've used them twice since then and no problems. i would say their service seems a little slow though, gone midnight i was broken down on m/way, they said they'd give me high priority service cos i was in a dangerous position, waited hour and half for them to turn up. nice comfy ride home though :)

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We blew the RAC out after being members for 12 years.

They couldn't change a wheel on a Range Rover when my 18 [as she was then]year old daugher need the job doing.

TRhey left her with a smashed side window in Birmingham 200 miles from home after telling me "no problem".Also the galss company that they callerd out demanded four times the price than the insurance stated to repair.Neither did they have the window in stock.That was a three day wait.

We moved to Britannia.

So far no problems.

I eat rat poison


I can cause trouble in an empty house

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Guest diesel_jim

I've been with RAC for about 7 years. always been brilliant.

they use local recovery agents so are usually fairly quick at getting to you (saying that, i've always had "major" breakdowns, like cam belt, hitting a large tank crossing post and pulling my rear axle out of it fixings etc!) so i've just said "don't send a van, send a flatbed"

they even drove 2 miles across salisbury plain to recover me last year!

I have the "person" type of membership, so it covers me whatever i'm in (well, abiding by their rules it does... not a 44 tonne artic or a tank! :rolleyes: )

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I was with the AA - thre callouts in five years, and I can't fault their roadside staff. One even towed me home when my recovery service didn't cover that.

I was very naffed off by thier sales tactics recently, and as a result have moved to the subcontractors employed by my insurance company. The story about the sales.....

I 'upgraded' my cover from 'get you to the nearest garage' to 'get you wherever you like' at a 4x4 show approximately 6 weeks before my cover expired for the year. I was told by the bloke that the upgrade would last for 12 months. 6 weeks later I was told by the AA that I would have to pay an additional £30 for the upgrade to last the next 12 months. NOT impressed.

So I've jumped ship.

Interestingly, the recovery service offered by insurance companies is far superior in terms of the speed of recovery that the AA, the RAC etc. This is because they subcontract to the nearest garage to where you have broken down, and as has been previously mentioned - if I can't fix my truck, the chances are that the AA can't either. Tow me home anyday.....

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I was with the AA for years then left due to Company Motor. Joined the RAC and they were carp and bl**dy expensive. As I am a CSMA member I have now joined Britannia Rescue who are owned by the CSMA. I haven't used them yet but if they stand up to all they say then they will be almost half the price of the AA with no age restrictions

Been with the CSMA & Britannia Rescue for over 20 years - never had any problems.

Had them out to the house for flat batteries a couple of times and been recovered from the roadside twice (both times in different Pegeuot's, but both with a snapped clutch cable). They were always there within something like 45 mins.

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