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What can I do?


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After an unplanned visit to A&E this week I am now down one appendix. :rolleyes:

As a consequence I have been signed off work for two weeks. Great I hear you say, well yes and no - sure I need the time to recuperate, but I cannot do anything! No driving, no lifting, no spannering on the 90, bu99er all basically! Boredom is setting in after only 1 day!!!

So, as I have already made several lists of jobs to do once I am allowed I am looking for inspiration. I am not one for sitting about the place watching endless TV (unless it's the Ashes, but I don't have Sky :( ) and anyhow, I am supposed to try and move about frequently to aid he healing process.

So any ideas? What can I do that is constructive (preferably) and LR oriented?

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<_< Looking at your profile, I see you are a SVU Guru. How about consulting the newbies on this forum who needs help for a little fee?? I know by now your truck is in perfect condition :blink: .. That is no polishing nor washing necessary..
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Write a 'how to' on something for the forum?

Teach yourself something, the net is a mind boggling resource. Pick something you'd like to know more about and away you go ......

Get some fresh air and gentle exercise - go for a walk some place nice!

Catch up with old friends....

Get something organised for when you are recovered ?

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When I'm ill (or hung-over) I draw/design stuff on the CAD - it's quite a lot like building things but a lot less effort!

You have my sympathy - my Appendix wasn't enjoyable.

I suppose you could buy a big box of technical lego - and build little bridges for two weeks? ;)


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Trust me dnt do a lot...........

mine went after pikeys fun challenge i blame Marc's driving

2 days of hot water bottles, pain killers and Andrews as we thought it was a stomach bug, but how wrong was i, so take it easy and enjoy being waited on hand a foot and keep it going for as long as poss

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Sorry to hear that Bish, would you like me to deliver the Insa's to save you any lifting? Happy to fit them too if you want your new boots on as soon as you get them.

Oh and if you want something to occupy your time you can always design me a rear winch mount!


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Thanks for the kind words and suggestions folks - keep them coming :)

Turbo - using the bus? With the great unwashed? Are you mad? :blink::blink:

Brookers - no panic on the tyres front. I'll come and collect when I'm able thanks. Drop me a pm re the winch mount and I'll see what I can do......

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Buy some breadboard and learn to solder?

Still technical but not straining.

If you can already solder you can buy a megajolt in kit form from me for cost and have a go making one.

You will have something to sell afterwards too.


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Break the credit card out and go tool shopping on the internet. :)

See how many dodgy LR's you can identify on E-bay. :o

Buy all the bits you need to make your next project/s, telling yourself they will only go up in price.

Design a shed/garage/workshop combo and make a list of all your ideal power tools.

Design to modify/make from scratch an expedition trailer, which can morph into a 5 star hotel with all mod cons, yet can be left in supermarket carpark in Liverpool

Design the ultimate LR security device.

Should keep you busy for a bit... :) get well soon.


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Bish, sorry you've been under the weather! Here's what I'd do: spend the first week finding the cheapest phone deal possible and then spend the second week calling up "ScrapIron Racing 2 - the return of the Colon" and asking for anything that takes your fancy (parabolic springs for a Defender 90, a spark plug for your 200 tdi, clutch slave cylinder for your auto box etc etc etc) :)

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Ah, get well soon Bish :)

When I wasn't allowed to move for two week's I spent the first day on Amazon and the next 13 catching up on all the films I'd wanted to see for ages! :lol: I wasn't allowed to move at all really though... :huh:

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Sorry to hear of your ailments Bish.

I'm not sure I could do the doing nothing thing so you have my sympathy.

A few suggestions:

Birdwatching, feathered variety on dull days and bikini'd versions on hot days, should be plenty at Weston I'd have thought.

Get a clipboard and wander around housing estates frightening people by measuring their garden hedges, counting knomes and the like.


Boat Spotting in the Brizzel channel? See The Lyn Valley News for advice...

Fishing off the pier?....oh :blink::lol:

Jigsaws - if you find yourself thinking about this I suggest you take a short stay in Switzerland as your life is obviously over.

Design tyre treads and submit your designs to a number of tyre companies for consideration. Hours of fun.

Write some poetry.

Write a play.

Go and get a tattoo.

Get a floppy hat and a big shirt and take up painting - for added fun do it in public wearing dark glasses painting in white on a white canvass pretending to be blind and asking passers by what they think.

Point to things that aren't in the sky and count the number of people who follow your lead.

Brush the dog.

Cut your lawn with scissors and roll really neat lines in it using a paint roller.

Fly to Budapest and play chess in the park, theres somewhere near the British embassy from memory.

Go paddling and rockpooling.

Come and sit in your Mum and Dads garden with an air rifle and shoot goats.

Carve something, walking stick handle or the like...

Must stop, some of us have work to do :angry:

Will :)

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