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The V8 Porn Rebuild Thread

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  • 4 weeks later...

4 hours alone today on a Tig-A-Thon welding up the air housing.

Have new radiator, and new base mountings, have to redo the cowling and top mounts

and the Oil Cooler, and new SPAL 16" monster fan, and a load more

Pics to follow

and yes your 4 pin is being delivered via a BMW :P

Diesel :ph34r:

There, I have said the "D" Word :o

Oh God....


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I like to think of it more that "I experience both ends of the fuel spectrum :P "


TIGaTHON Pic of air box coupler by request

Bear in mind I am not a good TIG welder, TIG is ferking difficult, and I am learning learning learning

this was a huge pratice session for me, and I had every chance to b*gger it up, so quite pleased with the

result so far, have to make the 2 x covers yet, so more time on this bit alone :(



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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...


To many things happening meant I have been unable to crack on with the 90 and the new V8

But, having knocked a load of these things off the list (thansk SWMBO :( ) I have now got back on track

before this turns into a F vapour Build :lol:

Ait box had a tig-a-thon on its a**e and a day later saw it fitted, pics later :)

So, next is / was the radiator, everything left pretty much revolves around the rad, - the fan, the oil coller, the remote the hoses, the coil pack, etc etc etc

So, last 2 days have been fettling a rad into place, new rad, same as before with some changes.

The radiator is now stiing on new chassis mounts moved backwards due to going from V to serp V8, and then a "Tray" has been fitted so the rad sits on this and

a "Top Plate" clamps down from the chalenge wings (cut off all old mountings remake new), this way the rad is "Sandwiched" between to plates and then the fan and oil cooler

can be mounted to these, otherwise, if the rad moved the top mounting of the fan / oil cooler and bottom would try to tear themselves apart :lol:

The rad mountings are 6mm bolts cut off heads, and the mounting drilled and tapped for 6mm, the "Stump" welded in, and then linished off flat at the back, this

way I have 4 x 6mm stumps that the fan locates on, fan flush to radiator and then washers and nuts to secure, fan covers a vast amount of the rad :)

So, tray in place some thin angle and shapey bracketry took place, it will all have to come apart for welding up (just tacked at the moment in places) but sems good

oil cooler is also rubber mounted :) Fan is a SPAL 16" tech specs shows it shifts more air than the twin 15" kenlowes it replaces :blink:

Si R gave me a nice new "Colour Coded" Plug for the radiator - FFS if you have a plastic one - bin it and buy an X-Eng one, Blue cos it had to be Iinit :lol: and

fitted in hole cut into top plate as for some odd reason the rad was built with it in the other end (I didn't say which end 50/50 chance I get it back wrong :rofl:

Rad is now mounted as is Oil cooler and Fan, tomm maybe will be the rear fan cowling .......

Its back on :D

And yes, fabrication takes ages :(

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You thinking of putting a small fan in front/behind the oil cooler? Where it is, if you are off-road and doing low speed it will hardly have any effect... unless you have any other fans of course :)

The oil cooler is on the front face of his radiator and he has a huge fan drawing air through from the inside ....

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Pic 4 seems to say different.....

I think Mr Barker also has a large yellow viscous fan thingy attached to the engine on the other side pulling air through..... Or at least he did on his old setup!

Maybe that's what he is referring to and the fan in pic 4 is the additional electric fan for when super cooling and gale force engine movements are required.... :ph34r:


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Pic 4 seems to say different.....

check his post higher up the page here: http://forums.lr4x4.com/index.php?showtopic=59210&view=findpost&p=589761

He mentions the oil cooler is going in front of the rad - and posts a pic showing the viscous fan inside the engine bay. Also in the pics he just posted you can see the winch in front of the rad with the electric fan and the curve of the 'wings' show the front end of the vehicle.

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Fan's either side or rad is fine. They don't see each other through the fins. It's a simple fix for a bit of cooler boosting.

I would think the oil cooler will also be okay, as only low engine power will be needed at low speed?

Outer electric fan is likely to be noisy, but they seem less harsh on the ears the bigger they get. My 8" spal is evil ?

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I think Bowie is right though.. All that wooshing from the Viscous is gonna drown out the engine... I think he's ruined it personally.... I'll take it off his hands to stop him from being so dissapointed....


(Coat, hat.... On my way out the door....)

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  • 2 months later...

Yeah Gods and Christ on a Bike I actually got to touch to 90 today :) FINALLY,

SWMBO said several words in September "New & Kitchen & Now" were 3 of the most memorable, so hence the lack of progress

To be honest I had also reached the "Sick of the sight" of it as well, so the break (I thought :( ) would do me good.

So, with SWBMO out all weekend shopping, today saw a refreshed and enthused restart on finsihing it off - and, as I said to my 4x4 Neighbour

"Its mainly just some fiddly fabrication left now" ............... as always I completely forget and underestimate how long "Fabrication Takes"

So, one whole day at it and an unbeliveably small amount done.

Finsihed the rad mounting LHS RHS Tops and drilled taped etc and finish the Cowling mounts top and bottom :)

Top hose sorted, much rummaging snipping and shortening bit by bit by bit, then profiling the cowling to get it to fit neater

and then the next step was / is still the Twin Coil Packs and their mountings

WAPITFA they have been,

With all the variants of the Megasquirt Coil Pack Mountings I sell, I thought something would fit with a mild tweak, oh, no

not a hope. The 4.0V8 Narrow type front end, and the alternator cranked further inwards to the centre of the engine, and the top Hose

and the JED Special larger trumpet base, and Bigger JED Plenum gives a wide selection of burger all room.

Also the packs with the leads have to be quite a fair bit lower than the plenum as the bonnet room drops height wise as it comes forward

MUCH fiddling 1st 2nd 4rd and 4th attempts ended with them having flying lessons around the workshop,

but finally 5th attempt sees me with me finally having 2 x coils mounted, superpiggin' tight but with clearance and although they

are fixed + holding the packs in a fixed position both will need bracing with an additional mounting each,

But frankly I have just had a guts full of it today, I can't belive how long I have fiddled with the mountings and how little

I have to show for the effort :(

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More hopefully tommorrow - and Yes the Oil filler can be unscrewed - just :P:lol:

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Today seems to have been "O fergawdssakeday"

"Just need to finish the Coil Pack Brackets" I said

And that about all I did today, 8 hours worth of welding, fabbing, grinding, drilling painting :(

But, I have 2 x coil pack mountings all sorted

So, if anyone needs a Pair of Coil Pack Mountings for a 1985 V8 90 with a JED 5.2 V8 then I have prototypes

sure to be a high volume top seller :rofl: But Happy with the final brackets, absloute swines to sort

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