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All Forum Members Please Read This.

Les Henson

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I have to say that current events are to say the least confusing and in my opinion, not good. We now have two forums, and folk are posting on both. The original idea was to get the LRE archive material if possible and then move onto our own website, funded by us and controlled by agreed moderators/admin. Too much has been going on without us all knowing, and at least the rest of the moderators should have been kept informed of what was going on behind the scenes. Suddenly being back here with what is in effect, LRE watching what we post, is not a good thing. We could at very short notice, set our own, member-funded website, transfer everything over to it, and that would be the end - we would have our own 'home', with no ties to anyone and answerable to no-one but ouselves. Tony Cordell has in the past offered to be the forum treasurer, and I trust him. In fact anyone that knows him will know that he can be trusted.

So..........he could set up a forum account within a very short time, there are plenty of you that have offered to donate what you can afford, so I doubt very much that there would be a problem from that quarter. We already have our own site, currently provided by Geoff Beaumont, it can be tailored for our needs, and could easily be our permanent home, which is what everyone of us want.

Trevor has managed to salvage the LRE archive material, so we have that as well. The parts of the puzzle are in our hands, we can do it within a couple of weeks or so with a bit of organisation.

There are a whole host of people that frequent LRA that are happy to contribute thier particular skills, cheap, or for free, to keep our very knowledeable community together. Forum Stickers


Forum account

Web design.

And anything else that needs doing.

This is all we need to do and we are totally independent, which is what we all want. Please post your views on here. I'll copy this onto LRA, so reply on there if you prefer.

Les. :)

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First, thanks to all who have been involved in organising us rabble into a new forum.

I like the new forum, it looks fresher and feels free from politics etc.

I am not going back to the old place!(Unless you all do!) :P

Keep it independant and un hindered by the politics of big budget advertisers.

I would, no will, be prepared to offer a subscription for such a fun and friendly place to express my opinion.(And sell my stuff) ;);)

I am and have been proud to be associated with the forum and look forward to wearing a new sticker, wearing a T-shirt asap.

Also I think Tony is an ideal candidate for the position of chancellor, I can think of no-one more suitable.

Keep it up.

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Yes, I like it here and and would happily support Geoff and the mods to beef up our new home.

The way the old forum reappeared was not good and the sooner it is marked as the 'archive' the better. Can Trev not quickly prevent anyone logging into the old forum or making new posts? That combined with an updated header text saying 'THIS IS THE ARCHIVE, MEMBERS CAN BE FOUND AT LRA' would clear up a lot of the confusion very quickly.

Going forward the old forum could be captured in a variety of ways to preserve it as an archive. How did fridge get on with his copy activity?

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Quite agree - two forums just causes unnecessary confusion. It is great to get all the LRE archive back, but please let it remain archive.

Lets's copy the stuff over here and move on and whilst we are about it let's find a new host if we have processor probs.

Disabling posting on the (ex?) LRE site is a sound idea.

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My view:

Stay here, get the archive from the old place and let the poor thing die in peace.

It's like keeping someone alive just so they can be an organ donor at the moment.

The members are the forum, not the URL or the programme! ;)

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My 2p worth.



LRE have threatened to close down the forum so many times, blind to source of knowledge for mag, closed minded and think that they are 'gods',

Stress and mess mods about,

threaten with closure and then give a sweetie to us and we should be greatful...

then RG chucks his many toys out of his corporate pram and does just that..closes it 'Up Yours' and 'Goodnight' ................final.....

Childish petulant message (later changed), and LRE Closes for good.

Up Pops LRA.....................

Same faces who have been shat on (bet that gets past the automated anglosaxon words checker :lol: ) start up this the LRA Forum, .....with no help from LRE at all, .....the revesrse in fact.

Without them were would we all be ?...

and would LRE be back on line again now ?????

Then the forum grows, ....well, .....

people get used to the new colours, ....

and life moves on...

The only concern is the archives are lost....

live with it, ......its not the end of the world.

The LRA Crashes....PITFA but explaination seems ok,

its new and the runners of LRA are really pinoreing what they are doing,

support them, .....

I was sure it would pop back up again....and it did...........

Then LRE comes "Back on Line".....

Do I trust it ?,

well probalem are the 3 initials L R & E,

..........no I am not at all sure I do ?

Why should I ?

Track record and what they have done to the forum in the past and recent to present ???

No moderators ??? WTF :angry:

No real absolute statement that LRE and Chief Kn*b Green is ABSOLUTELY AND DEFINATELY not involved now ot in any other way :angry:

so...WHY go back on line ?

...all we wnat is the archives FFS,

LRE is dead we were told ?...we have LRA ?

Has Mr RG comer around from yet another sulk end and decidfed to scupper LRA by switching back on LRE ...........beliving we will all dutifully go back like lemmings ??

And, as such I along with many others have a great mistrust in going back.....

don't need LRE do I ?...most LREers are now LRAers ?

My personal views are


F LRE, ...............they had their chance and messed up

LRA is now up running (albeit with glitches)

and without absolute concrete and solid announcements from both LRA and LRE that match....

I take the view that LRE is not to be trusted.

If we all 'wander back' to LRE, what disrespect is this for those who spent hours of their free time creating LRA, ...............are we that gullable and shortminded ???

SO, until the above is clarified,

I will only post on LRE "Post Q on LRA -( if I can be bothered), and I will ONLY frequent LRA.

If we get the achives whoppe doo,

if we don't we don't.....

the Members, knowledge, support, banter guidance and quality is worth more than LRE and its F achives especially if RG is involed in any way ......and its all here really anyway, ......just ask !


1st rant on LRA ?

Nige :ph34r:


Tony Cordell has in the past offered to be the forum treasurer, and I trust him. In fact anyone that knows him will know that he can be trusted

Yep, however Money "Yes" no problem absolutely 101% trustworthy....

Touch / drive , my 90 NFW :lol: Not a chance, :lol::lol::lol: trust is one thing..... :D:D:D

Set it up, I'm up for a self funded tottaly LRE Free site......

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I can see two boards leading to confusion.

I know i'm not a huge poster, but i certainly enjoy reading everything thats going on, whether it be Landrover, Mog, zuki, waxoyled cat, whatever, it's all interesting stuff.

I prefer the functionality and feel of LRA, and only visit LRE to check.

If the archives can be extracted, i see no need for LRE to remain......

another 2 p


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Why not pole the members to get a balanced view.

Personally I don't care where we live so long as all the familiar faces are about and the forum is easy for me to read (I am Dyslexic) but for goodness sake lets get it sorted and move on.

I do agree about the polotics though

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I was a long time member "over there" (Nov99) and saw a lot of strange happenings over the years and was frustrated over them............

I, like most of you, favour the feeling of independence and was surprised as hell to see LRE pop back up........

I have respect for Trevor but somehow or other just can't believe that LRE are completely out of the picture.........

I could say more about the principals involved in the "deal" but won't :)

On the other hand i don't want to miss anything so i will use this as my "main forum" and look in on LRE and in fact post a bit there till all this settles down.........

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I don't post that often but the way I've read the situation is that

the forum now appearing under the LRE banner is not going to stay the LRE forum it will be possbily renamed and will be independant of the magazine....

yep just read this on "LRE"

I am very pleased that they have agreed to let the forum carry on independently.

Although there are still signs of the magazine's involvement, gradually over the next number of days this will change. For example the website address will change and the colour scheme etc will be updated. The forum will also move to a new server in due course. Should it be necessary for the forum to go off-line during these changes, I will give as much prior warning as I possibly can.

so you've got a situation were you could have 2 independant forums, now unless one of them finds a niche that no other forum is offering I would say one's got to "die"..

all gets a bit diluted else and only the members lose out

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I have to say that current events are to say the least confusing (...)

There are a whole host of people that frequent LRA that are happy to contribute thier particular skills, cheap, or for free, to keep our very knowledeable community together.

Forum Stickers


Web design.


To say the least!


As to logo,stickers,T-shirts,bras,tattoos and so on you got my PM days ago.


I'm sorry I don't have much spare time to do everything in a snap

but don't worry it can be done.


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I for one completely agree with all of the above and shall be residing here (FWIW) in the future. I just took a look on LRE and noticed that the Same Here post by Les Henson does not allow me to post a reply ? So censorship there already. Just like the last time, say anything you want but don't criticise (sp?) anything.


PS I have a proper user name on this forum as well :D

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