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Thieves in Caterham/Surrey 15/10/13


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I may be mistaken but it does seem the police are actively ignoring this crime. That may seem a strange comment and people may just say they have probably got more important crimes to deal with.....

However.... why would they not post the screenshots to their facebook page despite a number of requests? They are quite happy to post pictures of lost dogs and other cctv screenshots for non vehicle crimes.

In fact they have also it seems speciffically hidden comments I and others have made on one of the surrey police facebook pages.

I guess we are on our own to look after our vehicles....... it reminds me somewhat of the town in Hot Fuzz around here....

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I agree Barry, I spoke to two of our local officers at a meeting last Thursday, neither of them had seen the footage or knew anything about this. Considering they are both based in Caterham Police Station ...............................................

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sorry to hear about all this Barry,

having had mine broken into too, in a well lit, CCTV'd carpark at uni with my bedroom window open within 20 feet of it. i was livid, foaming at the mouth.

how were you so calm?

it makes me wish Simon could work out a series pedal lock sooner!

the only thing that stopped them getting mine was because the alternator had failed after a pay and play day, draining the battery. scary really!

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I was calm because they appeared to be incompetent.... however with 'other parties' seemingly being intentionally incompetent the calm is wearing thin.....

I was at the time more concerned about the fact they appeared to be ready to lump the owner of the house I was parked outside, it's one thing getting beaten up to have your car stolen it's another thing completely to get beaten up so someone elses car can get stolen.....

There have been quite a few Defender thefts in this area recently ..... I'm not feeling particularly surprised now

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Once the Police realise a propety-theft is covered by insurance and issue a crime-number, they totally lose interest.

A few months after I bought my current abode, around 03:00z the 'silent alarm' indicated there were dodgy-types on my property and scouting round my Defender, barns etc.

I watched them for a few minutes, making sure they were logged on the CCTV - then when the time was right I put on a pair of trainers, grabbed something which 'just happened to be' in the porch, fired it up, and ran out to meet them.

It's amazing how quickly a couple of thieves seek to escape when faced by a crazily naked guy waving a screaming 18-inch Husqvarna chainsaw and shouting "HEY! HELLO GUYS! DON'T RUN AWAY! - YOU'RE LIVE ON YOUTUBE!"

They've not been back.

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Been sharing them on facebook on Landy pages since it happened.

However as the Tandridge Beat facebook page has 3000 followers and is the face of the local police force I also thought that surely it would be a good idea for them to share it there? I mean after all some of those followers will be locals and might recognise them. Obviously that is completely flawed logic and doesn't even warrant a response to my 3 requests.

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Once the Police realise a propety-theft is covered by insurance and issue a crime-number, they totally lose interest.

A few months after I bought my current abode, around 03:00z the 'silent alarm' indicated there were dodgy-types on my property and scouting round my Defender, barns etc.

I watched them for a few minutes, making sure they were logged on the CCTV - then when the time was right I put on a pair of trainers, grabbed something which 'just happened to be' in the porch, fired it up, and ran out to meet them.

It's amazing how quickly a couple of thieves seek to escape when faced by a crazily naked guy waving a screaming 18-inch Husqvarna chainsaw and shouting "HEY! HELLO GUYS - YOU'RE GONNA BE LIVE ON YOUTUBE!"

They've not been back.

ROFL, You have cheered me up no end ...... I shall fuel up the 36" Stihl chainsaw in a moment :)


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Once the Police realise a propety-theft is covered by insurance and issue a crime-number, they totally lose interest.

A few months after I bought my current abode, around 03:00z the 'silent alarm' indicated there were dodgy-types on my property and scouting round my Defender, barns etc.

I watched them for a few minutes, making sure they were logged on the CCTV - then when the time was right I put on a pair of trainers, grabbed something which 'just happened to be' in the porch, fired it up, and ran out to meet them.

It's amazing how quickly a couple of thieves seek to escape when faced by a crazily naked guy waving a screaming 18-inch Husqvarna chainsaw and shouting "HEY! HELLO GUYS! DON'T RUN AWAY! - YOU'RE LIVE ON YOUTUBE!"

They've not been back.

HAhaha oh this made me laugh... it makes me angry people have to defend there property like this, but there's defending it and defending it with style... :i-m_so_happy::rofl:

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Style is one word for it Mav :D

I had a surprise tonight Tandridge Beat (Surrey Police) have shared the CCTV footage on their facebook page this evening :D So hopefully a lot more local people will get to see it, that has to increase the chances of recognising them.

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nothing would scare them more than the "lock and load" sound of a pump action shotgun.

even if they never even see the gun. they would scarper pretty fast i think!

Trembler switch in the truck, fitted to cheap MP3 player with speaker, and a recording of exactly this...

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Trembler switch in the truck, fitted to cheap MP3 player with speaker, and a recording of exactly this...

Like that idea but perhaps better a blast of CO2 at the ground? Would scare the bejeezus outta them and perhaps forensics could pick up DNA from them pizzing themselves as they legged it?

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I doubt that, there is a lot of scare mongering out there about people getting sued.... most perpetrated by the likes of the daily mail.

Do you think they would honestly admit to breaking into your vehicle so they can sue you? Obviously it's a different story if it is designed to maim them, like a shotgun cartridge under the seat, I doubt they would make an effective get away then.

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Following on from your saga, and my paranoia, I have located someone to make the hykee security barrels for the land rover locks. The cost for ONE is £70!

However if there was a bulk purchase of more than 10, I can get the cost down to £50 per barrel, the question is, would anyone be willing to pay that for a lock? I have a couple more avenues to try, but would welcome some feedback on the costs etc.

PS X-Defend now fitted!

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Following on from your saga, and my paranoia, I have located someone to make the hykee security barrels for the land rover locks.

PS X-Defend now fitted!

There are so many ways to get in through the door (let alone anywhere else). It is almost pointless locking them in the first place.
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On the being on the receiving end of a law case; British courts decided in the early 90's that they wouldn't be sucked into the American compensation culture. So yes it is very over hyped ; however setting man traps will still land you in jug and shooting people is frowned upon.

On a personal note I would be very upset if someone stole my new to me 90 but that is why it's insured; is a piece of metal really worth possibly killing a person no matter how much of a **** they are.

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