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Bucket list.


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After reading the reply by our very own Bill Van Snorkel, I not only burst out laughing and have continued to laugh about his post since reading it, but I have actually put some very serious thought into this.

Post #83 on page 5 of this topic http://forums.lr4x4.com/index.php?showtopic=22800

Many of us are here because we have a commonality, Land Rover, but we each maintain and build up and modify our individual vehicles for some very different terrains and driving styles and conditions, some simply as their daily driver and tow boat, some for hard core competition, some for green laning and travelling in general whether it be a trip to Bala or surfing the dunes of Morocco or just for hauling a caravan around the countryside. I was building my Disco to go to the 2013 Land Rover National rally in the South of Belgium, kind of missed that date as it sailed by and my truck still in bits.

But my bucket is a shallow one and in no particular order before I die I want to go to.....

Casablanca, Morocco.

Moscow, Russia.

Chernobyl, Ukraine.(the site of the nuclear power station that destroyed itself)

I did say my bucket was shallow :blush:

Where do you want to go?

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My bucket list , I'd like to go to

Isle of Man ( to watch TT )



New Zealand

France to see milau bridge

And finally want to drive ( with my little lad) my scammell to the great Dorset steam fair unfortunately at 30 mph



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The bottom fell out of my bucket .


Casablanca, Morocco.

Moscow, Russia.

Chernobyl, Ukraine.(the site of the nuclear power station that destroyed itself)

Nice list, I would add to that:

st petersburg, whist in the neighbourhood

+ bonneville Utah for one of the speed weeks

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I'm bound to miss something but here goes:

Moab, Utah

Bonneville for one of the speed weeks




USA/Canada... drive E-W across USA and the back across Canada

Nordkapp (two trips, winter and summer)

Rocky mountains, Colorado



Iceland (again winter trip and a summer one)

France/Germany - Trip covering a load of WW1 & 2 sites.


Pripyat - Interest mainly started from playing Call of Duty :P

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Whats the obsession with tsjernobyl?

Funny I thought I was alone in wanting to go and see the aftermath of a nuclear meltdown :blush:

Who would have thought it such a potential holiday resort :ph34r:

Why do you spell it differently Daan?

Oh and I missed out the whole of Georgia too, that is one country I am pretty sure will see me robbed before breakfast unless I go armed :o It ain't such a big country but it ain't half got some interesting terrain in it from travelers tales. ;)

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LOL funny to see the number of times New Zealand popped up

My list is Antarctica

Mongolia - Siberia - China

Pakistan - India

There is something very..... en-livining lol about being in an environment where your decisions could mean survival

Oh and for all of you interested in a bit of radiation poisoning, there are underground tours of Chernobyl just search Utube

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