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Bucket list.


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Funny I thought I was alone in wanting to go and see the aftermath of a nuclear meltdown :blush:

Who would have thought it such a potential holiday resort :ph34r:

Why do you spell it differently Daan?

Oh and I missed out the whole of Georgia too, that is one country I am pretty sure will see me robbed before breakfast unless I go armed :o It ain't such a big country but it ain't half got some interesting terrain in it from travelers tales. ;)

Ok, bad spelling and the influence of alcohol. Still dont see the attraction of seeing the results of a nuclear meltdown I must admit.

The darien gap does appeal to me in a way, as discussed here. Australia I have not seen yet, or New zealand. It is kind of interesting, but only the thought of 24 hours on a plane immediately blocks my thought process for some reason.

Closer to home, I do realise I have neglected the UK, and I haven't realy seen the lakes, the Isle of man or Devon yet. So lets start there!


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The surface ripples of the bucket are the Belgium national rally in the deep south and then tour the hot spots of Belgium, then into Holland to explore the flatter areas and then Germany, could be looking to move on after that and maybe look for a job in Poland so I can explore even further afield :)

Might have a browse of the tube tonight for the underground tours, I was 8 when Chernobyl blew up and I remember how it sparked enormous concerns thereafter for the safety of nuclear power generation, and shortly after that came the fall of the USSR, but in reality there are more dangerous things in this life than a nuclear reactor.

I want to get a wall map of the world and actually plot my destinations to see how many wonderful things I could see on my journey, I know the Wieliczka salt mine located in the south of Poland would be a stopping point for sure :) Could also take tea with my good friend Macziek when in the area ;)

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My list is as follows;

2 Black Wickes plastic builders buckets
2 Painted red galvanised fire sand buckets, one with plants in the other sand
20 Ikeas buckets in 5 Red, yellow & blue
2 20 Litre brewing buckets

Oops- just realised I wasn’t supposed to post a list of buckets I own….. :D


Are the top two places I’d like to 4x4 across.

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My wife did Chernobyl 20 years ago when studying at uni. Lots of mosquitoes and 2 headed deer :hysterical: Think you can get a bit closer to it these days though.

My bucket list


Circuit of the Baltic

Far East of Russia and Mongolia via the Stans

Tierra del Fuego

Circuit of the Med would be pretty cool too.

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I keep going back for a read of this


Would I manage to dfo it without damage to myself....

I think the Russian girls in or out of their tiny bikinis could do me some damage if they had a mind to Lol. I might stand a chance if they resisted rushen and took their time though.

I'll get my coat ! I know where the door is.

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Closer to home, I do realise I have neglected the UK, and I haven't realy seen the lakes, the Isle of man or Devon yet. So lets start there!

This. There's so much of this island to explore without even beginning to think about elsewhere. My passport expired a fair while ago and I have absolutely no intention of renewing it until I'm satisfied I've seen everywhere England, Scotland and wales have to offer...

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  • 11 months later...

So who managed to tip a little bit out of their bucket in terms of adventures had?

I know I didn't :(

How much of the lakes did Daan get to?

Has Anderzander fixed his bucket enough to hold his dreams?

Did Garrymorris get to the Milau bridge in France?

Ross and his 45Gal barrel filled to the brim?(guessing not, I spent most of this year reading about him fabbing out his workshop and dismantling that poor thing)

Turkey tickled Mo Murphy's fancy, but how close did his 90 get?

Post up your ticks and misses :D

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Lot of people want to do Australia

Well worth it , I have done all of it apart from The Simpson Desert , which is my next big trip.

I am lucky enough to drive around most of Australia for my job, and fly around the rest.

Australia was a great place to "do". The Simpson was a personal highlight, as were the Finke Gorge, Coongie Lakes (there had been recent rain) and Fitzgerald River National Park. You could spend decades exploring that country.

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Just to wade in, my bucket list (by car) would be the Skeleton Coast, the Atacama Desert and north-eastern Siberia (in summer!). Followed by lots more time in Africa, a decent explore of South America and a return trip to Australia.

Ticked off (driving) bits are the UK (bottom to top by motorcycle), Death Valley/Grand Canyon (rental pick-up truck), 31,000km worth of Australia (Range Rover; just a start but managed East-West and North-South central crossings plus a fair amount of western and south-eastern bits). And most of New Zealand which is probably a great place to visit but gets claustrophobic pretty quickly if you are into a bit of adventure!

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I love to tour around and see stuff but I must admit after a few days I like a hotel, a shower and a steak :)

I did East to west in the states and a few Caribbean islands and was well on with financing a trip to nz and aus when kids happened so it's all on hold, let's see how life swings!

I have a friend who has given me an open invite to tour around Sri Lanka so that's on the list. Plus we sell stuff there from work so who knows, I might get a site complaint to attend :D

We sell to a few eastern Europe companies so if I ever get the opportunity to go I'm going to push to drive :)

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I know a Brit about to head off from Australia overland to London in his 110 with his wife. They'll be taking in all that Laos/Myanmar/Vietnam jazz and the rest.

I'd forgotten about the older thread that Nigel linked at the start of this one, and now that I read it back, I realise how much my list has changed. I've put maybe 40k miles on the RR around Europe and although I did do a solid 2.5 months sleeping in it at one point, I wouldn't call it an expedition.

These days I dream of exploring at sea. I need to go back to sea.

So with that in mind I've wanted to see the Galapagos since I was a kid, and Socotra too.

Can't believe the amount of you macabre f*7kers who want to go to Chernobyl :D

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I think the Chernobyl thing at least for me anyway is I remember it happening and it's a stark reminder of how wrong the human race can get it. That and the whole post apocalyptic thing. The one thing that makes me more determined to go there than anything is ALL the younger people I speak to have never even heard of it!


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