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Appologies for the outage


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Seems the forum may be a victim of its own success as we exceeded our monthly traffic limit for the first time.

Anyway, we've stuck some more money in the meter which will keep things ticking along while we consider if/when to upgrade our hosting package.

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I was outraged :D

Still as I hav'nt contributed to the "fund" as yet who am I co complain.

Put me down for the next whip round.


See HERE John,, Sure Tony would love to hear from you

Nice to see us up and running again,, super quick time !!

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Who sent me the text message at 6.30am this morning to let me know?

That was me, you lazy devil!! Still in the pit at that late hour? some people have nowt better to do than laze around all day ! :rtfm:

4:30 I was up and about :)

I think we should consider increasing the available bandwidth by at least 50% (gotta stash all my porn somewhere) :ph34r:

Les. :)

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Out of interest how much is in the pot atm? If not in cash terms, how long would it sustain the forum for at say current levels or if bandwidth was upped 50% as suggested? ie are they funds to last the next few years or is a cash injection needed?

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Out of interest how much is in the pot atm? If not in cash terms, how long would it sustain the forum for at say current levels or if bandwidth was upped 50% as suggested? ie are they funds to last the next few years or is a cash injection needed?

We'll be taking a look at how much we need to increase our bandwidth by tonight, so we should have an answer to that by tomorrow :) For now Trev (LR90) has just stuck a bit in the meter to keep us going while we work out what we need to do in the long term (apart from monitor our bandwidth usage a bit more closely :blush: ).

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Out of interest how much is in the pot atm? If not in cash terms, how long would it sustain the forum for at say current levels or if bandwidth was upped 50% as suggested? ie are they funds to last the next few years or is a cash injection needed?

You've also got to take into account whether Tony's Gin consumption will carry on at the same rate, or as he gets older will it increase?? :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


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An observation, many people are uploading very large picture files, ~400 to 800Kb, for general internet viewing/posting. Resized images (< 100kB) take up a lot less bandwidth, whilst still being perfectly viewable. Does the forum software have the ability to resize images at upload?

Just my 2p. Glad the forum is back up and running so quickly. :)

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You don't know what you've got till it's gone....

I really missed you this morning and was delighted to find the site up again this evening. Made me realise that these things are not free and for the amount of pleasure I get on here I have decided that you will be getting a donation from me tonight...

Well done for getting it up again so quick!



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I donate a few quid each year - I'm never sure if it is the right amount. I do appreciate that the board is free and donations are voluntary but could the mods suggest a recommended minimum donation each year in order to cover costs?

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I think it is up to donors how much they can give, some wouldn't miss £50 or £100, others might only be able to spare £5 or £10. All is welcome but as a guide if the 50 top posters on the forum each gave a tenner a year, based on the last costs I heard from the treasurer we'd have more than enough to cover it :)

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Stickers.. Someone mention stickers !!

Do we bribe Les H ??

Is it just ok to put some more in the pot Tony and a note to Les... I've seen some cars with the forum address on them but didn't realise it was something that was done professionally...

Glad to advertise ! :)

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Noooo! I'd put another fiver in the pot to see home-built portal ends, just for inspiration! As magazines push on towards £5 a throw (and it's rare that I splash out on one of them), the forum looks better and better value - real tech and you can ask questions too :)

Could we organise an automated "annual donation" reminder? Not to pressure members at all, I'd gladly give £5 every 12 months but I can't remember when I last donated. It must be a year ago now?

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The forum is not as I understand it "At Risk", we do not need (kind offer as it is) any posts pics deleted etc, quite the reverse we would NOT wnat to loose the tech articles pics posts and threads that LR4x4 has had built up in its short time on the www

Again, from what I understand (and IT I am not :lol: ) LR4x4 has fallen victim to its growing sucess, the amount of Threads, Posts Pics and Replies just simply means we are eating up our allowances on bandwidth far fast that maybe we ever dreamed at the start. B)

Nobody HAS to pay anything.

This is after all a truly 'independant forum', where nobody is told what they have to do and comply with

(.....er ....well apart from me that the other mods gang up on and tell me to behave - but thats another subject :lol::P)

BUT, if we want to have this forum, and improve it and grow it then it does need some £, not a hugh amount, and as Tescos say "Every little helps"

Nobody has to make 'huge' contributions (unless they wish to ....and there have I belive been some generous ones)

.....but I would say this :

If you value this forum,

what it stands for,

what you get out of it, and

if you would LIKE to make a contribution

then now is a damned good time, Be it a £5 or 'whatever',

if lots of members contribute what they feel happy to do (and that may be for the tight gits nothing :lol: ) then thats fine.

Oh, ....and I have just paid again now, .....and have in the past.... before you lot start :hysterical:

Paypal has a special link just click


........and it should take you staright to the paypal LR4x4.com linky.....then just look just down the page to the right for the words :

MAKE A QUICK PAYPAL CONTRIBUTION ....and then click on it ....away you go


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An observation, many people are uploading very large picture files, ~400 to 800Kb, for general internet viewing/posting. Resized images (< 100kB) take up a lot less bandwidth, whilst still being perfectly viewable. Does the forum software have the ability to resize images at upload?

Just my 2p. Glad the forum is back up and running so quickly. :)

That had already been spotted - there are actually quite a lot around the 1Mb mark, which doesn't sound a lot, but when you've got a lot of them it rapidly adds up...

We need to do something to restrict the size of uploads, but it's actually the amount of storage space they're taking up rather than bandwidth that is causing us concern - mainly because we'll run out of ability to upgrade our way out of trouble sooner.

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