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MOER T-shirt excitement


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Just had a great conversation with Si R at X-eng.

He has incredibly kindly offered to pay for the costs of printing and supplying the T-shirts for Jez. This means that the whole cost of the shirts will go straight to the ladoga coffers. Thnk you vey much Si, i will work out some way of getting your logo onto the shirts!

This means that Jez's Ladoga efforts is now supported not only by LR4x4 but also by X-eng.

I'm going to be dead chuffed wandering around in these shirts when they're finished.

Thanks Si, and thanks to all you guys for supporting Jez!

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I agree that a sleeve logo would look the biz - subject to cost of course. Perhaps, given the volume and the good cause, the printers would be happy to do the extra printing FOC? If you don't ask you don't get...


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I think theres gonna be a lot of sore heads at Billing this year........ Barby and vodka anyone??

thanks guys, girls and Moglite, Im shocked stunned, dazed and genuinely moved by all the support, not sure what to say other than thankyou all so much, although it doesnt seem enough of a thing to say :unsure:

.....so bring it on Ladoga - you best come tooled up and bring a few mates ;)

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In talking to Jim (Pugwash), we considered the sleeve option, but thought it would be better to save the additional printing costs and are going to go for a logo on the front instead.

Last year for Billing I produced a load of T shirts (the innocent bystander ones) and thought this would be a good alternative this year! This way, it supports two things I believe in!


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I think theres gonna be a lot of sore heads at Billing this year........ Barby and vodka anyone??

thanks guys, girls and Moglite, Im shocked stunned, dazed and genuinely moved by all the support, not sure what to say other than thankyou all so much, although it doesnt seem enough of a thing to say :unsure:

.....so bring it on Ladoga - you best come tooled up and bring a few mates ;)

Looks like you had best bring a trophy home with then. ;)

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I cant guarantee anything in terms of cups Jules :o , Yuri (the guy that organises Ladoga) reckons surviving is a big enough achievement, but you can rest assured if theres a way to drive harder and faster for longer than the others WE WILL FIND IT, commitment is something the team has in abundance :)

We are still the only Western European Proto squad - bit of a case of David Vs Goliath, but as long as we can punch him in the nuts we're in with a chance :lol:

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In talking to Jim (Pugwash), we considered the sleeve option, but thought it would be better to save the additional printing costs and are going to go for a logo on the front instead.


Generous offer Si :) sure all parties will appreciate

Tend to agreed with the sleeve option,, surely better in Jez pocket, than on our sleeve :D

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Bugger. We'll be missing Billing :(

But on the night of Billing we'll have our own little BBQ (should be outside the Ben and Jerrys Ice Cream factory by then! :D) and try and get hold of dodgy russian vodka to keep in with the spirit B) :D

Nicely done Si, are you feeling all warm and fuzzy now Jez? :ph34r:

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