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Gresh and family


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And it has taken them one year to come up with that response! Why can't they leave the poor bloke alone? Surely he has already had and will have enough suffering for a lifetime!

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Good to see tax payers money being put to good use again then.

Amen to that - I fail to see how anyone could possibly benefit from the whole sorry process.

Don't worry though, stabbing people with knives is being made illegal, so that's all sorted now.

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This is absolutely disgraceful and disgusting. The poor family have suffered enough at the loss of their children, and now this!?

The way this country is going makes me want to pack up & move back to South Africa.

God bless you Gresh. Our thoughts are with you at this hard time, and we all wish you the very best.


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I have to disagree with the general feeling around here. No matter what the outcome of the accident

nobody is above the law. If there is a case to answer for then it should be so.

Even the most tragic end of any accident doesn't absolve one from the responsibilities of the law,

no matter what you may think of the law.

And I am sure you are all legal experts to be able to pass judgement on the reasons for what has


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Guest diesel_jim
I have to disagree with the general feeling around here. No matter what the outcome of the accident

nobody is above the law. If there is a case to answer for then it should be so.

Even the most tragic end of any accident doesn't absolve one from the responsibilities of the law,

no matter what you may think of the law.

And I am sure you are all legal experts to be able to pass judgement on the reasons for what has


I did wonder that too...^^^

The CPS wouldn't push the case forward without undue cause. I know Gresh is one of "us", and he had a great loss, but we've only heard his side of the story. the police/CPS obviously have more of the facts to deal with.

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In the light of this while I am sure we all continue to extend our heartfelt sympathies to the family but feel it is best we leave it at that for now.

I'm not going to close this thread but will do so if it enters the realms of conjecture and speculation.

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The one observation that I would make is that throughout the proceedings and posts on a number of forums on this subject, I do not recall ever seeing a detailed description of the accident posted anywhere. On that basis I dont think that any of us can offer an opinion on the rights or wrongs of the court case. We werent there, we dont know etc.

At the end of the day whilst we are all very sorry that he lost his children, as someone above said its up to the courts to decide if there is a case to answer.


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In the light of this while I am sure we all continue to extend our heartfelt sympathies to the family but feel it is best we leave it at that for now.

I'm not going to close this thread but will do so if it enters the realms of conjecture and speculation.

I agree.

Remember when this sad accident happened, there were unscrupulous journalists sniffing around the forums for a story.

We are all thinking of you and your family Gresh!

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Additionally, the thread over on Piston Heads indicated that the police went and downloaded all the guys posts and used them as evidence against him. It would be best for everybody if the thread was for factual updates from someone who knows what is happening rather than any speculation.

I feel very sorry for Gresh and wish him good luck on the case, he already has more than enough to deal with, lets not add to any of his problems.

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I try to bite my lip, however I just have to say this:

the kind of abuse of authority that is really disgusting

I dare say the real reason for the prosecution is that press reports 'father is prosecuted' are less embarrassing than 'police utterly fail to do diddly squat'

van drivers need clamping down on - in fact I'd go so far as to include drivers of the more offensively designed 4wd's such as the BMWs, Nissans etc. A higher-level driving test should be in order really. That's without speaking of the rental vans..

the dangerous driver was driving a minibus - similar case to the vans really - , pulling a trailer of boats sounds as though it wasn't hire/reward, so basically after passing a mere car test before 1997.

It looks as though there is confusion in the reference to Gresh 'passing' the minibus, I had understood they were going in opposite directions, not that I want to start a discussion on a matter that is sub judice, although it looks as though the ambiguity of a word is part of the cause for subjecting a family to such mistreatment, terrible.

Clearly a man who had driven his large family in his Land Rover for so many years is not a dangerous driver! Disgusting charging him with that, in the hopes of a careless driving conviction that would, whatever the facts, be unnecessary for a man who has suffered so much already.

As for the cps, what a load of idiots. I hope the judge throws the case out of court with a few well-picked words for the cps, who are literally, as is often the case, adding insult to injury.

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<Mod / Admin mode on>

Please heed my previous comments about conjecture and speculation.

I do not think it is helpful to turn this thread into a broader discussion on our personal views regarding the case, police, crown prosecution or anything else.

I'm trying to be reasonable here but this is a final warning that this thread WILL be locked if it continues along these lines.

<Mod / Admin mode off>

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van drivers need clamping down on - in fact I'd go so far as to include drivers of the more offensively designed 4wd's such as the BMWs, Nissans etc. A higher-level driving test should be in order really. That's without speaking of the rental vans..

the dangerous driver was driving a minibus

Clearly a man who had driven his large family in his Land Rover for so many years is not a dangerous driver!

As for the cps, what a load of idiots.

With insight like this :blink: I don't know why we bother with a legal system!

Fortunately, it would appear that the legals have put a bit more consideration into their statement:

Jaswant Kaur Narwal, Chief Crown Prosecutor for Lincolnshire said "this is a very sad case" and "a great deal of time" was spent reviewing the evidence and "considering the public interest before making the decision to prosecute".

Mr Narwaul said that "it was not a decision which was taken lightly given the tragic deaths of Mr Gresham's children and the loss he suffered as their father".

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i feel sorry for the 3 surviving kids it must be hell for them all over again.

I find it strange that they felt then need to retain him in custody though


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none of us know the facts of what happened on that day, who did what or drove where etc,

we dont know the cause of the accident - if it was swerving, hitting a banking, mechanical failure...

the upsetting thing for Gresh, is he probably doesnt know for sure either. I have been in a serious car accident and I can hand on heart say i dont remember how it happened. It was like a bolt of lightening and WHAM, my car was crushed up around me. (no, it wasnt my fault) - so its all complete conjecture until the evidence is heard.

as for the charges of death by dangerous driving x4 - well lets wait and see.

For all we know there could have been serious mechanical defects on his motor that he knew about and he willingly continued to use his vehicle with his kids in and those defects caused the accident.

It could be nothing at all like that and was the fault of the van driver, but he's managed to BS his way out of it and put the blame on gresh.

Or it could have been a genuine silly 'one of those things' accident that ended up with horrific consequences.

we wont know until the case it heard - so i agree with the Mods, lets just leave it till the facts come out.

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none of us know the facts of what happened on that day, who did what or drove where etc,

we dont know the cause of the accident - if it was swerving, hitting a banking, mechanical failure...

the upsetting thing for Gresh, is he probably doesnt know for sure either. I have been in a serious car accident and I can hand on heart say i dont remember how it happened. It was like a bolt of lightening and WHAM, my car was crushed up around me. (no, it wasnt my fault) - so its all complete conjecture until the evidence is heard.

as for the charges of death by dangerous driving x4 - well lets wait and see.

For all we know there could have been serious mechanical defects on his motor that he knew about and he willingly continued to use his vehicle with his kids in and those defects caused the accident.

It could be nothing at all like that and was the fault of the van driver, but he's managed to BS his way out of it and put the blame on gresh.

Or it could have been a genuine silly 'one of those things' accident that ended up with horrific consequences.

we wont know until the case it heard - so i agree with the Mods, lets just leave it till the facts come out.

Well said and with that I think that for now what needs to be said has been said. I'm not locking this thread but instead trusting members common sense and restraint.

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