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The Grave yard


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Finally - does anyone know whether / when it will run on BBC this side of the pond so that I can see what sounds like a very funny episode indeed. :lol:

Go here and download it Top Gear Download. They are aviable about an hour after it is shown on TV in the uk (Sunday night). As i am in Aus which is (at the moment ) 10 hours ahead. I download it on a Monday and watch it with the misses on a Monday night.

Easy way to see it

BTW all the past 8 seris are on here as well so you can get any espisod you missed

BTW 5th gear is on there also

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They said on Radio2 this morning that the No.10 website crashed due to the popularity of this petition.

FWIW, I think that "The establishment" generally in this country has forgotten who is paying it and why. The government seems to carry on as it sees fit and does not do what the electorate wants. Dictatorship anyone?


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OK, fair do's - it did make a difference.

I wonder however if it was because of the negative press attention yesterday at the government saying it had already been decided and was going ahead anyway.

Still, one way or another it has made a difference!


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Still, one way or another it has made a difference!

I think you were right the first time Si, it has only made a difference in that some spin doctor has had to find someone to wheel out who willl tell the masses that "honestly we will listen and take your views on bored".

They won't do anything of the kind of course as they are far too arrogant to beleive that there are actualy non-politicians a darn sight more intelligent and sensible than any politician is.

Tony's got it right- anyone who actually wants to be a politician should be banned from it- politicians should be forcibly elected by the poopulation, their goods and chattels should be sold for moolah- then the subsequent value of the moolah should change according to the growth of the economy (or perhaps the profitibality of the economy). That way they might have an incentive to work!

ok i admit that's a touch extreme but i still think Tony's right. Ban the politicians and maket the civil service serve the civil population.

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MPs jobs should be put out top tender like any contract. Fixed term (3 years ?) and the job goes to the person who puts in the cheapest or most cost effective quote for the job. If they do not come up with the goods they get sacked, if they run over budget on expenses etc they stump up themselves. Run the business of running the country like a proper business, not with Parliament closed all summer. If the MP does a good job (and ONLY IF) they get a bonus.

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MPs jobs should be put out top tender like any contract. Fixed term (3 years ?) and the job goes to the person who puts in the cheapest or most cost effective quote for the job. If they do not come up with the goods they get sacked, if they run over budget on expenses etc they stump up themselves. Run the business of running the country like a proper business, not with Parliament closed all summer. If the MP does a good job (and ONLY IF) they get a bonus.

Somebody was on the wireless saying exactly the same about local councillors. Because they tend to be business men they can't devote sufficient time to do the job properly.

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Very sorry chaps, i only realised today that i've been registered on this forum for a few months now,

and never got round to saying hello ! :rolleyes:

Great forum from what i've read so far, (been browsing old and new topics for ages). I have a 200 tdi 110 CSW with one or two mods and a split personality, also a TD5 90 (well behaved for now) and finally a Series 2a lwb safari.

I will do my best to join in forthwith.



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Welcome Chris - you're very bold but it sounds like you have the usual plethora of issues with your LRs :)

He's just trying to make up for taking so reticent to say hello.

Hello Chris :D Welcome to LR4x4 (nice LR collection BTW)

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ok sorry i dont have many details but just caught the end of it as coming through the door (tv/news)

a skydiver fell/dived 3000 ft today and his first chute didnt open :unsure:

his reserve chute also failed :o

he landed in some scrub/trees and survived with a broken foot (amazingly lucky)

best bit was he was wearing a helmet cam :D

and they showed the last 20 secs to impact on the telly :blink:

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