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Screen wash


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I guess this isn't strictly Land rover related but with the amount of screen wash I get through in my 110, it seems relevant...

Just wondered if anyone has used any alternatives to proper screen wash that has the same properties but isn't so expensive - £6 for 5 litres seems like silly money to me

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Also, the cheap stuff tends to freeze I have found. It doesn't freeze in the bottle under the bonnet, but on a cold morning like we've had the last few days, if I am unfortunate enough to need to use the washers it just freezes as soon as it hits the screen! At which point I end up with a big smeary freezing mess and can see literally nothing!

This is the pink stuff from Halfords. Next batch will be some decent branded concentrate stuff, and I'll mix it up as Chris suggests above.

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Avoid the 'concentrate' from Sainsburys. Used neat it is freezing as it hits the screen even though the bottle claims it's good for -60C undiluted. Worse, it recommends 2:1 dilution for winter use - and at that it works out more expensive per litre than their ready-mix!

Tomorrow I'm going to add a bit of Antifreeze to it - which has proven effective in the past.


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Avoid the 'concentrate' from Sainsburys. Used neat it is freezing as it hits the screen even though the bottle claims it's good for -60C undiluted. Worse, it recommends 2:1 dilution for winter use

Might it work like ethylene glycol antifreeze and have a lower freezing point once diluted 2:1?

Edited to add: Thinking about it, I had some Sainsbury de-icer which just froze straight to the screen at only -2. :(


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Just watching bbc breakfast and they've got a chap from the aa who recomends putting meths in the washer bottle.

I recently bought 10 litres of screenwash from a pound shop in aberystwyth (unbranded as far as i can remember) and so far its been spot on, having said that the spray from my washers on the 110 have a job reaching the screen let alone freezing on it


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Also, the cheap stuff tends to freeze I have found. It doesn't freeze in the bottle under the bonnet, but on a cold morning like we've had the last few days, if I am unfortunate enough to need to use the washers it just freezes as soon as it hits the screen! At which point I end up with a big smeary freezing mess and can see literally nothing!

This is exactly what the cheap stuff from Lidl does - avoid. It was only -7 for crisssakes!

I honestly don't know why we in the UK can't have proper stuff sold to us unlike in Europe (surely pikeys attempting to drink it is just natural selection at work?) Last time I was in Poland, I went into the local Tesco (really - largest supermarket chain over there) and poured own-brand into the car, and it was quite happy at -10 and below. Do that with Tesco's own-brand here and washer jets will freeze. /rant

Has anybody used the 'Four Seasons' stuff from GSF successfully?

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This is the pink stuff from Halfords. Next batch will be some decent branded concentrate stuff, and I'll mix it up as Chris suggests above.

That's strange, I've used Halfrauds 'pink' for several years (best bought in summer when you can get two for the price of one) in a variety of cars without a problem, though it has to be said that ambient temps don't usually fall below around -7 around here but then of course you still have the wind-chill on the jets when the car is travelling.

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The Halfords concentrate stuff makes for better value in summer but when you're diluting it 2:1 for winter I don't think it represents any better value for money than the pre-mix.

I've been wondering about a meths/water mix - has anyone done any experiments?

Maybe I should just be less stingy!

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i use costco s and never had it freeze even at -12

when younger i worked in a lab and used to mix 10% iso propyl alcohol into washer bottle, never froze in my mighty sierra, so i could always see out the front window as the back end sailed majestically past the front end or pedestrians walked past as my rear wheels spun uselessly on the ice

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i use costco s and never had it freeze even at -12

when younger i worked in a lab and used to mix 10% iso propyl alcohol into washer bottle,

Back in the 'eighties when I was a tanker driver (chemicals) we used to put a 'high' concentration of methenol into the washer tank, never had frozen washers even when doing 60 on motorways!

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I use whatever is cheapest and can't remember ever having a problem. The 110s washers don't have jets just tubes extended onto the wiper arms so I get a big short burst of water above the blade, this seems to work well for me to shift clods of mud offroad. Day to day I keep the screen rainX'd since having a new screen last year and its rare that I need to use the washers onroad at all.

Will :)

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I'm sure I've read somewhere that some if not most washing up liquids will help degrade your wiper blades faster...



  • Never add washing-up liquid to your windscreen wash. It could damage your windscreen wipers and leave a potentially dangerous film on your windscreen.




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Washing up liquid contains a lot of Salt - it's the salt that gives it the 'squeaky clean' thing and it makes it mildly abrasive.

Liquid hand cleaner and some shampoos are better - if you are really stuck for something. However Meths plus a little bit of white vinegar is supposed to be about the best alternative.


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