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Neighbours....not the TV progamme


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Keep a log of the times you're doing grinding in a diary or book, also keep a log of any noise he makes including stuff like mowing the lawn, garden party, playing music.

That way if it comes to any sort of action you have "evidence" you're not being unreasonable and you can, should you wish, launch a similar complaint about his actions.

As mentioned by many before, it's best to remain civil in these matters as you're still going to have this guy as a neighbour once the job is finished, however, you shouldn't feel like you're unable to practice your hobby in the confines of your own home.

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buy a rooster and a few chickens and tell him because you cant use the grinder you cant finish the car so now youve abandoned the project completely and made it into a chicken coop. he'll be begging you to start grinding after a few mornings of cockadoodledo

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Wowsers just makes you realise how lucky you are. I have great neighbours, i think am reasonable with noise most of the time, but do occasionally let rip with the grinder or metal hacksaw, although never after 8-9pm and not before 11 on Sundays.

Helping them out helps loads, like the winter we have just had with shopping and taking in parcels when they are out, as well as keeping my mad landrover addiction under cover of the garden hedge or locked in a normal looking shed.

The only neighbour who is himself noisy and a bit of a tool lives opposite and a few doors along has a rear wheel drive german car, which he spends all day cleaning whilst listening to 5 live at full volume from the car. Nice to see that this winter he had to get up 2 hours early each morning to stand any chance of getting it off the drive with snow/ice. I left at my normal time driving off over 8 inches of snow to the plowed road giving him a smile as I did.

It makes you believe in Karma :i-m_so_happy: in which case Mike your neigbour is due a change of neighbours on the other side of him to be asbo/pikey sort with dogs/foul mouthed kids, just far enough away that you can't hear. :hysterical:

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Have you tried punching him, worked for us?

I'd be cautious about posting things like this on line. Similar have come to haunt people as all the Twitter prosecutions show!

I once had a chap say he would give me a 'kicking' if he ever saw me in person (I may have been a bit sarcastic to him on a forum). I met him at a show - and said 'here's your opportunity, are you going to give me that kicking now?' The look on his face was a picture! He was a slightly nerdy little guy - full of bravado on line, but not so much in person. I honestly expected him to look like Arnie - but it goes to show that most of these threats are just hot air!

At the end of the day, you have to get on with him. I'm not sure punching him, even if you did, is going to aid that - and if you're really lucky he will just call the cops.

If you feel you cannot talk to him directly because things have gone to far - that's what the mediation service are for. You won't get it all your own way, but nor will he - and hopefully you can build a bridge between you.

My neighbor is in to bikes & fast cars - and it turns out we have more in common than different. I think his disagreement with me was in part a symptom of other things in his life not going well - and feeling out of control.

I'm not completely free of animosity towards him, but we are both trying and the last two months has been the most peaceful in ten years. The compromises on both sides are worth that alone.


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Definitely agree with Task with regards keeping a log of times you or he are causing any kind of noise. I expect you make a lot less noise than he makes out to whoever wilol listen to him.

I grew up living next door to a PITA chap who moaned about almost everything I (as a teenage Landy owner) did. Generally I ignored him and carried on. Strangely he never had the nerve to complain to my dad, who he got on pretty well with, as dad used to help him with all sort of hings that required some engineering thought and/or common sense.

The neighbour the other side of Mr PITA was a Mini enthusiast, and all the time I lived there he generally had at least 6 Minis plus the daily drivers on his drive. (He did have three enthusiast sons). Then there was the family caravan, the wife's horse trailer...

By contrast he made our house look pretty tidy.

However I always recall the daily Mr PITA complained to the council about all the cars and that the caravan was blocking light from his front room, (yes they did look a mess, but that's not the point). Council inspector duly turned up, questioned the number of cars while making are you running a business type remarks. Chappy says two cars are his, the sons each have two, all for personal use and hobbies etc.

Council's recommendation was to loose two of the cars or loose the caravan. Next week the 'van went..... shortly to be replaced by two more Minis. Oh how we laughed!

I seem to recall phoning the water board one summer when we were in drought times, pointing out how Mr PITA next door had the only green lawn in town, (he used to leave the sprinkler running all night!)

Water board told him he needed a meter fitting if he used an unattended hose pipe. In turn the new water meter fitting highlighted various electrical defects in the house, which later lead to a fair amount of costly re-wiring.

Always nice to have the last laugh :)

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Have you tried punching him, worked for us?

I'm trying to decide which must be the lower number - your IQ or your age. :(

I think the more positive advice is pretty good. You never know what else is going on in someone else's life, and noise can be the final straw for them and not the underlaying cause for pent up anger. Some sort of dialogue usually works, like an invitation for a tea and a friendly chat, and then explaining what you're doing. It's persistent noise, or the perception that it's persistent, that winds people up. I have some noisy neighbours who have far too many loud garden parties. They restrict it to weekends and finish around midnight, but it is a source of irritation when they have so many and I have to be up at 3am for work. I don't have a choice over my shifts, either. Still, they would consider their behaviour reasonable, and I can see that they are avoiding noise when they expect others to be resting. Unfortunately, increasing numbers of people work overnight and at weekends, especially those in emergency services, transport, farming and retail. Most people have more stable, social hours and fail to consider that not everyone has that luxury. Ask your neigbour what times would fit his work/rest pattern.

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This topic has got quite a bit of interest hasn't it. :)

I have tried to keep very quiet this weekend. Yesterday I painted the bathroom ceiling, but it needed sanding first. That made a bit of noise...not car related though.

Later he cut his grass, so I took the opportunity to use the power file for 5 minutes on the tailgate and get ready for some welding today. Then after lunch today, I have again been quiet, no grinding. I cut some pieces of metal with my hacksaw, drilled two holes, and did a little welding. I haven't been at it that long today either. maybe 90 minutes scattered across the day in 20 or 30 minute chunks.

Then I will try to pop home tomorrow lunch to grind the welds down whilst he is at work.

The suggestion to keep logs is very good, and that is what I will do. Just wish I had started them years ago when their builders did the extension, relaid the drive, built new garden wall, fitted gates etc, etc.

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The trouble with keeping a log is that it 'tunes' you in to the noise and makes every little noise seem more annoying. Both nextdoor and I had kept logs. At the start of our mediation, we both used them to try & batter the other one into submission.

The mediation service suggested that on the whole they make things worse - and even if it went to court, they are of no evidential value because they are recorded by someone with a vested interest.

If you stop and think about why you would want to keep a log - the answer is Revenge. You feel like it will help you get retribution at some future date - but, trust me, it just makes you (and them) feel more angry.


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I'd say that keeping a log of your own noise making is useful as you know when you made noise, that way when sweeping statements are made against you the log can be used to put them in context.

That's sort of what I was thinking, more for if the council guy accuses me of X, I can say I was doing this or that.

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The constructive advice is good - you have to live next door to them, and some people just love complaining purely as it's something to occupy them (especially the retired / housebound / out of work in my experience). They have all the time to make a pain of themselves with the council etc. and nothing better to do.

Keep the noise to reasonable times, try to think about ways to reduce it; only grind in the shed/garage if you have one, keep the door closed when doing so, or buy a tarp / gazebo or something to cut the noise down a tad - it shows willing if nothing else.

Stay reasonable, be incredibly nice to the man from the council (if your neighbour is being a PITA to them they will be far more inclined to your side if you're Mr Nice), try to keep everything else presentable - if the garden looks like a scrapyard it does your case no good. If you can come across as a polite, reasonable and responsible citizen compared to Mr Grumpy Shouty Complainy next-door all the better.

Try and be polite with the neighbour, as someone said you can point out that grinding is not a full-time thing and it's just happening a bit while you finish the job. Ask him when he *would* be happy for you to make the noise..

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Years ago I worked nights. I was told that as I chose to work nights, then tough if peope work during the day.

I've worked shifts including 50% nights for about 10 years and although i've never had a really troublesome neighbour, i've had plenty of occasions when i've been kept awake on nights or weekends before an early start, also one neighbour who seemed to think that everything I did right down to brushing my teeth was too noisy for them.

I have to say, i've always just shrugged it off as part of shift work. We both have to live our lives after all, and if I start ranting at people for having some friends round on a Saturday night then I become the unreasonable party.

Like others on here have said, reasonable conversations with the other party quite often smoothes things over and although a bit of pride needs to be swallowed, it does just make life easier to not start an all-out war.

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Helping them out at times helps to keep things civil and get away with making a bit of noise and mess at times.

I have rebuilt several vehicles in the drive and frankly it looks a mess at time and some noise is inevitable, I have had no problems with the neighbour. If I have any particularly noisy job to do I try and do it in bits also if I see they have gone out I take that as a chance to get as much of the noisy stuff done as possible. I have also help patch up his car on several occasions and if I have the jet washer out on bin day I jet wash my bin out and do his at the same time, takes minutes but keeps thing on good terms.

It sounds like your case has got a bit past the stage of being nice so keeping a diary of when you are making noise and for how long will help fend off any formal complaints if the council get involved to prove you aren't making a deafening noise for hours every day as is sometimes claimed. As other have said trying to keep thing limited and moderate the noise as much as possible will help and if the council get involved the fact you have tried counts for a lot.

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The "Punch them on the nose" is a daft idea, last person who had a go at assulting me ended up being "Out Cold"

a few seconds later - people who don't look like they could be much trouble can be the reverse if provoked......

Apart from the above it is also going to escalate to a dafter level. Being nice, apologetic and friendly explaining the

issue and ask for guidance on when to stop / start to aviod being a pain is more likely to win them over.

Keeping a log of what you do could backfire as it could be deemed that you knew you were being antisocioal and your

own log could be used against you. when you reach the point of lawyers and councils its getting out of control and

best you do something that stops it ever getting that far.


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The "Punch them on the nose" is a daft idea, last person who had a go at assulting me ended up being "Out Cold"

a few seconds later

what you do? throw frozen pea's at him? :lol::stirthepot:

admittedly, assaulting the neighbor isn't such a good idea, but there is only so much carp you can take in life. :)

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I tried to resist a post but what the hell...

Bottles of Whisky at Christmas time... :i-m_so_happy: Gotta admit I have it quite lucky having mainly cows and sheep for neighbours... but having a yard full of trucks in various states of repair can be an eye sore too to some of the non converts... to keep them happy I take round a bottle to each of my surrounding neighbours.

Something my little sis could never grasp was the "swallow your pride" type approach, its never easy, but if you want to get your own way, sometimes you have to be a tad manipulative and play them a little...

I think you're on the right track, just try and avoid escalation as previously stated and don't lower yourself to the game of "tit for tat" stick to your guns, be mature and get your bloomin truck finished! ;)

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admittedly, assaulting the neighbor isn't such a good idea, but there is only so much carp you can take in life. :)
Encouraging people to assault their neighbours on the internet is probably not the best idea either... especially if you ever have a disagreement with your neighbour.
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