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Workbench - How deep to go?

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Kitchen worktops are 600mm deep, so visualise that as a comparison point. I'd say Barry is about right, room for carp at the back, and still room for a transfer box being worked on.

Materials (board) available may influence decision too.

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Mine is also worktop, I paid £20 for a 5 metre length because its damaged.

Bolted the vice over the damage and fitted some spare quadrant beading where it meets the wall.

I used some 4 inch fence posts for legs I had leftover from decking and fencing garden. Bought some planed timber for the shelf.

At the moment I am making a cabinet out of scrap wood I've accumulated over the years. Idea is to make some space to store junk and get rid of wood at the same time.

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2ft deep, 4 ft long and triangular with 3 legs. It's steel, has a raised edge and a drain hole into a bucket. In this way it just fits a transfer box and has a very limited ability to collect scrap ;)

If that's not your bag, consider something with variable height for working on the top parts of big things on it's 'low' setting. I'm really thinking I need such a thing at work.........

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Hip height and arms length deep, any deeper and plopplops will just build up on the bench.

Arms length would make it about 2.5' deep :)

Bear in mind Ross is tall so probably has a longer reach than most (assuming the beer belly isn't getting in the way too much).

Watch it :rtfm::P. The pub is being rebuilt after a large fire so not much beer being consumed these days!

I hadn't thought about the reaching to shelves behind, I'll get the tape measure out and see :)

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Arms length would make it about 2.5' deep :)

Try and reach UP as well, then see how much shelf/hanging space you are prepared to lose by going too deep...

I'm 6', and a 2' bench seems about perfect, there is a reason why kitchen worktops are 600mm deep!

Oh, and make it HIGHER than 900mm off the floor (standard kitchen unit), they designed kitchen worktop heights for women originally which is why I get backache every time I wash up.... good excuse though :)

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