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Courtesy gone out the window.


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This could split the jury, but I'm stunned and want to share what is a surreal experience.

I sent what I thought was a reasonable parts enquiry to a (UK based) independent Land Rover parts supplier, but I really don't think I deserved what I got in return. I've read the following to some friends and we've had a good laugh at the thought that if this was one of those comedic disgruntled admin worker's letters doing the rounds online it'd be hilarious. Unfortunately this is the attitude of a real business person.

I'd just like to point out that the following messages are whole and unedited, save for omitting the other party's signature. (and I'd never used this supplier before.)

This is what I sent:

"Hi there,

I'd like to order some parts but wanted to be sure that P/N ROA100040 is for a pair of front shock lower bushes as the price would suggest it is, but the wording isn't specific?

Many thanks,


I have to put my hands up. I used an unfortunate turn of phrase. What I meant was the price suggests it's a pair, but the text says it's a single bush. I see how it might be a tedious question, but isn't reassuring a confused customer a fundamental of good service?

This is what I got in return, and remember, this is the full message:

"BUSH! how can that be confused with BUSHES? price is half the price of the poly PAIR/KIT

So many clues and you still missed them, not quite sure what more we can do apart from put the actual words in writing? OH WE ALREADY HAD.
I do understand some people have difficulty reading etc. so please don't take offence (i have dyslexia myself) but please do not attempt to fit these your self if you have difficulty reading these simple and clear descriptions, as the part you are asking about is a safety part.

Thanks and best regards from ____ "
I replied telling him that his customer service was terrible and that he'd lost my business. I said I wished to take the matter higher. He replied with indifference, and a persistent patronising tone. He's ignoring the issue now and focussing on the parts prices. I sent a final reply telling him that everyone deserves the benefit of the doubt if having a bad day, and giving him a last opportunity to apologise before I named him here.
It's obvious that he took my original enquiry extremely personally, and may not be able to separate his emotions from his business. If this is his normal attitude I'm sure he'll make his own bed. That just makes me feel bad for the man. So rather than naming him, I'd prefer to live and let live, and let him make his own bed.
In the end it's sad that we've both lost. I'm still in the market for parts, and he's minus a customer (who does all their own maintenance on two Land Rovers).
Yours sincerely,
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Seems a fairly straightforward question to me.................just to make sure you are getting the right thing, and whether it is a pair or just one ?

OK. if you want to be pedantic, you could ASSUME the description "BUSH" means just one, and "BUSHES" means more than one (set pair or whatever) but I have found that this is not always so.

So whats wrong with checking FFS ? How could you be offended/upset/irritated by that ?

If its avoids confusion or disappointment for the customer, and more hassle for you later, whats the problem ?

Or have you omitted something George ? :hysterical:

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I think everybody is taking it all rather personally. I'd say the bloke was having a bad day made worse by a kinda silly (no offence) question and he let rip in a kinda funny way in an e-mail. You'll be laughing about it next week in the cold light of day. Remember there's a human at the other end too.

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I bet his boss would like to know he's sending responses to customers out like that - and I doubt his boss would find losing money even remotely humorous.

I'd have been tempted to reply: 'lol - you just failed the mystery shopper test. Want to collect your belongings now or after I put the report in ? Muppet'

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His reply was certainly not tongue in cheek - it is full of sarcasm, not wit, and is extremely rude. Name and shame them, please - I don't want to be spending my hard earned with a company that treats its customers that way! He should be identified and sacked.

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It's a fair question, so many suppliers give unclear descriptions, and there is no harm in asking.

Name and shame, especially as you have the evidence to support your naming!


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Haha I can see Basil Fawlty shouting the words from behind the front desk.

I might be being too soft, but I have this feeling that he genuinely doesn't understand how rude his message was. I don't think there's anyone higher up the ladder as he wasn't phased by my wish to take the matter to a superior. He refers to the company as 'we' and his last response was spread over two emails, one at 4am and the second at 5am. The website says they're a family business based in the UK. So unless he's an extremely dedicated employee, he must be the owner if he's answering messages in the middle of the night.

I had the idea that maybe sending him the link to this thread might be a little more magnanimous. It might open his eyes to how most people would feel if met with his attitude. He could have the opportunity to change his tone without having lost more business than just mine.

Anyway he hasn't replied today, I'll see if there's anything in the morning.

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Fair play to you, to allow him to respond and show his side of the story. It may be just that this is his manner, and the humour is lost in the written medium.

Do report back, this is an interesting thread.

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I had the idea that maybe sending him the link to this thread might be a little more magnanimous. It might open his eyes to how most people would feel if met with his attitude. He could have the opportunity to change his tone without having lost more business than just mine.

Anyway he hasn't replied today, I'll see if there's anything in the morning.

edicated employee, he must be the owner if he's answering messages in the middle of the night.

I don't think it will ever make a difference, judging by your report...

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I wouldn't worry too much, there is a lot of others out there and as I am seeing the world of Rovers is getting smaller, it will be short lived when all he turns over is enough to pay the rent each month ;)

Paddocks had better start getting smart too as a lot of guys I speak to are getting rather hacked off with blue boxes turning up when they specified a different brand, thing is it is a bit far to send it back, trouble is these guys are now shopping elsewhere.

I currently have issues with two part suppliers here who think they are the answer to your prayers and feel you need to bow down when entering the shop, shame they can't get the orders right for a hand brake cable that I even gave them the right part number and paid in advance for, tried to charge me for the part that was wrong and refused a refund until I put a hi-lift jack on the counter and told them it was going through the window if they didn't give me my money, the others got my message over the crank pulley for a 200Tdi with aircon needing to be genuine, part number given paid my deposit and get a standard one from BP handed to me with a big grin, really wanted to batter the guy with that OME Nitro charger shock I picked up too until the girl opened the till :ph34r:

Think I am losing my patients and you guys are finding them as I really don't see the funny side of these things anymore at all :angry2:

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In 1972, a cracked Land Rover enthusiast was sent to prison by a military court for a crime he didn't commit. This man promptly escaped from a maximum-security stockade to the London underground. Today, still wanted by the government, he survives as a soldier of fortune disguised as a ninja smiley. If you have a problem... if no parts supplier wants to help... and if you can find him... maybe you can hire... the A-ngry bloke with the blunt object.

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Just had a look at your build. Hang in there mate. It's not great here either, the indy guys know we have to ship from the UK if we're not buying genuine so their mark up tends to only undercut the UK price by a little, if at all.

It's because I'm penniless right now that I was shopping around online. I've decided that given the exchange rate, and the shipping I'm just going to go to my local LR dealer. The guy there is not just professional, but proper friendly and the type to advise you to go elsewhere if he knows you'd be better off. I wish I could afford him all the time!

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Me too would like the name of the firm too, bad customer service is present in the land rover parts shops, I can hazard a guess who it is tbh

I reckon I could guess as well.. but maybe not.

The person I thought of is really good on the phone but abysmal by E-mail.

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Had similar this morning, bought two items from the same place on ebay last saturday, hadn't arrived so I opened a case/contacted the seller to see what could be done about it, and did it twice of course, for each item... reponse:

Not sure why you needed to open 2 cases against us for the same grouped purchase. The items will be shipped again as stated in the last message. Best Regards

Maybe because there were two items,and could have been shipped separately, plus Ebay only allows you to contact someone about an item, and not an order as a whole.

Bit touchy I feel.

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