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The straw that broke the camels back.


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The end is now upon me, I have had enough and have decided to throw in the towel and scrap that pile of s4!t that I once affectionately named Rusty.

All planned, trailer picks me and the car up at 10:30 we head to Halen for the safety test and go from there, but new problems have arisen and I am that sick of spending all my fuggin time working on it and not enjoying it I have decided to just scrap it, put the goodies in to storage and buy somethig that runs, most likely to be a Land Cruiser too as they are not fugged about with over here by half wit inbreds like Land Rovers.

9" grinder in the morning.

I'm done, stick a fork in me, quitting time.

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Don't give up now mate, you've put so much work into that truck! If you finish it you'll have a rarity in the fact that it's a de rusted 200 series disco and you could move it on for a premium..?

You'll regret it if you give up on it, your so close. These things were sent to test us!

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if you scrap it now I promise I will never speak to you again! <_<

Take some deep breaths, put it down for a bit, but as soon as you give up on it all your time and money and pain has been for nothing!

MAN UP NIGE - they dont go from looking like this:


To this: with a waft of a wond... Its hard I know been there, but it feels so good when you are actually there! and you are so close!!! Stop being a girl, thats what I got told :blush:


Now come on!

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Going to the pub, have a think on this but it really is getting a bit beyond a joke now, I spent the last few days freezing my bolls off trying to refit the interior and get all the small fiddly, farty bits tidied up like spat boards and trims speaker wires and such that had a new electrical gremlin not decided to emerge under the bloomin dash then all was rocking for tomorrows plan, now it is dash out and find a rather odd noise that appears when the ignition is switched on, along with random illuminations on the dash lights now.

I have spent a year and a half trying to get this thing sorted to a good high standard but fixing other peoples bodges and figuring out what has gone before has worn me very thin, winter is almost over, spring almost here and it still aint done and not for the lack of trying these last weeks, breeding season is now about to kick off and time to spend on it will be dying day by day from today as the first mare was scanned so kick off is today until October, ok it begins slow but picks up fast then nothing for 3 months as no time then a few hours here and there, but I want something to drive not spend all my time thus far fixing, a bit like being an unpaid mechanic really, the idea is to enjoy it, but at the minute it's just pizzing me off, I get one day in the week off work to do decent stuff and every week I spend a day doing stuff on the truck and an hour or more of a night time when it's not too cold but it has just worn thin, it just aint fun when I never get to do anything but fix it.

Back after a pint or 5.

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Don't give up your an inspiration to us all it will be worth it in the end. The smile you WILL have on your face when you drive home after your first off road foray will make it all worthwhile. The 200tdi disco is the best truck land rover ever built it has everything you could ever need if I could buy a none rusty one it would be my first choice hands down. Come on Nigel get it done I promise you'll be infected forever.


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Mate just get it running (safely). Forget the high standard for now, just drive it. Let your enthusiasm return at it's own pace.

Who wants a Land Cruiser for flip sake... soft people who lead easy lives... that's who. You're a Land Rover driver, a man's man, you threaten people with high lift jacks and suspension parts. :)

Don't throw away all that work!

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When you're at the bottom of despair, aim for short term pleasing goals.

We have all been there, the end result will always make you feel great.

as the tag below, "always learning" .... another challenge will always be round the corner, I just focus on the short term gains and avoid the overall mess!

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I thought about giving up many a time with mine - but didn't, and the reward is being able to drive a Disco that is going to last a lot longer than most of the ones out there. You have spent faaar too much time on it to quit now.

Take a step back, a deep breath, and carry on - you know it makes sense.

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Forget the radio, forget all the creature comforts, just work on the basic vehicle first, thats what I did with Kettle, and am doing with The 109. Once they're up and running and enjoyable, then I start adding things like the radio....The 109's still isn't done, but I think it's rather more important that she stops rather than being able to listen to the radio!

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I ahev just got home after a quick pint, well, it went a little bit further than a pint :ph34r:

Thaks to Dominique whe listened to my tales of woe with Rusty, stared bewildered into her ipad as she looked through the saga of what has been so far, 6 bttles of Duvel later, I can hardly walk and she crashed me on her sofa, got me a banging headache thismorning and think I want to eat but not sure my stomach woold take it.

So after getting rather hammered in the pub at the top of my road and sleeping on a sofa I thonk it a good time to go exploring under the dash, you guys are all right, come too far to end it now, but it would be nice to do smething other than spanner my days away.

So les hope thqt th problem is minor and does not rezilt in anither dash fire as I fquult find.

Now hunting the medicine cabinet as sure the screen never looked this blurrry lqst night.

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I feel reluctant to advise one way or the other Nigel. On reputation the Landcruiser option will almost always be reliable in every way, while your Disco will always be a LandRover, with all the flaws, weaknesses and built in obsolescence that they are known for. But then again, I'm not the one who has spent countless hours restoring your truck, and if I was then I know that I would hate myself if I abandoned the project at the eleventh hour. If it were me in similar circumstances, I'd probably get the bloody thing registered and on the road, sell it, buy a Landcruiser, enjoy the places it takes me,and don't look back.

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I ahev just got home after a quick pint, well, it went a little bit further than a pint :ph34r:

Thaks to Dominique whe listened to my tales of woe with Rusty, stared bewildered into her ipad as she looked through the saga of what has been so far, 6 bttles of Duvel later, I can hardly walk and she crashed me on her sofa, got me a banging headache thismorning and think I want to eat but not sure my stomach woold take it.

So after getting rather hammered in the pub at the top of my road and sleeping on a sofa I thonk it a good time to go exploring under the dash, you guys are all right, come too far to end it now, but it would be nice to do smething other than spanner my days away.

So les hope thqt th problem is minor and does not rezilt in anither dash fire as I fquult find.

Now hunting the medicine cabinet as sure the screen never looked this blurrry lqst night.


FFS man don't do it, Don't let It beat you!!! you'll be bloody bored soon enough and I can't really see you being all pipe and slippers with a TLC can you?

Now get back on the horse so to speak and get stuck into it and get the safety test passed and drive the damn thing, sort out any niggles you have with it later on and enjoy all of your hard work


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Every project has lows like this - there was a period with the 109 where I was wondering why I didn't just junk it and buy a running C303. But the point is not "because I want something to drive", the point is "because I want THAT thing I BUILT to drive".

Mind you, there was an even darker period where the 109 nearly ended up diesel powered :blink::ph34r:

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Every project has lows like this - there was a period with the 109 where I was wondering why I didn't just junk it and buy a running C303.

Mind you, there was an even darker period where the 109 nearly ended up diesel powered :blink::ph34r:

And an even darker period still, where the 109 was under threat of being coil sprung !lol.

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Head is still thumping and stomach feels like a washer on full spin but the dash is out again, here we go again, no noises now, oh deep joys of electricals, gonna pull all the looms back and see if there is something obvious.

Still wondering at the minute if perservering is worth it, will try and upload a video of what it sounded like later, gotta get over this hurdle as it seems to be the last thing holding me back.

It will live again and drive the black top!!!!

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to be fair, youve made it really far before getting the hump with it. but the little details are the ones that dont show much visual progress, but make all the differrence to the end product.

we have all been through this, all to varying degrees from a small repair to a full on nut and bolt restoration.

i admire you for taking a 200 disco, and restoring it completely. its about time poeple should start saving them instead of harvesting them. an yes, i am guilty of stripping one down for the engine, but whenever i see one on the road (hardly EVER) i smile to myself, as even though they arent generally modified, you know the driver is a true through and through land rover enthuaiast.

when was the last time you saw a 200Tdi Disco driving down the road? i can guarantee it made you smile.

take a break from it, put it aside, somewhere it wont degrade, cover it up for a while, maybe a week, maybe a month, maybe a few months. i can guarantee you will find yourself wanting to get back to work on it in due course. thats when youre ready to continue :)

what other toys do you have that need work? what do you want to fabricate for the workshop? a SMALL project is a great break from something like this.

P.S. hung over under dash work never feels good. i bet you fell asleep under there at some point ;)

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Dash is all back in, I found nothing with any of my work, everything was as it should be and no issues with the wiring to be seen.

I won't be there for the test tomorrow but he is being picked uup tonight and going in the morning, pass and he comes home, fails and he stays at the garage and I will go there to work on him when I want or could possibly just pay them to do what needs doing?

Think it was a cumulation of stress and pressure to actually get it done and I really was looking forward to the test today but when it seemed to be going wrong it bottle necked and I flipped out, not a common thing but so needed that blow out binge, I have now re-established my love for Duvel.

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