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Thank god for LR4x4 experts..............

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To be fair Pete social media does have it's uses, this is a great example of what twitter is useful for http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2015/01/06/toilet-paper-delivery-twitter_n_6423760.html


Running out of scrape is just bad planning, :blush:, but amusing. However demonstrates the same level of intelligence as folks who go off walking in the mountains in jeans and trainers using just a smart phone for map, gps, compass ,torch & phone. Then somehow manage to have just enough battery to phone the MRT and ask if they could come and get us please, as we are lost (Muppets). It would be interesting to link the number of call-outs year on year with smartphone sales.

On a side note the virgin train toilets have an amusing feature, where the close door button isn't a lock button (you need the lock button for that), some people think it has locked until someone else comes to use the facilities.

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Reading some of the comments- this bit had me giggling :-)


On the one hand I find this pretty damn hysterical. On the other hand he is probably going to breed...


On the other hand he's probably going to get an AC compressor.

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I heard a story about a guy asking for a Tattoo on his chest of a Thistle with "Scotland the Brave" written underneath. The Tattoo artist didn't know what a Thistle was, so the guy sketched one - the artist appeared to twig what a Thistle was. When he came out, he realised what he actually had was a big Pineapple on his chest with "Scotland the Brave" writ beneath.

An Alternator by comparison maybe isn't so bad!


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That tv program "tattoo nighmares" is hours of fun. Not just the astounding work they do to cover up the work of some meth head, but also the stories of how people got them in the first place. One guy had a girlfriend who was well into unicorns, so he got a tat of one. She dumped him the first time she saw it, so there he is with a big ass unicorn on his arm :) I laughed a lot

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