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300tdi LR Genuine Water Pump


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Well, since the others are exhausted I will put my oar in. I have a lot of experience with Ebay, both as a seller and as a buyer.

If you bought an item described as "Genuine Landrover" and there was no suggestion that the picture used was merely for reference then you should expect one as shown in the picture - in a Landrover box. You should contact the vendor and tell him of your disappointment and tell him what you want him to do to put it right. He should foot the bill for postage as he was the one who made the error, not you.

If he will not play ball then you have to see what steps can be taken. How did you pay? If it was by Paypal (I only ever buy with Paypal or cash on collection) then you report the problem to them. I think you report it as "Item significantly not as described". Paypal then freeze the money for the transaction until he works out the problem with you.

Remember that you can give him poor feedback as you see fit. Any feedback that you leave must be true as it could constitute defamation/libel if not. Same goes for his feedback for you.

Everyone here has his own take on OEM, genuine Landrover, Britpart, County stuff etc. Personally I only use OEM if I can get it and have not had any quality issues which give me any concern. Usually when I buy from the cheaper ranges I am rewarded with the chance to do the job twice - or even more. My personal feeling is that you should reach a compromise with the seller for some money back and fit the apparently OEM item you have.

If, after all this you are still not happy, please, tell someone else!

While you have lots of protection with Ebay and Paypal the rule of Caveat Emptor still applies. If something looks too good to be true then perhaps it is. That said, you can get some real bargains off Ebay if you know what you are looking at - often through people's lousy adverts. :)

I went into my local independent LR garage once to buy some U/Js. They came out in green boxes with the Hardy Spicer design across them. Closer inspection revealed that the words "Hardy Spicer" was missing from the box and they were in fact cheap, poor quality copies of the OEM item. The dealer continued to insist that they were "genuine" despite my protest. I had to have them as I needed the car running. I do not know if he really believed that they were OEM Hardy Spicer or if he merely wanted to off-load them. The part number on the Bearmach looking label did have the "G" after the part number. As I say, Caveat Emptor.


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About buying from eBay, I know the rules, I also know that involves certain risks that you can mitigate based on seller's reputation. When you are almost 7.000 miles away from London (like me now) buying from eBay makes things somehow easier...

My point here was the eBay seller has good reputation... this seller bought from a "well known LR dealer"

The seller is trying somehow to solve the thing, but I've got completely Mildly miffed when I received e-mails from the LR dealer saying that the pump I've received is GENUINE... that's was just too much... they even sent this pic


This incident brought to my attention other issue; LR dealers might be selling non genuine stuff as genuine? to me that's a serious thing....

If I decide to go cheap that's MY option, but if I want and paid for Genuine and the official LR dealer gives me NON GENUINE for GENUINE that's against the law.......

I'll give these guys some time to solve this problem. I'll let you guys know how this thing evolves...


PS: White90, probably I was a bit rude saying you missed the point, sorry it wasn't my intention.

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Well, I wonder if official LR dealers are having "non GENUINE sources" for their "GENUINE" stuff ! I'm not talking about price here...

I consider this is the real GENUINE pump; I've took a picture yesterday in a local official LR Dealer...




As you guys can see we can not have two completelly different pumps BOTH LR GENUINES without a Technical Bulletin explaining the change...

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They look exactly the same except for the cast impellor, which I wouldn't have thought is a bad thing anyway? A pressed steel one suggests cost saving rather than quality increase to me.

I have seen some non-gen V8 pumps for about 1/4 the price that were quite clearly made differently to the genuine part and the finish was also clearly bad.

OEM means just that, for example a GKN UJ may come in a LR box if you buy it from LR or a GKN box if you don't, it's the same part from the same factory - GKN probably sell the same part to other car companies too, where they would come in the box with that manufacturer's name on it. Rumour has it some have even turned up in Bearmach boxes when they ran out of chocolate to fill them with, but I think that's the exception to the unfortunate rule.

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Well, I wonder if official LR dealers are having "non GENUINE sources" for their "GENUINE" stuff ! I'm not talking about price here...

I consider this is the real GENUINE pump; I've took a picture yesterday in a local official LR Dealer...

As you guys can see we can not have two completelly different pumps BOTH LR GENUINES without a Technical Bulletin explaining the change...

While you were looking at it why didn't you just buy it? :rolleyes:

Actually you can have different products; sometimes they do change or improve parts without superceding the part number, if the item is exactly the same fitting. I may be wrong but I think the clutch forks are a case in point: later Genuine ones are stronger but I think they are still the same part number.

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Arrrggghhhh, there be a mighty storm a-brewing in this insy winsy tea cup!!!

Are the two LR main dealers 7000 miles apart like you are? if so, isn't it possible that the design has just changed, and one is older stock than the other?

LR will accept OEM modifications to parts, if they conform to their standard etc. hell it's probably an improvement if anything.

Personally, it looks like a perfectly servicable water pump to me, i'd fit it and stop whinging.

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Another picture of a genuine water pump :ph34r:


Fnar fnar :lol:

It has taken me a long time to get here - life.......ebbing......away......

AFAIK, most 'Manufucturers' (i.e. Land Rover) will have certain parts supplied by a number of suppliers, so there the chance of something not being available is reduced. These suppliers will obviously make parts to the manufacturers specification. The specification may not necessarily be - you have to make the impellor (sp?) out steel or aluminium or brass or whatever, only that it performs to their specification (goes round and round, pumps water, and corrodes in 5 minutes). The suppliers then come back with their two designs and LR say 'OK, they'll do.' They are both Genuine LR parts. And they are only genuine, because they have a LR label, a LR box and are to LR specification. There doesn't need to be a technical bulletin because nothing has changed. One of those suppliers then goes away and decides what to do about his OEM side of things. When I worked in car parts, the suppliers we used (QH) supplied their pumps with a gasket (which you would usually have to buy seperately if you went to the dealer). All of the special order suppliers did the same. So this OEM supplier says, 'We'll supply our pumps to the public with a gasket and we'll put it in a plastic bag. But, as it's only costing us another half pence (or whatever) we'll leave that in the packs we send out to LR. Can't be bothered to have a seperate production line just for them!' So LR get two pumps, made by two manufacturers, to specification and one happens to have a gasket included.

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If you were close enough to a franchised dealer to photograph a genuine water pump why didn't you support them and buy from them in the first place instead of using Ebay and save yourself all this palaver ?

Bloody hell, some people take the mickey ....


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Buy a cheapo supposedly genuine water pump off e-bay for a tenner 'cos there's nothing wrong with being a bit tight-fisted is there..........

Receive said item and become insanely outraged by the fact that it just might not be a genuine one in a genuine L/R box.

Complain bitterly to anyone that has a pair of ears/can read and is unfortunately trapped in a situation where they can't escape your rantings about it.

Meanwhile old pump has started to leak, but there are far more important issues to be complained about.

Engine suffers from water loss, overheats, cooks itself, cracks the head, and finally gasps it's last at the side of the road (while you are on your way to complain about the new pump)

New head/gasket/fitting costs you the painful side of £600, which you can't afford at present, but never mind - you were sold a dodgy water pump.

Lay up the disco while you save up to get it repaired (and fix the water pump). In the mean time you can now only afford to drive a bright yellow Fiat Panda (like a certain Admin on this site ;) )

Les. :D

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That is what the genuine one looks like when it comes in a genuine parts box from LR, fitted one a few months back. Its been redesigned from the "tin plate" type impeller type, hence the part number change, also comes with gasket which the old ones didn't...

Previous main dealer boxed landrover genuine parts water pumps i have fitted had the old part number and the plate impeller. The one I fitted a few months back came from main dealer Wessex Land Rover in a sealed genuine parts box and was sealed in a plastic bag exactly like the pic at the start of the post complete with gasket.

£42.13 ex vat but including my owners club discount, paid up as i needed it there and then as Landy was VOR. PatPat how much was the alleged non geniune/OEM/non LR one then, and whats the big deal anyway, so what if the impeller looks different???

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As other have said, it's most likely a 'dual sourced' component LR & other vehicle manufactirers do 'dual source' to avoid low stock &/or production hold ups of parts that will/could affect the vehicle production line, my 200Tdi's water pump IIRC has a steel impellor & not a cast one, I would fit it & take a lesson in vehicle parts supply, I don't believe your parts supplier is trying it on or trying to rip you off, get it fitted & get the truck back on/off road where it belongs.

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3 bleeding pages :rolleyes:

I am sure we can make it to 4 pages if we all try really hard...

Just to throw another spanner in the works... Genuine LR 200Tdi Power steering pumps...- bought one recently (or should I say bought 3... :angry: )-all in the right boxes wrapped in wax paper and everything ;) - Fitted the first and it leaked though a spot weld on the side... 2nd one rusty inside... 3rd one working at the moment but does look like it might have a leak at the back end around the casing... :angry::angry: Can't guarantee quality from a box or a label- However... I bought them from a local independant dealer who swapped them without question and will do so for the 3rd pump as well. Not sure an Ebay supplier would be quite so forthcoming.

Best of luck with the waterpump!... digging trenches and applying tin hat to await fallout from the purchase of the 'Genuine snake oil' purchase he made the day after... :ph34r:


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well at my work not so long ago our 300tdi 90 was reported to our forman and our boss that the water pump had excess play on the bear though it wasnt leaking. having them choosing to ignore it and sending our driver out with a 3 tonne trailer the bearing collapsed leaving no power steering at the corner leading to a very damages 90 and trailer and goods on the trailer for the sake of having it of the road for 30 mins hence the reason I dont see why their is a issue with the pump fit it and dont complain

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With stuff like water pumps etc, its hard to decide what is genuine OEM and what is not …………. LR do not make the pumps, they buy them in……. and I bet there are several different manufacturers that all supply to LR as they would want at least as a minimum, duel sourcing on each product ……………….. :rolleyes:

Just fit the f’kin thing and be done with it……………..being that pedantic will put you in an early grave :(



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