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The H.O.F.S. Ladoga 2008 Blog

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cuppa tea and a hobnob, a toilet with no spade - sweet :)

on behalf of the team many many thanks for all the best wishes - not a bad day at the office, a few niggly bits cost us a fair few hours but for a test drive it wasnt too bad and its given us the shake down we need to bring Mouse up to scratch :)

breath taking teamwork - an honour and a privelidge to be a member of the crew, big love :i-m_so_happy:

gotta love that motor, holy carp its awesome, any gear, any octane rating of fuel, very much underwater or on land it makes the ground shake and the world goes backwards at an exponential rate, boggers at a ton yeeeeeeeeeee haaaaa :)

Many congrats to Tapio and Tommi - well done guys! :i-m_so_happy:

Fridge safely on ferry to Rostock, brake hoses repaired on 109, safe trip mate - seeya on the flip :)

Mise - pressie for you, twisted, sick damaged and depraved ;)


hope Inari enjoyed the test drive? want us to build another?

me sleep now

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To begin with, I have to say that there isn't any word that can describe the determination and passion that the flying spanners crew has! It was an honour spending the last week with you.

Furthermore, I can't seem to get over the hard work the guys put into Mouse after stages. It is just like Jez said in the final camp:"When you see Mouse coming, then there isn't only Kim and me coming, there's an army of men and women fighting for it!"

Unfortunately for me the Ladoga this year was a short one. Roope managed to break the gearbox again and we drove only the first stage with first gear. Sad, but there is always next year.

I wish the whole team good luck for next year and Jez don't you never forget your own words:"ALWAYS KEEP FIGHTING!"

Yours forever,


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congratulations to the HOFS team, outstanding result - it must have been the hob nob diet while building Mouse :)

will it be making a guest appearance at Billing/Peterborough by any chance?

has mouse got enough land rover parts to qualify? :P

OT (I wont forget the year i was doing work experience at a 4x4 specialist, they took 4 cruisers to a landy show :()

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yep, Mouse will be parked up at the back of the Shires stand at Billing, might need a small going over with the pressure washer beforehand though :lol:

not sure about man of steel, more lard and aluminium these days :lol: - still nursing some interesting caustic burns in places I rather they werent :ph34r:

Mouse gets tweeked and goes out again for Vepski and hopefully Bezdna, I think we got to exploit maybe half of what its capable of - the rest will come with seat time and suspension tuning, the winches rocked - fast and unstoppable

LS1's will run on fuel that wont burn if you light it :lol: they also get good MPG :i-m_so_happy:

I hope Fritz makes it home ok, he looked shellshocked and shattered when we saw him

will Tig for food Fatboy :huh:

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I need to add my name to the ever growing list of well-wishers!

A crackin' result :i-m_so_happy: . Mouse is a credit to the teams skill and determination :wub:

News that the engine worked well has been received... we are now saving up. Do you think with enough LS1's in a line you could actually make the world spin the wrong way???

Can't wait to catch up with you guys over a fag-end and hob-nob encrusted welder at some point!!

Dan :)

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I dont think it would take more than 2 or 3 in a row Dan :lol: wasting a 500 SL in Finland was fun, the tricked up G wagon in St Pete went backwards into a cloud of bogger smoke while Kim giggled like a girl - that wont stop us going for a blower though :lol:

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Congratulations Jez and crew,

Another well crafted result :)

The Ls lumps are a fine piece of metal, got to see many in action in Australia last month.

Rowan Canavan took me for a spin down a dry creek bed in his 6Litre Supercharged......... Simply awesome.

Would be nice to see that over here.

Once again good effort.

Jim :)

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its not a motor you'd want with cart springs though

Ah. There was me hoping it would be like stiffened sports suspension :ph34r::lol:

Will be great to see you guys (and mouse) back, looking forward to a world of beer and vodka in celebration at Billing B)

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I dont think i've added my congrats yet - so congrats to the whole team for the massive effort both with the build and the comp....you'd best get some sleep in before its time to do it all again!!!

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i reckon if you hired out the passenger seat for goes round the billing offroad course you would make a small dent in the overdraft. I for one would pay to be taken at break neck speed


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we got to see Fritz working a "speed section" of timberjack chewed track on day 1 and realised he was in for a tough week,

second time was at the end of a stage a couple of days later having seen him fighting a small swamp a few hours earlier I think he was becoming rapidly aware that trophy raid places some wierd problems on the menu, the last time we saw him was end of the last day, his front panhard rod had snapped and we stopped to lend him some plasma to get him back to camp - he looked kinda weary then but I think he enjoyed it - would be nice to see him again :)

he came in 10th, race number 309 with a time of 42:20

Mike - one team baby - your glass took a hell of a beating and still looks the business, thanks mate :i-m_so_happy:

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