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I bought a twin pack of LED Lenser torches in Costco last year, the smaller one has the choice of either a single red LED, or a ring of 5 white ones... both are excellent, my only moan is that the on/off switch is easy to accidentally knock on when the torch is packed, as I found out on a recent trip away :(

I also recently bought an LED Lenser Headfire head-torch, which is very good, it also has the dual colour illumination, but has a dimmer switch, so you don't have a super bright light when you don't need it.

There is a 3D cell LED Maglite in the Disco, and I always use a 2AA Cell maglite (with LED lamp conversion) on site, because I can drop it down 3 flights of steel stairs and it won't break...

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I have a 4D maglite and last year bought a 3D single LED Draper torch for walking the dog.

The Draper one is just as tough as the maglite, about 5 times brighter, and is is still on it's original batteries. It gets a lot of use too, like every night in the winter.

Worth a look. Retails at £30.44 but I got it through work. Nobody sells Draper at retail price though!

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i thought it was you jase- but couldn't quite remember.

Yocu an't ever get away from Pikey's mining tilley lamp, of which he is inordinately proud (guess being headtorch it leaves the hands free- useful at night for sheep farmers at night i guess- you have to see what your holding on to!)

anyway i've found the torch for me: http://www.heinnie.com/lszj9t834427/Flashl.../p-97-273-1095/

yours is 80lumens bright, this bad boy is 500 lumens bright!!!! and a snip at £400 (you gotta think at that price you should buy a couple of sets of night vision goggles!)

500?? Pah!!

I've got a headtorch by these guys (Tiga SL9T) which is a brilliant buy, perfect for working underground. But may be a bit out of the price range (about £180 I think)

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I use the £7.99 energiser jobby from Tesco after seviceing a race car in the desert at night and my old one was carp my mate had one which was as he said cheep but very good and the battries seem to last ages.

For £7.99 I thought it was a bargain I also use if for walking my dogs as having two dogs holding a torch is a pain while keeping two labs from wandering off finding the car keys etc.etc.

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We've got a Petzl head torch for cars / walking dog after dark. If we want more light we use a large-ish rechargeable Maglight.

(Mrs. Freak finds the latter bit heavy, except when hitting me with it....)

I like the look of those Lensers so she's getting one as part of her Christmas present now!!! :)


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Maglight LED conversions are absolutely carp. I went back to spending a fortune on batteries and using proper bulbs. My Maglight is a 5 D cell one.

I would love a proper rechargable Maglight, they are superb, but very expensive.

I tend to use an altogether more serious light for dog duties, but then my dogs aren't walking they are running ;)

Will :)

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Maglight LED conversions are absolutely carp. I went back to spending a fortune on batteries and using proper bulbs. My Maglight is a 5 D cell one.

Will :)

The snide copy LED conversions sold by Blacks are carp, but the proper Maglite LED upgrades are the same as fitted to the Maglite LED torches you buy complete..

I've got a 3D cell one which is very good...

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I've had my Maglite (3 cell I think) for probably over 15 years, and it's great for what I use it for and it stays in the car. I used one "professionally" for around 9 years (2 cell) and the only problem was getting through the cheap batteries we were issued. We weren't allowed anything bigger than a 2 cell just in case we used the Maglite instead of the proper hitting-stick (or truncheon). I've also had a mini maglite for about 15 years which started off delving under bonnets when I worked for Halfords and followed me to the Police - a small torch is sometimes a godsend. That said, after seeing this thread, I decided an upgrade was in order and went for the Led Lenser from Amazon - took two days to get here and so far I am really impressed: none of the usually funny-shaped beam you get with a standard bulb, just a nice uniform one; and the constuction appears to be nice and sturdy (well the aircraft-grade ali has to count for something :lol: ).

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