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New Off-Road Driving Skills and Winch DVD released...


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Now there's an excellent example of how to make us all look stupid.

Someone still in the tree as well, and I think no strop either.

Disaster waiting to happen beyond what went wrong anyway.


Les. :angry:

Yep just about broke every safety rule, no gloves, no stop, stepping over winch wire, half way up a thin shallow root pine tree etc etc

Should have known they were a bunch of numptys going by 19" RR alloys and road biased tyres on a 90!!


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There's a comment on the site to say that this is on private land - some consolation perhaps - but still bl**dy moronic... Tried to see his registration by zooming in so I can avoid them if I come across them in future. And there's no justice, they weren't even maimed.... Oh and their taste in music is appalling.

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keep your wheels straight the idiot

stoopid d**k heads I'd liked the tree to have fallen on them

did you see this fools other video?

Yup seen the other vids.

No need to worry as he'll kill himself on his motorbike someday soon


Oh f)(* that's a car 0-60 in 5secs!!

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saw this on another forum..



Have just shown this to my 2 sons, as a prime example of how to do it all wrong. Sometimes videos like this are handy just to show people who are "new" to winching how not to do it.

Still its a shame the bl++dy tree did not fall on his head.

Regards Keith

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Absolute k**bs!!! :angry2: I was just hoping the tree would fall on the 90 and teach them all a lesson. They broke all the winching rules, showed not even basic off road skills. They also say its done on private land but did they have permission? Its not easy to get access to forestry land, especially a bunch for a bunch of totally inexperienced drivers clearly not attached to a club. They give us all a bad name.

Oh, and their taste in music is terrible too :(

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Whats happen to walking route first?

Was fairly obvious 90 was going to nose dive into other side of ditch.

What about placing rocks/ tree branches in ditch so could drive it, then remove them so no interference with the watercourse?



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Should have known they were a bunch of numptys going by 19" RR alloys and road biased tyres on a 90!!

Nah them bling 19" wheels give 3" more ground clearance than your poxy 16" wheels can't you do sums 19 - 16 = 3 wikkid innit? :hysterical:

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'Darwin Award' entrants of the future ?

Yea Gods, I have seen / recovered some Real idiots in my time, ......but this lot are "Special"

Love the comment at the end, we and orrp get a comment, ....

so might nip over to see whats at orrp on this - ...............can imagine :lol:


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What a load of numpties!

A good example of how not to drive off road. :angry:

Seeing as they had another vehicle (a red 90 I think) why on earth didn't they try to drag the 90 out backwards? It would have made a lot more sense seeing as the front of the stuck 90 was against the ditch and the front wheels were barely touching the ground.

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I was new to off-roading once, I had never done it before and had a 109 S2a 9 years older than me. I did not have a winch but I guess I did some pretty stupid stuff. Sadly, unlike most on here is seems, I was not able to afford all the proper kit and the instruction needed on how to use it all properly.

Yes, they are in the wrong and they show us in a bad light but I was that green once too.


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