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Where's Nige gone?


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He made it through to Monday as I talked to him on the phone, he was posting something for me today (tues) if i get it tomorrow I will re post confirming the most upto date contact (Tuesday) unless there are more recent sighting's or contacts

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I iz here ;D

BEING A (Tig welin') studunt I was on Holiday for 2 weeks :rofl: over easter and then SWMBO had "A few Little jobs needing doing" over easter :(

But been to TIG Course tonight hence late reply :)

Fridge, new phone, an iPhone, or should that be as Jon W said a iPhonejustaboutincompatiblewiththerestoftheworldPhone :blink:

Kin Thing.......


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I iz here ;D

BEING A (Tig welin') studunt I was on Holiday for 2 weeks :rofl: over easter and then SWMBO had "A few Little jobs needing doing" over easter :(

But been to TIG Course tonight hence late reply :)

Fridge, new phone, an iPhone, or should that be as Jon W said a iPhonejustaboutincompatiblewiththerestoftheworldPhone :blink:

Kin Thing.......


Same number as the old one Nige?

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I was amazed that my brother, the original iLuddite, has taken to iPad and iPhone ownership like a duck to water - and both within 10 days of each other! He is like a dog with two disks! I am sure you will get used to it Nige, just a slightly different way of doing things - and IMHO much more intuitive.


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Same number but I truly loathe the IPhone compared with my HTC.

Its fighting me

Did laugh at the "Phobne around A&E Depts"

Barsteward :rofl:


Was this post typed on you new iPhone? as there are lots of typos, which is standard for the iPhone keyboard :hysterical:

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