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Where has all the projects gone?

Soren Frimodt

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So between SimonR's jimny build, tomcat404's buggy, Zims new buggy. Boothys new car, my projects and others........

Just how much tech is lr4x4 loseing!!!!


I marvell with envy at the engineering ability some on here have, not to mention the imagination and ingenuity required to create such beasts.

I am thinking back to the Flying Spanners' 'Mouse' build - that was a real eye opener for me and a joy to read. My contribution to such threads would be limited to 'Wow!'

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To be fair, I don't know about the rebuilds on the forum outside of the Series forum. I think a new forum section that puts all the rebuilds together would be really interesting. Would it be feasible to do that, with the projects threads being linked or copied (linked would be best as new posts would be visible wherever you came in from) across from their original sections for easier location?

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- My build is built now, and I prefer using it to tinkering with it.

- Quite a few of the old faces have had kids since their last build

- I think a lot of the challenge boys have gone off to the D44 forum for various reasons, some good, some not.

- The nature of the "sport" has changed, the balance of event-types has shifted and there seems to be a lot of money washing round the challenge scene and a lot of trucks which are "bought not built", or built to order rather than in a shed by the owner.

- Forum police, who insist on ramming home petty points if people so much as think about relatively minor mods, never mind proper wacky builds. OK, sure, make the point ONCE, but then shut the f*** up & don't brow-beat people.

Dieseldog - I'm not saying you're guilty of it, but not everyone can or will ignore negative posts on their build threads, some will ignore them, some will get p*ssed off, some will decide it's not worth it and stop posting. There's also a difference between a good & valid technical argument/discussion & people just being petty, usually on build threads which are way above their ability or more impressive than anything they've ever done.

If anyone remembers back when this was the LRE forum, the argu-thread between Roland from ACR & Turners about timing gears which saw two very knowledgeable people going all-out on some very technical details of engine building/tuning etc., yes it was an argument but bl**dy hell it was one of the most interesting and informative technical reads on the LR 4-pot ever. I don't think anyone mentioned the SVA in it though. :ph34r:

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Thicker skins required then!


Surely this forum is a broad church. From 5l V8 off-road monsters to meticulous Lesmond-esque rebuilds, to let’s just-keep-it-on-the-road, all are welcome in the member’s vehicles section. If the Projekt-Polizei turn up and start putting forth their opinions, just respond with “Noted, am not going down that road for this reason, let’s move on”.

That said, I started my build thread (now neglected for financial and house-project reasons) as a keep-it-on-the-road kind of thing, I was given advice which basically consisted of “Got the space to fully strip and rebuild? Do it, you won’t regret in the long run”. After the third post saying that, I listened, and, you know what? They were right. Provided one thinks extremely long-term in my case, but nevertheless…(nudge, wink at Landynovice)

Not only that, I am unapologetically a bolt-on-baby, my truck will feature both flash windscreen wipers and LED rear lights. I might fabricate my own rocksliders, later! If the more ambitious find it uninteresting, well tough, no bugger forced you to read it.

The challenge boys are welcome to build their own beheemoths. I will read with great interest. But I’m afraid I won’t have much to say other than ‘wow’, ‘awesome’ and other teenage expressions of approval.

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Just a little heads up on forum functionality, it is possible to set your preferences to ignore people. So if someone gets on your nerves you never have to see their posts or pm's ever again.

TBH that's a bit of a cop-out, the SVA-police ruin a thread for everyone, if 5 people then chip in to respond but also make some other useful point or whatnot you can't just ignore them too... I'd prefer something like a sticky post or tech archive post with a link to the SVA/IVA/Vosa rules, perhaps a tech archive section or link to the best (constructive / useful) threads on the subject and then encourage people to leave it at that rather than dredge the subject up on every mod/rebuild/build thread.

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TBH that's a bit of a cop-out, the SVA-police ruin a thread for everyone, if 5 people then chip in to respond but also make some other useful point or whatnot you can't just ignore them too... I'd prefer something like a sticky post or tech archive post with a link to the SVA/IVA/Vosa rules, perhaps a tech archive section or link to the best (constructive / useful) threads on the subject and then encourage people to leave it at that rather than dredge the subject up on every mod/rebuild/build thread.

Yep.........its has ruined many a good thread.

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Just a little heads up on forum functionality, it is possible to set your preferences to ignore people. So if someone gets on your nerves you never have to see their posts or pm's ever again.

I ignore everyone all the time. :P


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TBH that's a bit of a cop-out, the SVA-police ruin a thread for everyone, if 5 people then chip in to respond but also make some other useful point or whatnot you can't just ignore them too... I'd prefer something like a sticky post or tech archive post with a link to the SVA/IVA/Vosa rules, perhaps a tech archive section or link to the best (constructive / useful) threads on the subject and then encourage people to leave it at that rather than dredge the subject up on every mod/rebuild/build thread.

Fair point John

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But it's usually the negative criticism that is the most constructive! I get quite annoyed at build threads from people that don't want to take criticism. At least address the point they're making, unless maybe it's so retarded it doesn't even need a response.

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Yes but there critisism and critisism ...


Well that wont work because etc........Well Resoned Argument and why not try this = Tech

Then there's the -

You cant do that ......Just because the SVA Police say so = PITFA

I might have the right to say so as I have done the SVA Test, many just say it because they "think" they are right, but have no experiance, saying that even I'm fed up with the SVA comments as TBH it lower the tech avilable on here because people are either to frightened/cant be bothered to post it. and if they do - only to be shot apart by a key board warrier ( No offence meant to anyone :hysterical: )

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Hear hear Les,

I'm gonna build it no matter what, if it doesn't work then I will find a way at my expense and in my time, its called evolution and he old adage " if at first you don't succeed" we all know it.....and it will have taken no loaves of your table, I don't pick faults with LED lights or furry dashboards or MUD consoles or knobs driving around with Simex copies on tarmac, so why should they pick faults with the legality of my hydrosteer, yes ignore them you may say, but why bother in the first place because most of the modifiers or chaps that also try and push things a bit further (and not necessarily at huge expence) have long since gone because they also got sick of it.

Yes I read Nige's longest re- ringing an old V8 thread in history and he did a lovely job and got a fair of criticism in the making.

My Challenge motor only touches tarmac when it gets off the trailer in my driveway, I couldn't care less about about VOSA or SVA etc.

I want it to work good in a bog, not a city centre, and unfortunately lots of lads who are on some good new builds are also doing it elsewhere,

I stop off for a brew with Zim often on the way home, and knock about with Dan Thomas I also speak to Tomcat404 often, there are some belting builds on the way but not here unfortunately, and Saley rarely looks in here anymore.

Don't get me wrong there are a few belting lads who do a bit to bring things Big Si, DD, FF, LB, HFH to name few, please don't discourage them with bull-bits, and police ing things to death, its all a bit boring.

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I do agree with the forum policing bit, people somehow like to stick holes in other peoples pride. Its not just here, on devon, some very expensive builds have been shown off, in particulary the one by rob butler. Things didnt go as expected and the car had a few failures. This got a lot of badmouthing, eventually rob pulling the thread.

So its not just here, or just the SVA chat that does it. Equally, if will warn does an update, most of the time is spent talking about how long it takes. It puts people off, if you hit them at their weak spot, and i find it disgusting myself, knowing how hard it is to keep motivated. So yes to the custom build forum, and no to the SVA police and general keyboard bashing.


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I never thought I should use this word on a public board, but I truly am moved by people's reaction to this matter! Although we do weigh different problems individually, we sure all seem to have the same idea of what is good and bad for this board. what we all love so much about it, namely the quality and amount of Tech. So I for one am truly convinced that something great will come from this, maybe in form of a custom builds section, or maybe simply because we all now have shared what feelings we have on the matter and found the true values of this board.

Great work guys!

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I haven't posting here for a while, not sure this is the right thread but...

...FWIW, being not a Brit, I can only speak about myself and my point of view.

I can't remember when and what my last post about a modification on my Defender was,

mainly because the "level" of builds here (and on other forums as well) skyrocketed since a few years ago,

with people building vehicles worth €€€€ in parts and putting the average modified Defender to a shame,

I keep checking for new builds because it's a passion and every now and then I spot minor details which

I can copy study and save in my "to do" list ^_^

I did manage to bring a 109" IIA home for cheap, another dream come true, and I'm slooooooly rebuilding it...

In my wishlist there are of course improvements but it will be a miracle if I put her back on road still stock,

having been unemployed all last year and more, I'm still licking wounds, so no chance to buy exotic parts

and I'll try and recycle some parts I still have on the shelf.

Being in Italy I can't even think of cool stuff like engine swaps, neither I have a trailer.

What I still do nowadays, I dig my archives and go looking at the epic builds I saw here,

Black Pig to say one (Paul Wightman, I hope you're well), Nige's hydraulic winches and waxoyled cat :blink:

and HOFS' Petal and Mouse, Daan's SIII and others...

I did follow and enjoyed Soren's work on his S1 of course :i-m_so_happy:

Make sense?

I don't know, I got the flu and I'm high on pills :lol:

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I haven't posted on mine due to time. It's hard enough getting decent time in the garage, never mind bunging stuff on the internet. I may pull my finger out and update the thread.....

However I support the 'against the SVA Police' sentiment. It's not needed and the preaching from a moral high ground mentality gets right on my tits. I vote it is moderated out in the interest of the forum. If members have issues with the legality of trucks on the forum or on ebay they should be politely pointed in the direction of VOSA and/or the police.

I feel better now........


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Also, the links to tax free defenders on ebay are getting boring: we all know the score so why repeat the same chat over and over again?


Isn't this a bit hypocritical??? One minute moaning about people jumping on threads and being negative and now complaining about others boring repetitive posts. Personally I agree with you about eBay posts ;) ;)

Not you Daan, but also previously other people posting about 'bolt on babies', 'fitting mud guards, LED's etc' - again isn't this the same as someone jumping on a thread and being negative about SVA's.

So what's the consensus? Is it the case that nobody posts about builds, events etc anymore because of all of the bolt on babies and SVA police here, or because the tech only emphasis of LR4x4 has made this a dull place to be? Or maybe both?

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As you can see from the number of my posts i am very much a newbie on here. I used to be on another forum (LRUK), but found that this site was a lot more technical than the other, i decided to abandon the other forum in favour of this one.

I did start a project on there, but decided not to carry on with it. I was going to repost the build on here, but as others have said that there is not many challenge trucks on here. Also the SVA police just hate these type of trucks and like to drum the message home of this.

I too love reading about other peoples projects, how they want there truck to look, how they got there, how they overcame problems.

I must admit there are some very knowledgeable people on here and there input is second to none. however, my daily drive is a Discovery TD5 and when i have problems i need sorting out with that i prefer to post on the D2Boys forum. I also peek now and then on the Devon forum for challenge parts, ideas etc. l regularly go on the Mud Monsters facebook page and can spend hours watching videos, looking at pictures of other poeoples trucks, mis-adventures etc as it it more challenge truck based.

Sadly for me my back has just decided to take its annual vacation and as i have some time on my hands i may too start the long awaited build thread. How far it gets all depends on the rozzers.

I also sufer from dislexia wenim tyred adn seem to getmi wordz fuddled up a bit. and need my arse kiking now and then to update

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Not you Daan, but also previously other people posting about 'bolt on babies', 'fitting mud guards, LED's etc' - again isn't this the same as someone jumping on a thread and being negative about SVA's.

I think it is.

Each to their own. Everyone has their own level, their own objectives and means. Slagging something off because it isn't your thing isn't contructive, nor does it help the forum as a whole.

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