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A funny thing happened to me on the way to the Forum


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I woke up at 2.30am Easter Saturday morning -- very odd in itself for me to be awake that early -- initially I thought I was having yet another hay fever attack but then I felt that something was crushing my chest, Julie was dressed and I was at Katoomba Hospital inside 10 minutes as I succumbed to a minor heart attack.

I'm back at home now having had a stent fitted and been dosed with enough ongoing medication to sedate a horse, I'm a fairly active 68yo with a BMI of 22 and 3.8 cholesterol and (was) a fairly casual smoker, so you guys out there, be aware of your bodies and take good care of yourselves, we aren't replaceable.

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Good luck with the recovery, take it easy for a while. All the best Tom. An old friend of mine had a heart attack mid twenties, He was in the TA regularly active, fit as a fiddle. and less than 12st. Thankfully still with us twenty years on.

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Glad you're still with us!

Rest up, follow doctors orders and I'm sure you'll be fit again in no time. It's surprising the range of serious acute illnesses that can be dealt with with minimal life changing influences.

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Thank you for all your kind wishes, the truth of the matter is, and what I was trying to say we are all very important to our families and being "males" we tend to take our health for granted forgetting just what a catastrophe it would be to them if we were suddenly no longer with them, so please you guys, take care of yourselves.

I'm well, it really was as if nothing had happened, other than a four day stay in hospital.

From the moment I walked into the hospital everything went so quickly and efficiently and with such professional confidence that I really didn't have time to be concerned.

My only time for worry was having an attractive young Asian nurse shave my groin to get ready for the angiogram - but hey we have to put up with some terrible things don't we ^_^

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The funny thing is, because of the tension of the moment nothing "happens" anyway. One time I had to see a doc about a lump on 1 of me plums that hadn't went away in about a fortnight. Thing is I was working away from home so it was any old doc that was available. Of course it turned out to be a stunning young woman that ended up having a fondle of my Crown Jewels.. Due to me sh!!ting myself about the prognosis I never so much as twitched.. When I first saw her i thought uh oh this could be trouble but I needn't have worried..

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So unkind - Julie was sitting not more than 2 metres away when I got my Asian "trim" -- any fatality wouldn't have been brought on by a defective heart - more like a severe left hook !

I have one at home like that Boydie - mind you, Lady S seems a bit less waspy since she took up cage fighting!

Glad to hear your doing well buddy.


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Phil is soooo wrong,

When I was married to ex-wife No.2 we had her two boys from her first union and that was enough so off to the day family planning clinic we went for me to get snipped. I was asked by a fairly attractive young nurse if I'd shaved, "yes" I replied upon which she requested a quick look, on observing my credentials she announced that my shave wasn't good enough and went off and acquired a bowl of hot water, shaving cream and disposable razor and with me on the trolley bed proceeded to give me a close wet shave.

The combination of the warm water, shaving cream and her manipulation of my member produced a huge erection - much to the amusement of my ex who was sitting next to me and the young nurse -- all I could do was change colour -something akin to a freshly boiled lobster ! :blush:

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Phil is soooo wrong,

When I was married to ex-wife No.2 we had her two boys from her first union and that was enough so off to the day family planning clinic we went for me to get snipped. I was asked by a fairly attractive young nurse if I'd shaved, "yes" I replied upon which she requested a quick look, on observing my credentials she announced that my shave wasn't good enough and went off and acquired a bowl of hot water, shaving cream and disposable razor and with me on the trolley bed proceeded to give me a close wet shave.

The combination of the warm water, shaving cream and her manipulation of my member produced a huge erection - much to the amusement of my ex who was sitting next to me and the young nurse -- all I could do was change colour -something akin to a freshly boiled lobster ! :blush:


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As I was laying in my hospital bed this past week with tubes and wires emanating from various parts of my anatomy I pondered the problems of the world and it occurred to me that I really didn't give a damn anymore

If walking was so good for you the Postman would be immortal.

Wales swim all day, eat fish, drink water yet they are still fat.

A rabbit hops and runs, and has a lifespan of 15 years, a tortoise walks slowly and lives for 150 years.

And my Doc tells me to exercise ----- I don't think so !!!!

Just grant me the senility to forget the people I disliked, the good fortune to remember those that I did and the eyesight to tell the difference.

Now that I'm older here's a few gems that I've discovered.

1.) I started out with nothing and still have most of it.

2.) My wild oats are these days are enjoyed with prunes and All-bran

3.) I've finally got my head together and now my bodies falling apart.

4.) Funny, I don't ever remember being absent minded.

5.) Funny, I don't ever remember being absent minded.

6.) If all is not lost where the hell is it ?

7.) It is easier to get older than it is to get wiser.

8.) Some days you're the top dog, some days you're the hydrant. The early bird gets the worm but the second mouse gets the cheese.

9.) I wish the buck did stop here, I could do with some.

10.) Kids in the back seat cause accidents.

11.) Accidents in the back seat cause kids,

12.) It's hard to make a comeback when you haven't really been anywhere.

13.) The world only beats a path to your door when you're in the bathroom.

14.) If god wanted me to touch my toes he would have put them on my knees.

15.) Why is it that when I'm holding all the cards everyone else want to play chess?

16.) It's not hard to meet your expenses -- they're everywhere !

17.) The only difference between being in a rut or in the grave is the depth.

18.) Funny, I don't ever remember being absent minded.

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