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Where's the snow?


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Where's the snow?

Just the other day, whilst driving my beloved Defender 110, the road was once again taken over up by some silly little cars with Carlos Fandango style drivers peeking over the steering wheels with attitude. The usual taxi hinderance was on show too, with the generally accepted disregard for anything else on the road with not even a subtle wave of thanks when let through a small gap between parked cars, whilst coming in my opposite direction. How funny it is when sometimes I've had just as much as I can take of these silly little cars and their silly little drivers taking the Mick, that I refuse to pull over and stop to let them through, so as they drive by, they try their hardest to ignore me as if to say "flippin 4x4s, let him wait for me, Gods gift", instead, I drive in a straight line right up to their front bumper, then gesture them to reverse all the way back (quite a scary view of my black bullbar and spot lights in their view, cutting out the sunlight and towering above them) along the road so as not to get scratches (battle scars to you and me) on their shiny little cars.

"BRING ON THE SNOW AND ICE", I say, then we'll see the silly little drivers of the silly little shiny cars all around the country asking the REAL Kings and Queens of the road, (Landrover drivers) "please could you help me, my car's stuck".


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Snow in Aberdeenshire, helped 5 people this morning! pushing them (by hand) though as I forgot the tow rope! wasn't quite expecting the snow to be so bad as it was, still glad I took the 4x4 though. My Karma is topped up for the rest of the week now! ;)

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We have it here in south east Sweden, finally came yesterday after 11/12 days of flipping rain. Now the roads are a skating arena for those who still have summer tires. :lol: Suppose to be cold for the next 2 weeks with more snow on it's way.....bring it on!

The fresh snow was perfect proving grounds for the rear Truetrac that I installed this morning. ;)


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We have 20cm and its still snowing, roads are still pretty covered but I recon the rear wheel drive BMW drivers have left them at home today... traffic is moving but so slow, I was driving faster on back roads with said 20cm of snow than on plowed roads with traffic! 4x4 driving in the snow is so much FUN!!!

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Currently (06:00) snowing in the middle of the North Sea, pain in the posterior as I was due in Saturday but Aberdeen Airport has been closed to helicopters all weekend so still stuck on the rig. Strangle the helicopters apparently aren't not flying because of the snow but because it is to cold which isn't a good sign for the rest of the year.

Due in again today but not hopefully at the moment

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I remember getting stuck off shore because of snow last year. Never happened on my way out though <_<

We've had constant overnight snow since Thursday here (14" in the yard now). Also went up to Tan Hill yesterday which wasn't so bad but a lovely drive and roast beef dinner :P

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Theres quite a lot in Northumberland! This was on the way back from doing the animals this morning, the tracks are mine from the way out. I recon we have 12" everywhere, 18" in places and a lot more in drifts. Going to be bad if the wind starts blowing!


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