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World's Most Dangerous Roads (BBC2)


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yeh saw it also.she can't drive for carp and he's panic's at the slightest thing.

i know they said to slow down if there is a truck coming the other way,but they were slowing down and leaving a 20ft gap in the road.

it was funny when they slowed down cos they couldn't see due to the snow and they got overtaken. :D :D :D

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I enjoyed the programme. I've driven a few roads with ice, snow and zero visibility - and once ended up on my side in what turned out to be a field when I thought I was still following the road! I really felt for how frightening it can be, wondering what is going to come round the next bend.

Once we'd recovered ourselves from the field and started climbing a hill on the real road - we were passed by a transit van coming down very fast with all his wheels locked up. We then recovered him (undamaged) from the same field!

We stopped and camped overnight at the first place we thought it was safe to do so. The weather had closed in suddenly and conditions had turned from OK to horrible in a few mins. That was in Sunny North Wales.


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Glad you all think so highly of it :P Got it on the PVR ready for this evening.... fingers crossed I won't hate it too much :)

Ditto what Simon said, quick weather change + snow + ice makes a very nasty journey, especially when there are no snow poles at the side of the road to show you where to drive. I did a lot of driving round Germany during their 'Schneechaos' a few years ago, was really tiring, but fortunately with no incidents.

3" of ice on the front number plate meant for sure I wouldn't get any speeding tickets!

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I thought it was a worthy watch.

Having driven only once in snow where visibility was zero (yes I stopped), then I don't think their panic was untoward. And I didn't have 6 feet deep ditches at the roadside with 40 ton lorries approaching in the opposite direction when you can't tell where the centre of the road is. Don't forget, they're making a TV programme and it would have been boring if everything was plain sailing.

As for him being a cockereal, I only wish that I could have travelled half of what he has achieved in the past 10 years and be around to tell the story.


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Well I watched it, was a good hour of entertainment I think.... but the REALLY annoying thing was Adrian Dunbar who seems to be unable to realise the difference between an Artic, which is a truck, and the ArCtic which is a part of the world that is very very cold.

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<blatent bragging mode> Don't know what all the fuss is about... it was fine when we were there ;):lol: </blatent bragging mode>

We only ventured half way up the Dalton Highway and even in glorious sunshine it was easy to see that "getting it wrong" would be disastrous!

Haven't seen the proggy yet, will hopefully egt a chance to watch it on iPlayer at some point.


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I caught a bit of it the other night :). She did seem a bit useless, and having to get out and engage the hubs was a little funny :lol:

Familiar with the roads names and places from Ice Road Truckers :)

I'd love to see an episode of ice road truckers where they come accross those two :)

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I've driven Kabul-Gardez highway 2004-5 over the mountain pass before they tarmac'd most of it.which is impassible in winter by vehicle. Only alternative was by heli and many a time that was snowed in at camp. I've driven it approx 12 times in a Normally Asmatic Toy Hylux on good old solid truck tyres Day, Night, Snow, Fog and you do not make mistakes. I did only once! I never did again.

I was 19 I never trusted my Afghan driver so he was in the back with a Gurkha. My mistake was on a bright sunny day the snow was melting and I entered the mountain pass. A bus came flying around the corner and I went slightly wide fell into a ditch and sideways slid down into a field. Much trying to get out but it was going nowhere at all. I got out and myself and the Gurkha standing eiother side of the road stopped the next mini bus waving our MP5s. At the time we thought we were lucky to have flagged down a mini bus of policemen in uniform most probably going to the camp I left for training. Driver was told to get in and drive out the policemen approx 25 pushed their hearts out and cleared snow but it was going nowhere. driver was ejected and we finally got out. I gave them 40 dollars and said thank you. The rest of the drive indeed the next years worth of driving was far more careful.

Edit: Most fields in Afghan uaually contain mines which I was greatful that we never found any. It later turned out the bus was not carrying offical police men or trainees but Afghans posing as policemen in the correct new uniform.

We did an armed escort of 20 Jingle trucks from Kabul to Gardez over the mountan pass took us around 12 hours. My hylux and a couple of F350's andf yanks loaded up with police uniforms and supplies for the camp. When we got to the mountain pass there was a dip which was iced over and all the larger trucks except 1 got stuck. I drove to the camp to get the 6x6 crane to tow them out as the F350's and mine only managed to get a couple through. Loadsa fun! Thinking back it was great times. How I wished I had my 90 out there if just for the soft suspension ride!

Many a trip out encountered much fun!

Bamiyan was 8 hours solid drive frim Kabul not a tarmac road for 7 hours and even the best shocks would last only the trip there and not the trip back in an F350. Overtaking jingle trucks on mountain passes with only a couple of inches of tyre on the outside of a serious drop that you would never survive wasn't fun! Many a reminder of jingle trucks and pickups at the bottom we had many a bodywork to bodywork scrape or rock hugging with those big trucks.


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