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Land Rover Theft at Harper Adams.


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Shhhh.....don't tell anybody, but I've made this as a prototype:


I was waiting until the European Design Registration forms were sent off before I revealed it!

The final version will have a couple of modifications suggested by Mr Wabbit which remove the most obvious weaknesses such as using a scissor jack to pull the knob off the transfer box lever or just undoing the nut that holds the gear stick on. It locks the vehicle in 5th High - so hard to tow away and harder to start the vehicle if used in addition to a pedal box.

It takes less than 10 sec to lock and less than 5 to unlock (with the key). The little stainless screw on top will be replaced with a rivit - all it does is engage in a track that makes it easier to find the hole the button lock pushes in to. No great loss if it gets removed. The mechanism that engages it with the sticks is quite clever even if I say so myself. The photo has been edited so as not to show how this works though - you'll just have to trust me for now!


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I have to agree with you on the elegance of the locking mechanism Simon. I think the speed of use and the ease of storage make this an extremely useful tool in the arsenal :)

It also has a sort of functional elegance to it that makes it belong in a Defender ;)

BTW Your photoshop skills are impressive, if I didn't know where the edit was I wouldn't have spotted it.

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Simon, I like the simplicity! However, having too many kids means the footwells of the 110 are so permanently full of carp useful stuff it would get lost! by the way, I've got relatives in Roffey, not too far from Horsham, used to drink in a pub down there called the CherryTree, wonder if it's still there...

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Can't see why not. If there is a lock-nut under the transfer lever knob it would be better as I found the threads on my pool ball knobs on a different vehicle stripped fairly easily. Oh, also, so long as they are less than 49mm diameter.


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Correct me if I'm wrong but It's far easier to move a truck locked in 5th high than first low. To set my tappets I put the truck in 5th then roll forwards I can't move it on my own if it's in 1st. Sorry I think you may need a slight mod. Also you can slip the clutch and drive it away but 1st low there going to get board after a mile. Hope this helps si just my observation.


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Correct me if I'm wrong but It's far easier to move a truck locked in 5th high than first low. To set my tappets I put the truck in 5th then roll forwards I can't move it on my own if it's in 1st. Sorry I think you may need a slight mod. Also you can slip the clutch and drive it away but 1st low there going to get board after a mile. Hope this helps si just my observation.


That makes sense Mike...

moving the truck by hand in low 1st, it is going to want to try and spin the engine quickly. (as the 'power' is going in the opposite direction.

However, are people more likely to push it off or drive?

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There is a logic to this! It's correct that it's easier to drag in 5th than a lower gear - but hardest to drive away. It's going to take a lot of clutch slipping to get it moving! In 1st it's hard to tow or roll - but easy to start and drive all be it slowly and that's not a problem if it's being driven on to a trailer.

Used in combination with a clutch claw or pedal box (prototype for that is about two weeks away) it stops you driving the car by operating the throttle with a bit of string and crashing the gears.

Cost - not sure until I get some quotes back. Timescale - as soon as feasibly possible. I have two manufactured prototypes on order (rather than cobbled together by me) and if they work, 100 to be made soon after. This one only fits R380's but LT77 and Auto versions are on the CAD.


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Ross that was my second point 5th high you can easily drive off by slipping the clutch 1st low is about 15mph that's only any good for driving onto a trailer. To be honest I would think locking it in 1st high would be enough your going to struggle to move it and driving it would be about 30mph. Mind I'm thinking locking one or the other of the boxes in neutral would stop it from being driven as short of chaining it down they'll get it on a trailer etc.


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There is a logic to this! It's correct that it's easier to drag in 5th than a lower gear - but hardest to drive away. It's going to take a lot of clutch slipping to get it moving! In 1st it's hard to tow or roll - but easy to start and drive all be it slowly and that's not a problem if it's being driven on to a trailer.

Used in combination with a clutch claw or pedal box (prototype for that is about two weeks away) it stops you driving the car by operating the throttle with a bit of string and crashing the gears.

Cost - not sure until I get some quotes back. Timescale - as soon as feasibly possible. I have two manufactured prototypes on order (rather than cobbled together by me) and if they work, 100 to be made soon after. This one only fits R380's but LT77 and Auto versions are on the CAD.


Looks good Si. I'm sure you have one lined up already, but if you need an LT77-equipped car to test-fit with then you know where I am :)

That combined with a pedal box should be an effective deterrent for theft of the vehicle.

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I am thinking about cutting my transferbox lever in half and tubing it so i can remove it, once its in neutral, would like a half turn bayonet type fitting but that may be a little complex at the mo.

Will, Eagerly waiting pedal box lock...

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It seems to me that a lot of you have disabled the standard multi layer security in your obsession to "fix" your cars.

Dodgy hinges, the door needs to be lifted in order to open/shut

Smoke screen on start up reducing visibility for getaway.

Random, temporary electrical faults meaning any light can fail at any time giving the police the oportunity for a “pull”

Half a pint of water poured over right leg regardless of weather conditions when pulling up at first junction.

Brakes that pull heavily for the nearest ditch.

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