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Neighbours....not the TV progamme


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My PITA neighbour has complained to me twice now about the noise I am making whilst welding up my Range Rover Classic. Of course it is the grinder noise that is the problem. The first time they complained was nearly 2 years ago, when I did the rear floor and cross member on my daily driver. Since then I have not done much, and I keep to reasonable times etc.

Now I am trying to get the SE back on the road, and of course I have more welding to do. I can only weld at the weekends Saturday afternoons, Sundays and maybe a little on a Friday if I finish work early. I don't make any noise before 9.00am, and stop at 7.00pm. and only do a few hours at a time anyway.

I did about 2 minutes of grinding tonight and he still complained to me! He is now going to complain to the council.....

Who thinks I am being a nuisance, and any advice?

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I get the impression he doesn't want me to do it at all and there is no good time.

I am beginning to think I need to look for a building on a farm nearby, or I may have to give up all together.

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I think he would have a hard time showing that your actions constituted a "statutory nuisance" as per the Environmental Protection Act 1990.

To do so he would have to prove that the nuisance was both substantial and unreasonable. I certainly think it is reasonable to to what you describe, and I am sure most others would agree.

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To be fair , as long as you're not doing it as a business and not doing it at unreasonable hours I'm fairly certain there's not a lot the council can do .

At the end of the day doing some grinding is no worse than somebody mowing the lawn with a petrol mower or using a strimmer .

He's obviously a helmet !


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Is it worth actually ringing the council yourself and asking them what is reasonable in their view?

I had wondered that, think I will.

Build an extension ..... several builders on site from 8am making loads of noise will make him realise how nice you were ....

We had that ourselves when he had their extension built a few years ago.

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I too would keep going. 16 years ago when I first moved into my current home I broke up a few Range Rover Classics. My neighbours complained about the noise of the grinders but when the council came to investigate there was nothing. When I applied for planning permission for my garage they objected stating that I intended to run a garage business. The council were satisfied that it was for my own use and cars were only a hobby.

Tell them to get a life.

Keep going you are not being unreasonable they are!!!

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Try and reason with them first, you still have to live next door to them after all. Just try to explain that you are doing something you enjoy and there might be some noise every now and again, but you will try and keep it to a minimum. Most people can be reasonable given the right circumstances. Maybe get them over to have a look at what you are doing. I used to speak to my neighbour before I was going to be making some noise, just so that they were aware. They seemed to appreciate that.

But if all that fails and they still won't STFU, I don't think you are being unreasonable so just don't take any notice of their whinging and just carry on. Make sure your grinding sparks go in their direction. Maybe 'accidentally' set fire to an old oily rag. That smell can also wind people up!

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I've been through this recently with my next door neighbor who complained about every little noise. I tried to mitigate the problem by buying a silent compressor and a plasma cutter to use instead of cutting disks - but it was to no avail.

He used to stand in the corner of his garden closest to my workshop listening - almost wanting to be annoyed. It all turned pretty nasty and unpleasant.

There were several visits from the council - who agreed that I was not running a business (mainly because of the amount of Business rates I pay them for my Unit) and suggested that I limit the noise to before 8pm and try to avoid weekends.

The situation continued to deteriorate - even though I just stopped using the workshop at all. I suggested we go to mediation. Most places have a mediation service, manned by volunteers - and the service is pretty good.

The only day they could arrange a meeting was on my Birthday this year - which sucked a bit.

We both stated our points of view and after a certain amount of discussion (it was the first civilised conversation I'd had with the bloke in years) we reached a compromise where I gave him my mobile number and he agreed to text me if I am causing a problem. I would then stop & pack up as soon as it's reasonable and safe to do so (not necessarily immediately). Also, he would let me know when he's away - so I can try to coincide noise making with that.

I've not received any texts yet and relations between us are heaps better. I think a lot of the trouble was because he did not feel he had any control or escape. Giving him control, has made him a lot more tolerant.

I would recommend you suggest a visit to the mediation service to him. You have nothing to loose - and it might solve the problem or at least help a bit.


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Anothet point you could make is tbat it is finite, you have a tasks to do but no plans to grind indefinitely. Be careful woth the hours thing, some night workers sleep through the day

Years ago I worked nights. I was told that as I chose to work nights, then tough if peope work during the day.

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I wouldn't start a war, like some suggest, because it will go from bad to worse; I know someone who got done for having an untaxed vehicle on the road, he only parked it outside of his garage for one hour and his neighbour phoned the tax authority. That kind of thing.

Some people asociate working on cars with anti social behaviour and everything that goes with it. I am not too bad, do most of the work in the garage. Someone also moved in our street who makes a lot more noise than me, and during weekdays also-he makes me look good!


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When dealing with neighbours I think diplomacy is best. try to see the problem from their side and ask what may be specifically annoying them. I work on the point that I only have to live next to them, They have to live next to ME! I and tolerate their annoying habits and expect the same in return.

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