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Am I missing something?


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I think Defenders can look great or terrible with adornments - it depends on what has been added, how and why. Bull bars, snorkels, roll cages - all fine if matt or satin black, but if chromed or polished stainless, then they are pure bling and not my taste. Winch? Useful to many. Big tryes? OK, I think a lot of the time it's done for posing, but some vehicles warrant them. Suspension lifts? If done correctly and moderately, fine. What I don't understand is the Urban Truck type, or the blingy Nene Icons. They don't even look like Defenders anymore. The good thing about those armour-looking panels on the Khan vehicles is that they are stick-on, not bolted, so should be removable without damage. Still, as much as I dislike shiny or pointless mods, admiring subdued useful mods only, I do appreciate that it's all in the eye of the beholder and the owner's choice.

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The Defender has replaced the Jeep Wrangler as the ultimate Gay Icon - mainly because the JK is really rather good and not massively impractical

I think this is very much a UK only thing though. And only then for those that are probably insecure. The rest of the world has always liked the Wrangler in every form. And for the most part it's trumped the Defender in spec and ability.
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Yes, I really don't understand why people want to dress a Defender up so it gives the impression you're an inner-city drug-dealer or pimp.

My 90TD5 has seen very little "off-road" action [unless you consider graded forest tracks and agricultural showgrounds 'off-road'] and in its 14 years has probably only done about ten miles in low-ratio/with the difflock engaged. It *has* done rather a lot of serious towing, both on UK and European roads. The only visible 'bling' it has is an oil-pressure-gauge in place of the clock, and a 3-spoke alloy-and-leather steering-wheel in place of the horrid rubber original-fitment.

It runs on standard-sized steel rims (which are significantly lighter than 'Boost' alloys!) and still runs 750-16 tyres.

OK, it's got Bilstein yellow gas shock-absorbers (significantly improve the high-speed stability specially when towing and encountering HGV-ruts on motorways) and the EGR is disabled, and there are two batteries - but from the outside it looks exactly like a farmer's Land-Rover even down to the dog nose-prints on the rear door-glass.

There's a lot to be said for keeping any 'tweaked' vehicle looking externally as standard as possible - reduces the risk of theft, and often lets you get away with things where an obvious pimpmobile would get pulled by the police.

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I don't denigrate anyone for modifying a vehicle , would be a total hypocrite after doing what i have to my 110 , but its the totally inappropriate changes and usage idea that's impossible to understand, eg trying to make it compete with subaru impezza wrx

Its become for some the latest "handbag" they just dont realise that they can be spotted as total posers :rolleyes:

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"gay icon"? Really? Drug dealer or pimp?

To sum up if you like to accessorise and have pride in your vehicles' appearance then you must be of the above persuasion or professions? It's a pretty close minded view of what is purported to be a friendly community (Landrover/defender ownership that is ..not commenting on this forum).

As for being more of a target, a well kept tidy defender (accessories or not) will be less likely to be pulled up our way than one covered in muck and battle scars.

I didn't think there would be such anti-defender feelings on here. Is it so hard to appreciate the work and effort that goes into some of these trucks regardless of whether it appeals to your taste?

Some of the engine conversions carried out are a true work of art but the need for 4-500hp in a defender bewilders me...but kudos to those who can and do such things. As mentioned previously it'd be a boring place if we all had factory brochure standard trucks. I have a fast ornament in the shed that is nigh on unusable, dawdling about with the tdi is of more everyday use and appeal to me these days...and I know this may grate but my 90 looks cooler than my VXR any day.

Oh no I have a VXR too...must get back in that closet!

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I think my personal hatred for the must have bling boys has stemmed from my own rebuild of my Discovery. The countless hours cutting, welding and re-wiring it, nursing it back from border line wreck to my daily driver, and then to have a half a dozen or so Land Rover "enthusiasts" ridicule and pull it down as it wasn't fitted out with LED this, Titanium that, a winch that cost my months wages, a bumper that cost double my months wages, no variable vane turbo that cost as much as I paid for my truck, Running Terrafirma Pro-sport shock when I should have these FOX variable remote rservoire jobbies also costing a months wages. Yes I have actually grown to loathe these owners who can afford such luxuries, not out of jealousy but out of the contemp at which they hold and show towards my efforts to enjoy my hobby. In answer to another point, yes it was these same "enthusiasts" who happily slated my Discovery laughing hartily that "they're only good for keeping the engine warm for my Defender".

Will my comments drive them away from the forum? I doubt it, these guys mostly post on FB and get the photies up on instagram for the instant gratification. Although I do entirely see your points Scott and GW8IZR

Will be sure to check my PC button is on before I type what I really think in future.

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I don't think there is any reason to hate because people going another way. There is 5 defenders in the car park where I work, not one has ever been used in the mud. Does that make them any worse than people that do? It is all about what it could do, an image thing, and that doesn't mean you actually have to get muddy, just the fact that you could do it is for most people enough.

Landrover themselves started this trend, by offering the defender to a more demanding group; alloy wheels, electric wind down windows, styling versions like the Autobiography. The fact that some people spend the price of a house on their defender is not new either; some offroaders have been spending these kinds of money as well, just for a different purpose. Hating people because they spend more money than you is a bit short sighted, Nigel. I have come to the conclusion that a lot of people that spend more money than I do often is only the result of having more credit cards than I do, rather than more money. That's different altogether!

So as quit rightly has been mentioned, if an owner of a bling defender wants to join, then let him/her. We all like the same car, just use it for a different purpose.


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My dad always said that a fool and his money were easily parted ,that sums it up for me but let em get on with it ,always good fun watching em struggle in the snow and ice or in a greasy field .Just bought a 300tdi auto disco for 1400 quid ,would rather have that than 60 grands worth of motor any day but each to their own .


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What bugs me the most is those overland travellers who burden their chosen motor with pointless yet expensive bling - alloy wheels, light bars, shiny stuff. Then express surprise when the indigenous folk in far flung folk express disapproval or decide that they should own said bling items instead. When you blow someone's yearly wage on pointless show off carp; it can cause upset

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sooooo .. another factor that doesn’t seem to have been mentioned.

I used to do a lot of green laning and in my very normal looking series motors I never had a scrap of trouble. In my very standard looking 90 I never had much trouble although there was a bit of stress from time to time. That was noticeably worse after I fitted the husky.

I had a few mates with 90/110 that looked like something from mad max.. they were no better on the lanes but gawd they got some hassle from the antis

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What Nige is talking about it a bit different - that's bad behaviour, which of course isn't dependent upon being interested in bling. Those guys are just jerks.

For the bling scene itself, it isn't for me - but there are a few mods come out of it that I like. For the rest - whatever they want to do is fine by me.

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Real men drive Series 1 Discoverys

Talk about Gay! ;)

Not long ago, everyone seemed to be building their 'off roader'. Then they were building their 'Challenge Truck'. Then they were building their 'Overlander' and now they are interested in restorations & making them look bling. It's just a trend and soon we will be on to something else! (I would include Ultra 4 and the like, but they are too radical & far outside most peoples budget for an every day drive)

Many (most?) of the people who built one of the above never really used it for the intended purpose - it was just to fit in & be one of the 'serious' owners. For each of these trends, there were a rash of companies who set up to capitalise on it (I'm probably one of them!).

I think this trend has been inspired by Defenders getting closer to the end of production - people figuring they were an investment and not wanting to chop them about too much, but still wanting to personalise them. I think it will all change when the new Defender is launched (so long as it's half decent).

I bet in ten years, you will be asking why everyone is building Defender 'low riders' or some such!


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