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This weekend I:.....


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Well, don't think I worked harder... I was up at Eastnor helping out with a spot of marshaling on the off road course B) ... On Friday we had 2 trucks round :lol::huh:

Spent Saturday wandering around the show, spending too much dosh :rolleyes: and then sunday back on the off road course. Much busier on Sunday... near on 120 trucks came past, including the odd jap cr*p!

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blimey thats a bit drastic.... :blink:

my weekend consisted of adding up the totals on about 300 exam papers for my other half, taking the other half shopping, and sitting out in the sun on sunday running a checkpoint on the scouts hike, which involved getting them to make nettle tea!! (nasty)

...what i should have been doing, is writting the presentation ive got to do at uni on friday :(:(:(:rolleyes:<_<

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anyone do something/go some where more intresting?

Ehu... <_<

Went to Como (and beyond) to bring the new permission to run 34" tyres (cost will be 60 Euros + the favour)...while in Como I stopped by my friendly parts dealer (another one) and FINALLY!!! bought 2 X batteries to feed the 8274...

In the end I was given 2 Bosch Silver 640 (CCA),which means 1280 CCA total at the bargain price (?) of 190 Euros and 1 year warranty.

When back at home I realized I have no proper terminals to crimp to connect winch cables and accessories...



(time goes by)

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We (Simon & I) spent the weekend at Eastnor - and bumped in to a few of the forum members!

It was quite a nice, friendly show - but dreadful from a sales point of view. The car park was almost a mile from us and up the side of a mountain!

Nobody wanted to buy anything heavy which they'd have to lug up the hill. The people selling real heavy stuff looked terribly depressed!

We watched a couple of chaps carry an axle up the hill. It took them over two hours, but I guess the temperature must have been about 30 degrees. Just plain daft!

On the way back, the water pump on my Tdi gave up. The viscose fan gave up on the way there (fixed with cable ties). As we were towing a heavy trailer, it took the AA almost 5 hours to find someone to bring us home. We finally got back at 4am - then up at 7 to do working. Feel a little bit shagged now!


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Beach party on Friday night for my 29th Birthday

beach breakfast when home at about lunch time and cut the lawn fell asleep in Garden during the world cup.....

when over to mates for Barby but they were all far to paralytic to be much fun so came home got a Domino's and some DVD's from video store

Sunday laid around garden all day

totally forgot about LRW and the Wife took grate pleasure in ensuring I did not go near anything that would remind me.... till Sunday PM

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ummm..... thursday midnight put out signs on roads for local motorbike rally, friday work then too rally and sat in field too late drinking, saturday sat in field drinking, talking bikes, talking about land rover, till evening barbeque and drinking til late, sunday few drinks, then up in a light aircraft for a fly around Newbury and Whitchurch, then home, Bournemouth to collect bike parts, Soton to measure and design instrument panel for friend, BBQ and home, no real LR content really except driving the 109 up and down a ten foot bank at the bike rally :rolleyes:

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Saturday I fitted some driving lamps above the windscreen on Mog1 and revised / beefed up the old ambulance sign wiring to power them. fitted and wired up a couple of spigot beacon mounts to replace the old one that I cut out when I fitted a roof vent last week. Perspired a lot

Paid a quick visit to the BLRC's off road show at Bircham Newton yesterday. When I got back I removed the 40x40cms roolight / vent that I fitted two or three years back and replaced it with a snazzy one which has a three speed suck or blow fan in it and made up a harness to feed power it off the aux battery. Cut some insulation ready to install in the overcab area. Perspired a lot.

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I drank wine by the pool in a friends' private villa in the Bordeaux countryside and read books on chassis/suspension design. B)

Started well, but kind of lost my focus after a while... :rolleyes:


P.S. - Edit for offroad content - I did manage to get the ride-on mower stuck in a small drainage ditch, and had no winch nor ground anchor for a recovery. Fortunately, we could just pick it up and carry it to safety - there is something to be said for lightweight offroaders!

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