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I'm not a regular user of the site, though I am a subscriber to LRM magazine. The first I knew of the changes was when I logged on & was informed that I was 'banned from the site - at my own request' :unsure: Attempts on my part to contact them resulted in diddly-squat response so as far as I'm concerned they can spin! It's not as if there is a shortage of LR related forums after all.

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The new LRA forum is a prime example of how not to migrate a forum, they've upset a lot of people with poor handling of the situation and even more with the dreadful 'new' layout, it's like stepping back in time 10 years. The word 'bogroll' seems to have been used a lot to describe the new layout with good reason. :blink:

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Now you see, I'm not like the rest of you forum whores, I'm LR4x4 through and through...! If I can't get it here, then its either 1)not worth knowing, 2)fictional :P

I'm not a Land rover forum whore... but LR4x4 is where I spend 99% of my time :), and that last bit is in my experience perfectly correct! :i-m_so_happy:.

LRA was visited a few times, but I just found it irritating, and the fact that LRM now seem to have more control than ever, I doubt it can be unbiased in any way. Also by the sounds of it, they appear to have p!$$ed a lot of people off with the recent moves!

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I'm not a Land rover forum whore... but LR4x4 is where I spend 99% of my time :), and that last bit is in my experience perfectly correct! :i-m_so_happy:.

LRA was visited a few times, but I just found it irritating, and the fact that LRM now seem to have more control than ever, I doubt it can be unbiased in any way. Also by the sounds of it, they appear to have p!$$ed a lot of people off with the recent moves!

No offence intended :rolleyes:

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Im glad its not just me then.

I got the email, went to take a look, lost all my PM's with contact info :( my trip reports and photos... all gone. And I cant seem to change my password! I will never remember the one they gave me so it looks like I wont be going back there anytime soon.

shame really.


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its not been handled very well at all fact!

LRA was and is another landrover forum, there are plenty out there to choose from

some of the posts are good, some are utter drivel, sorry some of them are mine :unsure:

anyway, loads of people are miffed and have left

loads have lost pics, threads, contacts etc and thats not good

i find, LRA is friendly (to me) and is good for talking poo socially etc, if i want technical i come here or def2,

horses for courses, if you are unhappy with the change, dont go back there, simples cut your losses

lots of people have

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I've just been over to have a look and re-instate my login/password.

What a mess! The designer responsible had better get a proper day job as that is pants. The information collection fields seem a little random too; I'm afraid I found home address and post code a little too intrusive and why is my university relevant?

If Bigfoot did it for money then I hope for his sake it was a lot as the resultant train wreck is neither pretty nor clever.

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I've been around the Land Rover websites for a long time now and have been a member of most of the mainstream ones, and have contributed to them mostly in a technical way (which is my 'thing'). Since it's 'creation' - I have never understood LRA - it's somewhat fractious blens of utterly ridiculous posts, such as knitting :) , multiple posts that are just self-back-slapping.

Most members on here would not know, but Bigfoot was the 'owner' of this website, until his underhand actions got him removed from here. If that had not happened, then this website would be in the same situation as LRA is now.

Like I said - no offence to anyone - especially you MIke, my opinion on it, that's all.


I aggree it was just a dumb cliquey forum with virtually no useful tech , with people starting threads to almost have private conversations in, or to congratulate each other.

That said the layout/format of the site was near perfect from a user point of view.

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I aggree it was just a dumb cliquey forum with virtually no useful tech , with people starting threads to almost have private conversations in, or to congratulate each other.

:hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical:

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Where as I agree LR4x4 is a great tech site I believe there is a lighter side to foruming? too which other sites cater to. In the tradition of this site and not as techie, a new independent forum 4xforum.net has been set up catering for but not exclusively for Irish 4x4's all marques. There have been nearly 100 new members in the first day with a good portion being ex lra-irish forum

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When I first started to get involved with Land Rovers (well, a Land Rover, but you know what I mean) I visited loads of forums looking for the right one for me. I naturally started with those that were affiliated with magazines (LRO and LRM) because the names were familiar to me. Then I came across a few of the other more widely recognised forums and had a look at them instead before finally coming across this site.

I found the layout, the ease and availability of info/tech and the depth of knowledge to be very much to my liking so I settled in here and don't really use any other site but on the occasions I have visited them I've found most other forums (with the exception of a few) to be a bit frustrating to use, occasionally offensive and in some cases, simply useless.

Fortunately I've not been affected by the change to LRM/LRA but I can see why it has caused such frustration. It seems to me that there is an assumption that people are constantly active on a forum and couldn't possibly miss a post regarding future changes to the site. We saw a similar issue on here not too long ago. However, quite often people change their email address and do not update their details on forums so miss out on emailed notifications. I should imagine that emailing tens of thousands of members would be a bit of a nightmare anyway so really there's no option but to post a notification and hope that everyone sees it in time to make arrangements before the change.

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I should imagine that emailing tens of thousands of members would be a bit of a nightmare anyway so really there's no option but to post a notification and hope that everyone sees it in time to make arrangements before the change.

They seem to have managed to send one out after the change... :rolleyes:

Actually, most decent forum software will allow you to do exactly that fairly easily - it's just restricted to admins (sometimes moderators too) because otherwise it would be way too inviting for spammers.

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Suppose I'd better chip in for the hell of it :lol:

I've been a Moderator on there (LRA) for years and on here before I got busy a few years back and couldn't find time to read both forums, this being the more tech forum and me being hopeless with spanners I felt LRA was where I'd devote my time more usefully. I'd like to think I've still got a lot of mates on here :D

Trev (Bigfoot) did make a proper dogs dinner of managing the whole forum 'upgrade'. On a tech level I can see how, Trev is a bloody busy person and its obviously been a bit rushed, a lot has been sorted since it went live that could have trialed before it did. Had we have had more input as Moderators it would have been a smoother caper I'm sure, hindsight eh! There are rumours that LRA has been sold to LRM, I don't know if thats true, it is not what Trev inferred to us Moderators. If it is I'd be a bit miffed we weren't told before but it won't alter my commitment to maintaining the site. We have NEVER been asked to moderate in favour of LRM or promote them in any way as Moderators and unless they pay me I won't ;):ph34r:

LRA has always been more about banter than tech, a lot of the time its total twaddle being posted, I don't have a problem with that as long as its in the right 'forum'. This site (LR4x4)has some of the finest green oval biased tech heads on the planet and long may that be the case. The LRA members are mostly genuinely straightforward cracking people who eat sleep and breathe Land Rovers and will do anything to lend a hand. Some have extensive overlanding experience, some have just made every elemental mistake first hand and can offer sympathy (that'll be me then), some are just sharp witted pee takers. Its not everyones cup of tea but claims of cliqueyness are unfounded, the forum has always been very welcoming to anyone who wants to join in.

Vive la difference!

Will :)

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I have to say I only really get on with LR4x4 i guess cos i'm a bit nerdy so want lots of technical stuff even though i'll never go there, though pete attryde has me totally engrossed. i dip into other forums but never been that impressed. So without any prompting can Nige (injuries permitting) sort me out a S/O to fill in cos i'm sure my cheque is about done it's course and i can't cope with another begging bowl passing round.

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I have to say I only really get on with LR4x4 i guess cos i'm a bit nerdy so want lots of technical stuff even though i'll never go there, though pete attryde has me totally engrossed. i dip into other forums but never been that impressed. So without any prompting can Nige (injuries permitting) sort me out a S/O to fill in cos i'm sure my cheque is about done it's course and i can't cope with another begging bowl passing round.

PM sent ref standing order :i-m_so_happy:

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Suppose I'd better chip in for the hell of it :lol:

I've been a Moderator on there (LRA) for years and on here before I got busy a few years back and couldn't find time to read both forums, this being the more tech forum and me being hopeless with spanners I felt LRA was where I'd devote my time more usefully. I'd like to think I've still got a lot of mates on here :D

Trev (Bigfoot) did make a proper dogs dinner of managing the whole forum 'upgrade'. On a tech level I can see how, Trev is a bloody busy person and its obviously been a bit rushed, a lot has been sorted since it went live that could have trialed before it did. Had we have had more input as Moderators it would have been a smoother caper I'm sure, hindsight eh! There are rumours that LRA has been sold to LRM, I don't know if thats true, it is not what Trev inferred to us Moderators. If it is I'd be a bit miffed we weren't told before but it won't alter my commitment to maintaining the site. We have NEVER been asked to moderate in favour of LRM or promote them in any way as Moderators and unless they pay me I won't ;):ph34r:

LRA has always been more about banter than tech, a lot of the time its total twaddle being posted, I don't have a problem with that as long as its in the right 'forum'. This site (LR4x4)has some of the finest green oval biased tech heads on the planet and long may that be the case. The LRA members are mostly genuinely straightforward cracking people who eat sleep and breathe Land Rovers and will do anything to lend a hand. Some have extensive overlanding experience, some have just made every elemental mistake first hand and can offer sympathy (that'll be me then), some are just sharp witted pee takers. Its not everyones cup of tea but claims of cliqueyness are unfounded, the forum has always been very welcoming to anyone who wants to join in.

Vive la difference!

Will :)

I think you have summed it up nicely Will :)

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