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My Health


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Mods please feel free to remove this post if you feel it is not appropriate.

Since Neil posted that I was not well and in Hospital I have received a lot of PM's asking after my health and wishing me a speedy recovery. I realised the lack of information has left people thinking the worst and my absence from the forum has also added to this 'misery'

As you will see below I have been attending day therapy whilst still on day release from the hospital and as part of the therapy had to write to a friend explaining the situation. I chose to post mine onto Facebook but felt I also owed this forum and it's fine people an explanation.

The objective of the exercise was to show people that mental health is nothing to be afraid or embarrassed about and that early intervention could save your life.

Anyway below is the extract from Facebook.

I am sorry I have not wished to cause anyone any worry so after a few PM's feel an explanation is in order.

For the past few years I have been battling with depression and anxiety but in a typical bloke way ignored it thinking it would get it's self better as I thought I was handling my PTSD well on my own.

Anyway long story short I lost the battle and my mind and body shut it's self down, this further increased the anxiety and depression to a point where I could no longer manage simple tasks and closed myself off from the world afraid to leave the house or even take a shower.

During this time we had been working with my doctor to try and increase my mood and help me sleep, as I was only achieving about an hour per night. However things started to spiral further out of control until I reached a point where I felt life was no longer worth the daily battle it had become and planned to take my own life.

herefore for my own safety I was admitted to a secure mental health unit. I have spent the last few weeks in there getting the help I needed, and sorting out the complex cocktail of medication which is allowing me to start to function again.

As you will can see I am at the start of a long road but feel positive about life again and am sure I will get back to full health but also realise that it will take some time and there will be many bumps in the road ahead.

I am not ashamed about my situation and would advise anyone suffering in silence with mental health issues to get help sooner rather than later as the results of not doing this are both dangerous and frightening and never end up in a better place

I would not have reached this point in my life without the help and support of my wife, family and friends to whome I owe my life, and will be forever indebted.


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I don't know you, but wish you all the best. It will get better and one day you will suddenly realise life is good again. You just need to realise that u will have to be paitent to get there.

You have my respect for having the bottle to be upfront about this. For some reason mental health is not talked about. Therefore sufferers don't talk about it as they perceive it as a sign of weakness. This makes it harder to deal with.

Good luck and talk to those that matter to you.


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Hi Jason, another" don't know you" but I can sympathise having been in a similar position last year, thankfully I didn't get as far as hospital as I had lots of help from my Doctor early on.

My very best wishes for your full recovery, it's good to see you back here.

Kindest regards, Henry.

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As an Admin all I can say is... take care and pop in here for abuse and laughs any time :)

Hope things improve , and congrats for being more than man enough to get help, and admit it,

depression is bad enough, owning a LR and having depression .......... :D

Seriously good on you


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I wish you the very best Jason, I still suffer with depression from time to time and find it especially hard at "certain" times of the year, but well done, I find comfort in my current project that takes me away from the gloom, life is precious and for all that you can live of it you will come through this.

Take care, and try to find peace within yourself and things will become right for you, everyday I am moments away from breaking down but with great support from friends and family I stay strong, I hope you do too buddy.

All the best.

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Next Friday will be 12 months since my beloved wife lost her battle with her inner demons, and Jason I wish you all the very best and heartfelt wishes for a speedy and full recovery. Forget the macho blokey thing and never bottle up your emotions. Let your family and friends know how you feel, and please don't ever contemplate putting those you care about and who care about you through the living hell that those left behind will endure.

Sincerely, Bill.

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I've got to know you reasonably well over the last year. You are a great person who cares for others, has impeccable values and I will continue to support you, Shally and the kids in what ever way I can. Never be afraid to ask and never assume the answer would be no.

Your public admissions of your illness only make my desire to help you stronger and I truly wish you all the best.

I will head down to see you whenever you are ready.... If it's just for a chat and a cup of Tea, get out for a drive or re-build the Land Rover for therapy.... Call.

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Thanks guys,

Your words are both kind and generous, I won't pretend the last few months have been fun, but having the understanding of others helps greatly. It also makes me realise further the point of the exercise, which was to show us that although mental health seems to carry a stigma when you talk about it you see how many people have either suffered know someone who has suffered or are understanding of mental health issues and don't judge you as a freak or a failure for not being able to cope.

Neil & Mo, your help, friendship and kindness towards my family over the last couple of months is something we will never forget.


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Glad to hear your on the mend Jason, while our physical meetings have been limited to frantic waving on motorways, you've been an invaluable member of this forum.

Half the things I have done/am doing on my Landy have been inspired by your work or guided by your advice.

Having had family members struggling with similar issues, and dealing with misdiagnosis because they wouldn't talk about it, I just want to convey my sense of admiration for your courage in tackling this.

All the best, I await your next trailer/storage/interior sleeping platform thread, and will be waving at you across a central reservation soona

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You OP is an amazing and humbling presentation of personal demons that most of us are reluctant to face, let alone to talk about. I also don't know you, except through your contributions to the forum, which have always been relevant and valuable. I'm very glad to hear that you're on the mend, a process that probably started the day you faced up to needing help. I wish you a steady recovery to full health.


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Hi Jason,

Great to see you coming back, your letter shows that this can happen to the best of us. When I met you during the weekend help (or two :) ) for your neighbour I never imagined that I would see this heart breaking message. You go out of your way to help others and I am glad that you are receiving the help you need right now. I wish you and your family all the best for the future.

I am not too far away so PM me if there is anything I can do for you (though I expect that your recovery is carefully planned and managed) maybe outsiders are not the best distraction.


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