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The straw that broke the camels back.


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6 duvels? Psh, lightweight :ph34r:

I know the feeling, I've been seriously considering getting rid of the P38 and buying another one, but really... all I'll find are the same issues I already fixed, plus a whole lot of other ones.

But sometimes you just snap and need a good bottle of something to turn your mind around.

Don't give up, because the Land Cruiser will undoubtedly also have issues. And if you think they're unmolested in Belgium, go take a look at Belgium4x4 and the Helm event. At least LRs are generally just loaded up with bolt-ons that you can take off.

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Lightweight indeed :lol:

I really did snap, can't believe how childish I got over it, but the frustration at that moment in time was mind blowing :angry: :angry: :angry:

Just got to jet wash it off now as all back together and all is seemingly ok I went for a blast round the plantation, nearly ended up in a potential self recovery situation but good job I fitted sensible tyres :D

After the blast it seems the brakes are sticking a little and really need to camel cut the back arches and think about changing R&P combo as gearing seems a bit too tall for the engine.

What is wrong with the P38 Ben?

Oh and will be looking closely at the motors at Helm, if for nothing else but to give me a few new idea to get rid of the stale droaning going on in my head right now.

Still, feel like I need a kebab for tea tonight now :D

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What is wrong with the P38 Ben?

The brakes. Replaced just about everything, bled the system by the book a few times, full flush, after a week the pedal goes soft and inconsistent :glare:

Plus the recent accidents have it looking rather sad...

Oh and will be looking closely at the motors at Helm, if for nothing else but to give me a few new idea to get rid of the stale droaning going on in my head right now.

You'll be doing a lot of looking... and queueing... but I guess it's amusing to look at the Belgian rednecks in their Patrols trying to do the big mud pit in 2WD.

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Glad you're feeling a bit calmer. I have similar feelings when my 109 has a problem, and the RRC project often gets me down. I'm basically so used to working on the 109 and being so comfortable with what's what on it that the lack of familiarity with how to do things on the RR, combined with its greater complexity and welded (I can't weld) nature make be very apprehensive in being able to repair it.

If it gets too much, just take a break for a week, a month or however long it takes to regain your enthusiasm. Remember - it's meant to be a hobby!

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When you feel bad - go an look at the prices of parts for G wagens or LC's; or even that stuff from the good ol' US of A

Now say to yourself "people have to pay these prices and I don't"

Now have a big strong drink of something pleasantly alcoholic - do they do a good vintage rum in Belgium these days?

And suddenly Mr Bluebird is on your shoulder and it's a wonderful day

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Hi Nigel

I've just finished a weldathon on my discovery , box section sills , rebuilt A&B pillars , complete boot floor and inner wings .

I felt like I was getting nowhere just before Christmas and was starting to look at land rovers for sale on the bay but managed to hang on in there and it seemed to all come together , got an mot and taxed last Saturday .

Went greenlaning and had a massive smile on my face !

Anyway I'm glad you haven't given up as I was going to drop CJ1 a pm and get him to give you some abuse , lol

Coat on , running for cover !



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Hi Nigel

I've just finished a weldathon on my discovery , box section sills , rebuilt A&B pillars , complete boot floor and inner wings .

I felt like I was getting nowhere just before Christmas and was starting to look at land rovers for sale on the bay but managed to hang on in there and it seemed to all come together , got an mot and taxed last Saturday .

Went greenlaning and had a massive smile on my face !

Anyway I'm glad you haven't given up as I was going to drop CJ1 a pm and get him to give you some abuse , lol

Coat on , running for cover !



Blimey lol


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Oh if only my truck needed as little as his :blink:

The white board is empty of jobs, have no idea on what will happen tomorrow as Rusty is not at home now, he has a date with destiny in the morning, gonna be tense times from the second I open my eyes tomorrow :o

I am praying for good news and a pass, but it is nothing more than the lotto round here for the safety test!!!

Will post up when I know something more on the state of play.

Was thinking that worst case scenario is that anything deemed a fail will be done at the garage, I have money enough for the moment and wouuld rather pay for a bit of quality time without my spanners and sockets in my hands for a change.

There are other elements of stress for me at this time so Rusty is not entirely to blame for me losing the plot but he really didn't help yesterday :angry:

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As has been said, we all have moments of exasperation with our vehicles. Fortunately I have enough space just to put it to one side and go & work on something else until I feel inspired again. I do also use another mechanic to do the bits I really can't face which helps break the back of it!

Perhaps what you need is another project as a distraction which you can work on when you feel like taking a plasma cutter to the Land Rover!


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:( :( :( :( :(

Head light alignment was way out, and brakes sticking on, H brake not as effective as it could be.

Wonder what to do now? Replace calipers or get them re-sealed and new SS pistons? Remarks about oil leaks too :rolleyes:

Oh well.....................

Adopting featal position and crying :( :( :( :( :(

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after as much work as you have done to the old girl, i would be happy if that was the only list,

all easy to fix and not too expensive. replacement calipers would be much easier and shiny but more spendy

(P.S. is a LR handbrake EVER as effective as it should be?? haha)

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I did fit shiny new discs front and back, the pistons slid in esily so never got excited, oh well.

Going to do new calipers I think and then new pistons and seals in these ones and keep them as good spare set.

I know muddy, not much but enough to have to go back again for another test, should only need to re-do lights and brake checks as the rest was spot on.

So I'm told they were very impressed with the fact it is rot free now and the inner wings look great for their age LOL :i-m_so_happy:

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Nigel, do not give up.Period. I got like that with mine, especially after I broke my face...

As for the brakes, it took me an age to work out why mine would occasionally stick (many unhappy memories of sitting by the side of the road with acrid smoke poring from the near side), turned out to be a very slightly kinked brake pipe - check em all.

Oh and carry on. When things get to be a pain in the ass, walk away for a week or two, go fishing (or whatever floats your boat), but persevere, it will come together in the end.

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You'll never forgive yourself if you ditch it at this point - every time you see one on the road you'll be thinking of the one you got so close with.

I still regret selling my first Range Rover (which wasn't half as much of a project as yours), even though I know it was the only sane thing to do at the time.

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Oh yes, getting there now the end really is in sight, spend a few more quid and the open road we can go :D

Need to have a blow out once in a while I think, got a bit too hyped up about the little things and when a slightly bigger thing came along it just blew me away.

He is home in a couple hours as not enough space with broken ones to stay at the garage this week, but at least I know where I went wrong!! Kind of kick myself for not noticing the sticky brakes but no road testing or anything just a blast round the tracks and I was more worried about being over geared with the bigger tyres than thinking it might be brakes :blush:.

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I think the weather has a lot to do with it too.......................

Have been trying to get me V8 running properly for months now. I KNOW its going to be the newish Piper camshaft that the previous owner installed, but I keep faffing about with bits and pieces and getting nowhere..............

When I was young I would think nothing of changing clutches etc while laying on snow, but as I have got older my enthusiasm has waned, or maybe its the flesh getting weak, but as soon as the weather takes a turn for the better, it will improve again.

Its always best to walk away for a while !

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I don't think it's just the flesh being weak Smallfry, I find input from the other half can be less than motivating at times .... you know the sort of stuff 'why on earth are you doing that now? Are you mad?'

Lucky me then, my girlfriend encourages my random hour activities as it usually makes me happy to tinker.

Last year I had a bout of the blues with the winter dragging on so long, but this year I just got sick of a year having passed me by and still faffing around when I had time or actually had the parts and tooling to do jobs.

Think it takes an enormous amount of effort to maintain some sort of momentum om a sole and single project when it often excedes your time allowance and some jobs need that second pair of hands that just aint always available.

Back home not so many years ago I had bags of enthusiasm and a lot more expendable income meaning the garage was always an option, now, well I can possibly kiss a months wages good bye with prices for parts and labor, even in black it can still get expensive!

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When I was young I would think nothing of changing clutches etc while laying on snow, but as I have got older my enthusiasm has waned, or maybe its the flesh getting weak, but as soon as the weather takes a turn for the better, it will improve again.

I know this feeling.

I don't think it's just the flesh being weak Smallfry, I find input from the other half can be less than motivating at times .... you know the sort of stuff 'why on earth are you doing that now? Are you mad?'

In my case it is the frequent reminders that I have a family that I should spend more time doing things with...

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